Don’t Think That Tomboys Are Easy To Deal With

Vol 2 Chapter 160: , I told you I’m not used to wearing women’s clothes

Chapter 160

 We returned to the school dormitory that night. After all, we were planning to have classes the next day. Although the Dragon King kindly asked us to stay, we still dragged Long Wen back.

After returning, Long Wen said resentfully: "...Why did you bring me back when you have nothing to do? I still want to relax at home."

Su Xi rolled her eyes at him and said, "Aren't you going to have class tomorrow? I told you in advance that if you are absent from class, you shouldn't live here."

“…Wow, I thought you were just trying to drive me away. I didn’t expect you were really taking care of me.”

Long Wen showed a helpless expression.

 Even I originally had the same idea as Long Wen, but it wasn’t until now that I realized that Su Xi was serious. This guy is really a management maniac.

Su Xi said unhappily: "Stop talking nonsense. When you were in your hometown, you dared to ask me for the Su family's pharmaceutical company. I haven't settled the score with you for this matter yet."

“…Why do you still remember this? I just came up with this strategy for the sake of the Dragon King family. I didn’t mean to seize your company. You should understand this, right?”

“If I hadn’t understood this, I would have ignored you a long time ago, and you still said that you regarded me as a friend. I really can’t take you lightly at all…”

Long Wen stood next to me at this time and said: "...I recognized you as my friend for Hao Siyu's sake. If you break up with her one day, I will always have a hand. For example, after he follows me, …”

"This day will never happen, please save it for me."

Su Xi glared at him and said.

Looking at the two guys fighting back and forth, I couldn't help but sigh and said: "If you two insist on bickering, just fight it out here. I'm going home to take a nap."

 After saying this, I yawned and walked towards the room. After that, I’m not sure what Su Xi and Long Wen said.

After I returned to the room, I went to wash up and get ready to rest. Unexpectedly, Chen Li suddenly appeared at the door of the bathroom. After I noticed this, I felt that she was staring at me a little bit, so I turned around and asked her: "You What are you doing? What's there to see while I'm brushing my teeth?"

"Who is watching you brushing your teeth? I am watching the clothes you are wearing."

 Is there something wrong with my clothes? I have been wearing it for a day. If there is anything strange, Dragon King would have pointed it out.

Chen Li knew why I didn't react, and she said helplessly: "I was wondering why you are wearing men's clothes again? You were still wearing women's clothes when you were in Paris, and you have just come back. After a long time, you will return to your true nature.”

 “Well, it’s not like you don’t know, I feel very awkward wearing women’s clothes…”

“You’re obviously a girl, so what’s wrong with wearing women’s clothes? Besides, I’ve participated in fashion shows with you, and I see you don’t have any problems wearing women’s clothes.”

Well, after all, I have undergone intense training from Mr. Gray. I couldn’t even walk in high heels before, but now I can indeed move freely when wearing them.

 But this is this and that is that.

I was not happy that Chen Li was nosy, so I said to her angrily: "Why don't you worry about what I wear?"

"Okay, if you have the ability, never let me interfere with your relationship with Su Xi in the future."

 After saying this, Chen Lizhen walked out as if nothing happened.

I quickly rinsed my mouth and chased her out. When I caught her, I said, "If you don't care about anything, then I'm not finished. But what does this have to do with falling in love?"

"Are you really stupid?" Chen Li looked at me with contempt and said, "Don't you want to make Su Xi happy and make him more fond of you? What could make him happier than wearing women's clothes? "

"You are crazy. What does the clothes I wear have to do with whether he is happy or not?"

"It's a big deal. Even if I don't know how good you look in women's clothes, how can I still not know after such a long time? Su Xi is not gay, and she definitely likes to see you in women's clothes."

“It seems like this is really the case... Why can’t I understand such a simple truth?”

"That's why I said your emotional intelligence is negative," Chen Li said, yawned, and then threatened me, "Anyway, if you don't start wearing women's clothes tomorrow, don't ask me to give you any advice in the future. Anyway, You don’t even listen to my ideas.”

Why is this guy so impatient...

But this time she had a good idea, and it was easier to implement. As for the effect, I'm afraid only tomorrow will know.

The next day, I followed Chen Li’s instructions and put on women’s clothes. Unfortunately, Su Xi had breakfast very early and went to the company, but it didn’t matter. Anyway, in the afternoon we could have class together.

But I also had classes this morning, so I quickly went out after having breakfast in the dormitory.

 Just walking a few steps on the road, I suddenly heard someone shouting: "Beauty, beauty, wait a moment."

 I continue to walk forward...

 “Beauty? Can you stop?”

 It’s almost late. I think I need to hurry up.

“Beauty, why do you walk faster the more I tell you?”

 At this time, I suddenly felt someone pulling me from behind.

 I turned around in confusion, only to see a handsome guy with a good appearance standing behind me, panting.

 I asked him: "Did you call me just now?"

 “Is there anyone else who deserves this title but you?”

"There are many people who deserve it...What do you want to do? I'm still in a hurry to go to class."

