Chapter 182

  The fashion show is finally over. I didn’t expect that my daily schedule could be so tight. I haven’t even had time to play games recently.

 The only comfort I have now is the time I can spend with Su Xi every day, and his thoughtfulness that makes me feel warm when he comes to pick me up.

Just when I was about to pack my things and prepare to go back, I suddenly heard the staff say that someone was looking for me. I thought it was Su Xi, but they said it was a woman.

I walked out with doubts. Who knew the person I met was Suden’s girlfriend.

 “Ah, it turns out it’s you, you are that…that…”

 “Meng Jingru, this is my name.”

She was a little unhappy when she announced her name. After all, no one wants their name to be completely forgotten.

But this can’t be entirely blamed on me. After all, I met her once at the birthday party and only said a word to her. Suden was afraid that I would teach her bad things and call her away, so in the end I treated her badly. No impression.

I just wonder why she came back to me and came to this place.

“You came to this place to find me. How did you know that I was attending a fashion show here?”

"It's not difficult. This is the only place in the city where a fashion show is held today. I heard about the time you participated in the show at Su's house... By the way, you are really beautiful."

I am not the kind of person who would be complacent when hearing other people's compliments, so I just said thank you lightly.

“You came all the way to see me, maybe something is wrong, right? Do you want to come in and talk?”

“It still doesn’t work, it’s just a small matter. I want to live in your dormitory. I hope you can help me to intercede. Your environment and services are really good.”

This is true. After all, Su Xi carefully built it and sent special people from the Su family to work here, so the quality is even comparable to that of a hotel.

"But it's useless even if you beg me. You might as well talk to Su Xi."

"I told him, but he didn't agree..." Meng Jingru showed an aggrieved expression at this point, "You said that I am also Suden's girlfriend after all, and I can be considered a half-acquaintance of him, right? I'm just I want to live in a better place, and it’s not like I don’t pay the rent, so why do you think I won’t be allowed to live here? Now you are the only one who can help me persuade him..."

This...on the surface it seems a bit unjustifiable, but if I think about it carefully, I can understand why Su Xi rejected her.

After all, all the people living in the dormitory at this time are our acquaintances, so there are no taboos when we get together. If an outsider comes in at this time, we will inevitably feel scruples. Even I feel that if someone I don’t know comes in, It would feel awkward, let alone Su Xi.

Although there is an outsider living in the dormitory at this time, that is Dou Yuhua, but generally speaking, this person will not go out to see us easily. Since we rescued her this time, she has been a little autistic in observing the rules. , so it didn’t disturb us. Actually, there was no need to be like this... How could I still be worried that she would **** Su Xi away at this time?

But now it’s hard to refuse if I just ask Su Xi to do her a favor. After all, she is also Suden’s girlfriend. It would be a bit too ruthless to not even let her live in the dormitory.

“Then let me help you with some advice, but there’s no guarantee of success.”

"That's great. I'm just waiting for good news from you. This is my mobile phone number. If you have any news, just give me a call."

 Speaking, Meng Jingru stuffed a piece of paper into my hand and left.

I quickly said: "Su Xi is coming to pick me up soon. You might as well wait a little longer and take us back together when he arrives."

 “It’s better not to go, I’ll just take a taxi.”

I don’t know why Meng Jingru walked faster after hearing that Su Xi was coming.

After a while, Su Xi drove up. It happened that Meng Jingru was walking in front of him and he was just behind. After seeing me, Su Xi quickly got out of the car and ran over to me and asked, "Have you come out yet? Sorry, I'm still late." ”

"Ah, it's not too late. I haven't finished cleaning up yet. Please wait a moment."

"What? Why are you standing here before you finish cleaning up?"

 “I’ll talk to you later. Wait for me first.”

I quickly ran back to the lounge backstage, changed into men’s clothes, put everything in my handbag and got ready to go out.

Who knew that as soon as I came out of the lounge, I bumped into a fellow model wearing underwear and running wildly in the corridor. When he saw me, he quickly covered his chest and belly, and at the same time screamed: "Ah! Why is there something here?" man!"

 Please, if you're really worried about this, don't wander around in the hallway in your underwear.

It is said that the models from the motherland are actually bolder than those from abroad. No matter how troublesome the foreign models are, they will not walk around in underwear like them. Fortunately, I have heard from Aunt Song that some models here have such a little habit, so I won't let them. Su Xi is here, otherwise it would have exploded.

I quickly said to the model: "Wait a minute, look clearly, it's me, Hao Siyu."

The man was stunned for a moment, and glanced at me with wide eyes for a long time. Then he breathed a sigh of relief and said, "What, it turns out to be you. Why are you pretending to be a man?"

