Don’t Think That Tomboys Are Easy To Deal With

Vol 2 Chapter 168: , took her boyfriend to investigate the crime

Chapter 168

 This afternoon, I suddenly received a call saying that Su Xi was arrested and taken to a police station near my home for illegal trespassing...

 Is this some kind of April Fool's joke? But April Fool’s Day seems to be only three months away.

I was depressed for a moment, but I still put on my coat and went out, but I was cautious. After I went out, I made a call to Su Xi, but no one answered at all. I called the house where Su Xi lived next door. Hua Zhe's door was opened, but no one opened the door.

Only then did I confirm that something had really happened to Su Xi. I hurried to the police station. I spent a long time here trying to vouch for the police, and then called Hua Zhe to ask him to clarify that Su Xi’s residence was indeed with consent. The police Then Su Xi was released.

 As soon as I saw him, I couldn't help but ask: "Why did you get into trouble with the police? What happened?"

“It’s not that I provoked the police, but someone turned me over to the police station…”

“Who did this? Don’t you have a very powerful lawyer in your family?”

Su Xi smiled bitterly and said: "Of course our lawyer is with the company. We don't have any manpower in this city, so we can only let them catch it... As for who did it, you'd better not ask."

Is he still afraid that I won’t be able to stand up for him? With my courage and ability, how could I possibly provoke someone who can't even deal with Su Xi?

“There’s really nothing we can do about you, so let’s go back first.”

“I may not be able to continue living at Hua Zhe’s house. I will send you back later and you will have to find a house to live outside..."

"What the **** are you doing...I've been trying to persuade you for a long time but you haven't listened to me. Why have you changed your mind now?"

 “I’m begging you, please stop asking.”

I don't understand, I really don't understand, but when I knew that Su Xi had changed her mind, I didn't feel happy at all. Instead, I was a little disappointed. This would make the distance between me and him longer. It became difficult to meet him again.

But there was nothing I could do to make Su Xi change his decision, so he sent me home and Su Xi left.

Just when I was about to take out the keys and enter the house, I suddenly heard someone shouting from downstairs: "Little thief! I even sent you to the police station, but you still came to my house!"

 Hmm, what’s going on?

I quickly took back the key and rushed downstairs to see what was going on. I happened to meet Su Xi running upstairs, and then I saw a person chasing her up from downstairs.

I recognized the person who chased Su Xi upstairs immediately. Wasn't this my mother?

Su Xi quickly hid behind me. I tilted my head, glanced at my mother, and asked, "Mom, what are you playing with Su Xi?"

At this time, my mother suddenly put on a posture like a roc spreading its wings, completely ignoring how dangerous it was for her to perform this action on the stairs. Then she glared at Su Xi and said, "You little thief, you are using my daughter as a shield." , don’t think you can escape like this..."

“Hao Siyu, please explain to her that I am not a thief.”

 Hearing Su Xi begging me, I immediately understood what was going on.

 Could it be that the first time Su Xi was sent to the police station was because of my mother?

 Speaking of which, my mother has indeed never seen what Su Xi looks like, but why did these two people meet?

“Mom, please calm down. Let me introduce you to him. This person is my boyfriend, his name is Su Xi.”

“Who are you? Why are you pretending to be my daughter?”

Wow, you don’t even recognize me?

"I'm not pretending...I am indeed your daughter Hao Siyu. Why don't you believe it?"

"Of course it's because how could my daughter have such a handsome boyfriend? She didn't even know what dating was before!"

Wow, this title is really too much. It's even worse than Chen Li saying that my emotional intelligence is too low. How could I not even know what dating is, I just have a little less experience.

There was a black line on my face, I wiped the sweat from my forehead with my sleeve, and then told my mother: "Didn't you hear my brother and father report to you? Both of them have met Su Xi before. , If you really don’t believe it, just come home with me and let dad explain it to you.”

  …Okay, I’ll go and listen to what the child’s father has to say.”

 Speaking, my mother came over, and then we walked into the house together. My mother looked very wary of Su Xi all the way, which always seemed a bit funny to me.

 When we got home and saw my father, he happened to be making coffee. When he saw the three of us coming back, he was so surprised that he couldn’t close his jaw.

At this time, my mother asked him directly: "The child's father. My daughter said this man is her boyfriend. Have you seen this boy?"

Father's cup of coffee seemed to be difficult to swallow. It didn't take long for him to spit the coffee back into the cup, then glared at Su Xi and said, "I have seen this kid before, but why is he here?"

Su Xi touched her head and said, "Well, I just wanted to spend more time with Hao Siyu, so I followed her back."

 “Go back, you are not welcome here.”

“Dad!” I said, dumbfounded. “It’s not like you don’t know that it’s hard to buy tickets for trains or planes at this time. Where can Su Xi go?”