“I have a question. Magnesium reacts with zinc sulfate to replace the zinc element in zinc sulfate. Do you know what this reaction is?”

 “Uh, displacement reaction?”

It turned out that he wanted to discuss the homework problem with me, but he really found the wrong person. Ever since I completed the college entrance examination, I have completely thrown back the chemistry content to the teacher.

“It’s your magnesium (beauty) that has taken away my zinc (heart)…”

"It's not me. You're talking nonsense. I didn't. You may have made a mistake. I am not a chemistry major, but a computer major. I have never touched anything like magnesium and sulfuric acid."

“Hey? Classmate, did you not understand what I said?”

Of course I understood. Didn’t he mean that I stole his chemical experiment materials? This is really a crime to be punished.

I was so frightened that I quickly threw away his hand and walked towards the classroom.

I came a little late, and the good seats were basically taken up, but I was not afraid at all. After all, I still have some friends in school, although they are not like Hua Zhe, who has played with me since childhood, and they are not as good as Hua Zhe. Chen Li is so close, but if they find out that I am late, they will still hold a seat for me.

Sure enough, it didn’t take long for me to see an empty seat next to an acquaintance of mine. It was probably occupied by me. When I saw this, I immediately jumped over and sat down.

At this moment, my friend suddenly blushed and said to me: "Well, beautiful classmate, I occupy this seat for my friend. If possible, can you please go to another seat?"

I was surprised when I heard this. Could it be that I haven't asked him to hold a seat for me for a while, so he has forgotten his agreement with me?

“Who did you agree to come down and occupy a seat for?”

"Who else can I promise for? I have promised to one person...but this seems to have nothing to do with you."

“Why does it have nothing to do with me? Take a closer look and see if the person you promised is me?”

 At first I wasn’t quite sure, but I heard he said he had only promised to one person, so who else could be in this position if not me?

Sure enough, he soon realized it was me and said in surprise: "Is it really Hao Siyu? Why did you... uh, come to school with all your clothes on today?"

 Let me just say that I feel awkward wearing women’s clothes. Even my friends don’t recognize me.

But I tried my best to answer him with Chen Li's reasons: "What's wrong? I'm a girl. Is it a big deal to wear women's clothes?"

"No, there is absolutely no problem." After saying this, the classmate smiled shyly, and after a while he suddenly said, "I didn't expect you to be such a beautiful girl. I heard rumors about it in the school before. You are so beautiful after you put on women's clothes. I didn't expect that you are even more beautiful than they described."

I blushed and smiled bitterly and said, "Thank you for the compliment, but should we get ready to listen to the lecture? Look, the teachers have come in."

 As I said that, I took out my stationery and textbooks. Just when I was about to take out my notebook, I realized that I didn’t bring them at all.

This is really bad. The teacher in this class basically doesn’t speak much. He just keeps writing notes on the blackboard for everyone to copy down.

I quickly said to my friend: "Do you have a spare notebook to lend me? I forgot my own."

 “I have it here!”

 “Use mine.”

 “I just bought this notebook yesterday.”

 In an instant, three notebooks were handed to me at the same time.

What's happening here?

After being dumbfounded for a while, I told them with a wry smile that I only needed one. Just when I was about to choose the notebook of an acquaintance, another notebook was thrust in front of me.

I frowned and said, "I've been told that one is enough for me."

 “Then use mine.”

 Why does this person do so many things...

I happened to be a little depressed at this time, so I turned around and wanted to scold the person to relieve my anger, but I found that the other person turned out to be Hua Zhe.

I patted his chest hard and said with a smile, "Why is it you? Didn't you choose this class?"

“I am a top student, and I can choose to audit all classes.”

"Come on, you obviously see me here, right? You usually don't attend the classes you have chosen except for exams."

“Of course, the main reason is because when I went out this morning, I saw you wearing women’s clothes and going out. I was worried, so I came to take a look.”

I frowned and asked in confusion: "What are you worried about?"

  “For example, take this situation now.”

Hua Zhe said and pointed to the side.

I followed his fingers and looked around, and I happened to see a group of boys holding notebooks in their hands, waiting to give them to me, including of course the acquaintance who helped me reserve a seat.

I quickly said: "I can use Huazhe's. You should just take your notebook and use it yourself."

 After I accepted Hua Zhe’s notebook, everyone else showed expressions of despair.

 What the **** is going on...

 While I was still considering the situation at hand, Hua Zhe had already persuaded the acquaintance next to me to leave, and then he sat next to me.

Seeing this, I smiled bitterly and said, "Isn't it bad for you to do this? He even occupied my position for me, why are you taking away his work?"

"How can we say it was a robbery? He gave it to me after discussion. Let's not talk about it. The teacher is about to give a lecture now. I haven't been in class for a while. This experience is quite new."

You're really a **** top student, what's so new about listening to lectures? I reported to the classroom day after day, and I was almost bored to death.

And wasn’t I using half of what he said just now to offend another friend? Why did he use it?

The lecture started soon, so I had to ignore Hua Zhe and concentrate on listening to the lecture.

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