“What do you mean I dress up like a man... I usually wear this kind of clothes.”

 “Are a transvestite?”

 As he said that, the man flinched again.

"I'm a woman... I just think it's convenient to wear men's clothes. Forget it, I won't tell you. My boyfriend is still waiting to pick me up outside."

 Originally, it was because wearing women's clothes in school would easily cause commotion, and Su Xi said she didn't mind what I wore, so I decided to put back on men's clothes before going back. Unexpectedly, I ended up getting into some trouble.

Fortunately, I didn't attract the attention of the security guard this time. I quickly walked to the door. Su Xi asked me with a puzzled expression: "What happened inside just now? Why did I hear someone screaming?" "

I nodded and said, "That's right. The way I dressed in men's clothes scared them."

"Well, why do you scare people when you wear men's clothes...Is there really someone running around in underwear backstage?"

"It's because of me that I didn't let you come...Okay, let's go back quickly."

 I had no choice but to sit in the passenger seat, and Su Xi quickly got back into the car.

Just as we were driving back to the dormitory, I said to Su Xi: "By the way, Meng Jingru is here to see me."

 “What? When did she come?”

"Just before you came, wasn't I standing at the door? I had just seen Meng Jingru."

“Then you didn’t tell her that she could go back with us? She’s from the same school anyway.”

"It's strange," I said, frowning as I thought about it, "I did say this at the time, but she insisted on taking a taxi, and she walked faster after hearing that you were coming."

“Obviously I just saw her in the dormitory before departure, and then she arrived earlier than me... Apparently she turned around and hurried over without stopping, and she didn’t want me to know that she had been there...”

"Are you right about this? She didn't say she was afraid that you would know she had been here."

Su Xi gave me a helpless look and said, "She left quickly when she heard that I came so early. It was obvious that she planned to avoid me, so you didn't notice this."

“But it’s not necessary. Anyway, she asked me to help her with something. Sooner or later, you have to know..."

"Probably because it would be embarrassing if she was present. By the way, what is it?"

"She wants to live in our dormitory. I heard that you rejected her?"

Su Xi frowned when she heard this and sighed bitterly: "Oh, she is really good at finding people. If you can intercede for her, I can allow her to live in her house."

 So it turns out that my words can influence Su Xi's decision?

I didn’t know about this before... I didn’t quite believe it when Chen Li said that Su Xi listened to me, but now Su Xi has changed her mind just by saying something casually.

 But I didn’t want to risk the title of manipulation, so I quickly said: “You don’t have to listen to me like that, I’m just helping to change the conversation.”

"Anyway, since she begged to come to you, I have to agree even if I want to give you face. As for what happens next, we'll see when the time comes."

 It seems like that’s all it can do.

Originally, I wanted to say that I was actually not very happy to let Meng Jingru live here, but when I saw Su Xi agreeing so happily, I was embarrassed to say no again.

 Okay, the worst thing is to let her stay for a while and then take a look. If she just wants to enjoy the services here, it’s not a big deal. She will pay our accommodation fees anyway.

 So the next day when Su Xi and I had no classes in the afternoon, we called Meng Jingru over and told her that she could live here.

However, Su Xi made an agreement with her and said: "You can live here, but only on the second floor. You can use the public areas as you like, but you have to have separate meals with us. At the same time, you have to pay the rent, but the money cannot be paid by My cousin is here. If you don’t agree, you can’t live here.”

The first one is understandable, but the second one is so that the rest of us won’t be disturbed, and you don’t have to come to the restaurant to eat, and you can have the chef deliver it to your room. It’s just that a few of us acquaintances like the excitement, so we often come to the restaurant together. It’s just a meal, so although this one is a bit reluctant, it’s understandable.

 As for the third item, is it so important who provides the money?

Meng Jingru immediately patted her chest and assured, "It's no problem. Of course, Su Den doesn't need to pay for the rent. Our family is not poor either, so we can afford the money."

Speaking of which, there are indeed many rich people in our school... Chen Li once said that once this dormitory is opened to the public, people who want to come in will definitely be overwhelmed. At first, I thought how could anyone come here because the accommodation fee is so expensive? Only now do I know this is really the case.

 “Then just sign this rental contract.”

This is a new thing... None of us had seen him when we moved in. Even Long Wen and Hua Zhe, Su Xi's love rivals, and Dou Yuhua, an outsider, didn't need to sign this rental contract, but at this time Su Xi asked Meng Jingru to do this.

It seems that Su Xi is guarding against this woman, but I don’t know what she is guarding against.

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