“So, this handsome guy is really your boyfriend?” Mother finally believed our words and looked at Su Xi’s body again in surprise, “My daughter is really amazing, she can actually catch such a handsome guy.”

The father frowned, suddenly took his mother's hand, and pushed her towards the back room. Then he came back and said to Su Xi: "Although I don't object to the two of you dating, but now It’s too early for both of you to let your boyfriend live at home!”

  Well, I think so too, so I have stopped it before.

But I didn’t say that Su Xi must live in my house, I just wanted to say that there is no need to rush for him to return to the city now.

But before I had time to explain, my mother came out again and said to my father angrily: "What are you doing? My daughter finally found such a handsome boyfriend. If you make this matter dirty, , can you be responsible for your daughter’s troubles in the future?”


"What are you doing? Our family doesn't have a vacant house anyway, so we can just tidy up Hao Jingqi's room so that he can live in it."

Father curled his lips helplessly and told me that he would discuss it with my mother, so he took my mother into the room, leaving Su Xi and I alone in the living room.

The two of us just stood there stupidly, too embarrassed to sit down.

After a while, I finally uttered: "Does it mean that my mother wants you to live in my house?"

"It looks like was your mother who sent me to the police station before, and she also knew that I had a place to live. Why did she misunderstand that I wanted to live here? I wanted to ask her the first time I saw her, What's going on with your mother's nerves?"

“Oh, don’t look at her like this, she is actually a very famous archaeological expert.”

“…Can such a person do archeology?”

"It seems that she fell in love with my dad. At that time, my dad was a university teacher of archeology. My mom studied archeology hard to be with him more... In short, my mom is not a stupid person, but sometimes her thinking is a little bit... Jump, think that one step after another, and what you want to do must be achieved, just think of her as an upgraded version of my brother. "

“Wow...I always feel like there is a drawing of **** emerging in front of my eyes...”

  It’s not like seeing my mother is like seeing hell, right?

But it’s not that I can’t understand why Su Xi thinks so. After all, he was just sent to the police station by her, and he is often tormented by my brother.

After a while, my parents walked out of the room. My father looked weak, as if he had just tried to prevent a dam from bursting, but failed in the end.

 But my mother said proudly: "In short, from today on, Su Xi will live in my house."

 How did you come to this decision? Don't you want to explain it?

 I always felt like I was being cheated when I lived at Su Xi’s house, but why do I still feel like I’m being cheated when I go to my own home?

When Su Xi’s family tricked me, I felt like they were like bandits trying to get me over. However, when my family tricked me, it felt like I was being trafficked into someone else’s mouth.

 In short, I am a victim no matter where I am.

Su Xi immediately said: "Then I'll go and move my things over. You guys wait a moment."

 After that he wanted to leave dejectedly.

I know it’s not that he doesn’t want to live in my house, it’s just that he always feels powerless when facing my mother.

When I saw things develop to this point, I had no choice but to volunteer to help Su Xi carry the luggage, so I followed him to Hua Zhe's home. Who knew that Su Xi's belongings were not just one or two suitcases, but also a full suitcase? There were several large bags of fruits and vegetables, and a mountain of beer.

I asked him in confusion: "When did you start drinking alcohol?"

“Heaven and earth are my witnesses, I rarely drink. Your mother asked me to buy all this.”

 Why did my mother ask him to help buy beer?

 I suppressed this question and did not ask further.

But I still pointed to the fruits and vegetables and said, "Why did you buy so many vegetables? You don't know how to cook. Are you going to let me cook them for you?"

“Your mother asked me to buy this too.”

"No...when did you meet my mother? And why did she ask you to buy these things?"

It was only then that Su Xi told me all the embarrassing things that happened after he saw my mother that morning.

 That’s when I realized what an unethical thing my mother had done.

 “Just wait, I’ll help you get an explanation.”

I was so angry that I rushed home with the vegetables and beer, threw them on the sofa in front of my mother, and said to her in a questioning tone: "Why did you let Su Xi buy you so much?" Appetizer? And even if you instigate others, why are you so unreasonable and take him to the police station? "

My mother didn't seem to realize what was going on at first. She held her chin with her hand and thought for a while. Then she suddenly made a look of realization, opened her mouth wide and exclaimed: "Ah, I almost forgot about this."

"I'm asking you why you took Su Xi to the police station after instigating him!"

My mother finally showed a look of shame and said to me with an embarrassed smile: "Well, don't be angry. I already knew he was your boyfriend, but I want to see how he treats you. In this way, if you make trouble unreasonably, will he treat you well, so I deliberately make things difficult for him..."

 “Liar, you’re not that smart.”

If it were my brother, I believe he could do such a well-designed thing in order to satisfy his curiosity and know what kind of person Su Xi is, just like last time he deliberately did something to test Su Xi. He tied me to a chair in his hotel room, and he even put on women's clothing to take my identity and went on a date with Su Xi.

 But it is absolutely impossible for my mother to have this intention.

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