Don’t Think That Tomboys Are Easy To Deal With

Vol 2 Chapter 155: , from my efforts

Chapter 155

Although Li Yiran's matter is over, the instigator behind her has still not been arrested. Although it is said that Li Yiran's home was still searched, it is estimated that all the charges will eventually be placed on her alone.

 The people in this family are really nothing, and it seems that they are planning to abandon this daughter.

 But the follow-up of this matter has nothing to do with me for the time being. What I want to start thinking about now is another matter.

 Speaking of which, I almost overlooked something. I have agreed to start a formal relationship with Su Xi.

I have no regrets now, but what should I do about dating?

Su Xi seemed to have everything at her fingertips. She took me to dinner, took me to family banquets, and even arranged a date for me in Paris. If I hadn't been very familiar with him, I might have misunderstood him as a person. The **** who often seduces girls.

 But it seems that he has been making me like him more and more recently. I also have to show my energy as a girlfriend and do something to make him like me more.

 In order to find a good idea, I found Chen Li, a think tank.

 "Chen Li, you have to give me an idea..."

“Well, isn’t it just a salary? You don’t even know how to spend it when you have so much money, right?”

 “…what salary?”

 I don’t quite understand what Chen Li means.

“You get money from being a model, haven’t you received it yet?”

 “Oh…what did you mean…”

"How much did you get? By the way, I got 200,000."

I was immediately surprised and quickly asked: "Why are there so many?"

"Is it a lot?" Chen Li tilted her head, and then she calculated an account with me, "This money was converted from euros, so the salary is less than 26,000 euros, and they pay according to the number of appearances. I've been on stage so many times that I'm almost exhausted, but that's all I can get. Besides, this is a world-class fashion show, so I've made a big loss."

It is indeed a rich man, but it is not enough to earn 200,000 after three days of playing. If you change it, you must not die if you change it.

 “Then how much money do you have?”

 “Oh, I haven’t read it yet, let me check it out.”

I quickly turned on my phone and checked my account with great anticipation. Unexpectedly, I found that there was an extra million in my account...

 Did you make a mistake somewhere?

Chen Li grabbed the phone and after counting the amount on it several times, she was so angry that she almost dropped my phone.

 “You be good, this is a new mobile phone, don’t mess around.”

“Then explain to me why you earn so much more than me?”

 “Wait a moment, I’ll ask Aunt Song.”

I asked Aunt Song how she got so much money using WeChat, and got a reply quickly.

I breathed a sigh of relief and said to Chen Li: "This seems to include the expenses for my previous fashion show participation."

“Oh, that’s it...but even if half of it is your salary for this performance, it’s still twice as much as mine!”

"Uh, wait a minute, let me ask again... I understand. Because I am an ace model, I am paid according to my daily salary. My daily salary for performances seems to be 120,000. Before tax, my salary for this Paris performance is The salary is 480,000…”

"Is it that much?" Chen Li's eyes widened, but after doing some mental calculations, she frowned and asked me, "No, if your daily salary is 120,000, then the performance salary should not be 360,000? We obviously only participated in the performance for three days.”

“Well, but the day we have a holiday can be considered as taking up my time, so I have to be paid... This is not what I said, it was Aunt Song who told me.”

 I was afraid that I would irritate Chen Li again, so I made a supplement.

 “It’s so irritating that people are more popular than others. I will never follow you as a model again.”

Chen Li threw herself on the bed and tossed and turned, as if she was venting her dissatisfaction by venting her strength.

After a while he stopped, raised his head and said angrily: "Use this money to treat me to a shopping trip."

I quickly refused and said, "It's not that I'm unloyal. My money is useful, but I can't spend it on you."

Chen Li asked me in confusion: "Why do you become so picky when you have money?"

"There is no such thing. I am really useful. Think about it, didn't I agree to formally date Su Xi? He is so rich. If I want to give him some gifts or something, don't I have to spend a lot of money?"

When I spoke, my face turned red to my ears, but I still had to explain it clearly to Chen Li.

Chen Li's eyes widened and she said in disbelief: "When girls fall in love, they always try their best to take advantage of men. How can you be so willing to give money to Su Xi? People who don't know what happened think you are going to give Su Xi a favor."

“Stop talking nonsense, I came to you just to give me some advice. Can you think of a way for me, what should I do to make Su Xi happy?”

"This is not easy, but I advise you not to spend money on Su Xi. With his worth, he can't even look down on your one million."

"Then what should I do? Give me an idea. Don't just say this won't work and that won't work. Say something will work."

"How about you make a small stove for Su Xi at noon?"

“You mean, you want me to cook for Su Xi myself?”

This is possible. Although my cooking skills are not as good as those of the Su family's chefs, the dishes cooked by myself are definitely more meaningful.

So I deliberately started to implement the plan at noon. I went to a nearby supermarket and bought a lot of beef, mutton, and some vegetables. I told the chef in the dormitory that I would be responsible for Su Xi's lunch today and started making it.

Just as I was making it, Hua Zhe came out of the room, took a look at what I was doing, smiled and said, "It's really rare that you actually cook by yourself. Before, your mother tried to teach you to help in the kitchen, but you always resisted. of."

“Well, don’t you want to make lunch for Su Xi?”

Hua Zhe sighed softly and said, "Then I want a share too."

 Hearing this, I almost fell into the pot.

“Wait a minute, do you want me to cook a meal for you?”

"That's what I mean. After all, I have risked my life to save you more than once. It's just a meal. You won't refuse, right?"

 Hmm... This really caught my weakness. If I didn’t cook this meal for Hua Zhe, it would seem unloyal, right?

Thinking that the materials I had prepared were enough to serve five people, I agreed to Hua Zhe.

“…If he has a share, do I also have a share?”

Long Wen walked out of the room at this time as if he had agreed.

 “You want it too?”

“…I have contributed the most this time, and I helped you rescue your best friend before. I just gave you a meal. This request shouldn’t be too much, right?”

Wow...this guy actually does this too.

Anyway, I have already agreed to Hua Zhe, so I don’t care about doing this extra job.

 At this time, my brother also came downstairs.

 He ​​raised his nose and smelled it and said: "It smells so good. And why are everyone already sitting here? Is it possible to have dinner so early?"

I glared at him and asked, "Don't you want me to cook a meal for you?"

If he wants to eat, then Su Shiman will definitely join in. In this way, won’t I be cooking a big pot for the dormitory? Originally, I wanted to make Su Xi happy.

However, my brother quickly showed a look of disgust and said: "You cook it yourself? Who dares to eat it?"

 As expected of your brother, he has not forgotten to insult me ​​even now.

  “It’s fine if you don’t have a hand in this matter…”

“You want me to eat the food you cooked, but I won’t show you favor. I’m going out to eat with Su Shiman today, so I won’t tell you anymore.”

 After saying that, my brother walked out the door.

 Fortunately, this saves you from making at least two servings.

 After seeing him leave, I couldn't help but breathe a sigh of relief. It was a rare occasion that my brother didn't cheat me.

Just after the meal was almost ready, Su Xi also returned to the dormitory. At this time, I immediately went up to Yingying with the meal. While pulling him to the dining table, I said, "I personally cooked lunch for you today."

 “I also have a share.”

"…Me too."

You two shut up, no one will think you are dumb if you don’t speak!

 I'm afraid that Su Xi will get the wrong meaning, but I don't dare to express my thoughts completely.

Su Xi smiled at this time and said, "Are you going to reward the three armies after the war? It's so relaxing."

 Sure enough, he still misunderstood me...

 I couldn't help but hang my head in disappointment.

 It seems that this method did not succeed.

At this moment, Long Wen and Hua Zhe started knocking on the table again and asked me to quickly serve them a portion. I glared at them and said, "Why don't you go back and serve it yourself?"

"makes sense."

After Hua Zhe said this, he rushed to the kitchen. Long Wen was not to be left behind and rushed over quickly.

 When I saw this scene, I stamped my feet angrily, and then rushed to my room.

Su Xi asked me in confusion: "Don't you want to eat the food you cooked?"

 “No matter what you eat, you will feel full.”

 After I returned to the house, I said to Chen Li: "Your method won't work."

“How could that happen?” Chen Li asked me puzzledly, “What on earth did you make for Su Xi?”

 The problem is not the food.

I explained the cause and effect to Chen Li, and I heard her sigh: "It's not that my suggestion is bad, but that Hua Zhe and Long Wen can reconcile? But it seems that the idea of ​​cooking in the dormitory is not feasible. …”

“Nonsense, otherwise I will become our chef, I don’t care, you have so many ideas, you have to think of another one for me no matter what.”

"That's it... why don't you ask Su Xi to go out and watch a movie? You can also go shopping and have a meal or something."

“Oh, this idea is feasible. If it makes Su Xi happy, I will give you a big gift.”

 Speaking, I rushed out to find Su Xi.

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