Doom Girl Must Die

Chapter 103: refurbish the stove

"Lord, I'm very sorry for the delay in your explanation, but the furnace in the blacksmith's shop is too simple and old, so I can't improve the speed of forging!" John the blacksmith accused Narant, The reason is also explained.

Narant heard the words and walked over. Sure enough, he saw that the stove in the backyard was very old, many parts had been peeled off, and a bellows on the side was full of holes. This should be because there was not much work in the storm collar, so it was abandoned. It's just that it's aged so badly.

More importantly, this stove is too primitive, just like an ordinary fire pit, just a single-tube chimney, Narant is a little unbelievable.

"John, do other blacksmiths' furnaces look similar to yours?"

Although Narant has never made iron, he knows that the most important thing in forging iron is the temperature of the furnace.

But with this simple stove in front of me, it is estimated that it would take a lot of effort to burn the iron block red.

"It's all like this!" John nodded, not understanding why Narant had such a question. .

"Let's do it! John, you continue to forge the iron material, and I will have someone help build a stove next to it. I will provide the materials and manpower."

As the saying goes, if you want to do a good job, you must first sharpen your tools. This furnace is broken and backward, and Narant can't stand it anymore.

"This... Thank you Lord!" The blacksmith John was a little stunned, and after reflecting, he saluted Narant gratefully.

"You don't have to thank me. In the future, there will be more and more things in the territory that need to use the blacksmith shop, so the quality of the blacksmith shop is also related to the development of this territory!"

Narant waved his hand, "By the way, John, do you have any idea of ​​accepting apprentices? If so, I can help you recruit them in the territory! This way you can relax."

"My lord, although it will be more tiring by myself, I don't have any garlic from the apprentice for the time being, so I am enough alone! I promise not to delay the things that the lord explained!"

"That's fine!" Nalanda nodded, not demanding.

Although he vaguely felt that John seemed to be covering up something, but it was a long time coming to Japan to solve the task in front of him first, and then he would send people to pay attention.

Afterwards, Narant directly instructed the guards to call for someone, while he asked for paper and pen from Vivian, and began to paint according to the shape of the stove in his previous life.

In his previous life, Narant was also very interested in cold weapons and swords, and the merchants who sold swords in the previous life would upload videos of ancient wrought iron for publicity, and the stove was one of the protagonists of the video.

Drawing a scoop according to the gourd, in fact, knowing some simple physics knowledge, you know how to maintain the maximum furnace temperature of the stove.

It didn't take long for Narant to finish the simple drawings, and then he went to look in the east and west of the small courtyard.

In fact, there is a reason why John chose to be a blacksmith here, because there is a stream three or four meters wide at the back of the courtyard.

With a small stream, it is convenient for him to fetch water for quenching. The blacksmith shop is actually a big user of water.

Looking at the stream, Narant suddenly had another thought in his mind.

"Since you have to do it, why not make a complete set?"

Narant's idea is to build a small waterwheel here, so that the bellows do not have to be pushed and pulled manually, but can be automated by driving the waterwheel.

The structure of the waterwheel is not difficult to scrutinize, but several linkage components need to be designed.

Actually, Narant already had this idea a few days ago, but it was a big waterwheel for the mill.

Now the territorial people can't go to the Quint Territory. As a territory, a mill is a must.

Narant did what he thought of, and gave another order to let the guards return to the castle to get the blueprints he sketched two days ago.

Now making this small waterwheel can be regarded as accumulating experience for the big waterwheel of the mill.

Not long after, the guards brought the blueprints and manpower as instructed.

Narant told the matter, and explained the main points to the carpenter and mason before leaving with Vivian and the others.

"Sir, the fire-breathing lizard's mother said thank you for taking care of it and the children these days. It feels that its injury will be healed soon!" In the stable, although the mother fire-breathing lizard can barely move, even sometimes Can stand a little bit, but still can't walk.

When Narant fed it with whale meat, Shirley's little lori conveyed her gratitude to the mother fire-breathing lizard.

"Well, tell it to heal well, and I'll take the little fire-breathing lizards out for a spin!"

"Okay, my lord!" Shirley immediately communicated with the female lizard.

After speaking, Narant walked out of the stable with five small fire-breathing lizards.

Although the little lizards are still a little afraid of Narant, they no longer feel the trembling they used to, they just obey him in front of him and let him be at his mercy.

"Let's go, little guys!"

"It's a pity that I want you to release the fireball, it will take a few months!"

Narant asked the mother fire-breathing lizard when these little fire-breathing lizards would be able to fight.

The mother fire-breathing lizard's answer was that it would take a few months. Generally, it would take about half a year for fire-breathing lizards to start trying to cast spells, and the little ones are now just over four months old.

"Sir, where are we going to play today!"

Shirley bid farewell to the mother fire-breathing lizard and immediately caught up with Narant.

These days, Narant is no longer confined to the horse farm with the small fire-breathing lizard, but often brings it to the nearby woods or fields to play.

This is to make the little fire-breathing lizards familiar with the smell of humans, and to avoid hostility when they see humans when they grow up.

It's like a caged dog in a previous life and a free-range dog in a previous life. When facing strangers, there are two completely different differences.

Narant didn't want to let the little fire-breathing lizard slip out one day, UU reading www.uukanshu. com is causing trouble on the territory.

"According to Kenby Cow Dung's report, a lot of beaches are empty these days. Let's go there today!"

Since the last time the barbarians slashed and killed thousands of murlocs, no murlocs dared to approach on the nearby beach.

Although such fear may only be temporary, Narant just had some free time to go around today.

With the weather getting warmer, Narant prefers to be closer to the sea in this world without fans and air conditioners.

After placing five small fire-breathing lizards on the carriage, the group went straight towards the sea.

"I've seen Lord Lord!" When Narant brought a group to the seaside, the villagers were working hard to cook salt and fish, while Kenby Cow Dung was on the sidelines.

When Kenby Cow Dung saw Narant's appearance, his originally deliberately stern face immediately turned into a flattering smile, wrinkled like a chrysanthemum.

"Well, I heard you say that the beach was vacant a couple of days ago, so let's go for a walk!" Nalanda nodded, getting used to Kenby Cow Dung's flattering chrysanthemum face.

At this time, his eyes were already on the beach, and sure enough, no murloc sea monster dared to approach the beach with a length of at least seven or eight hundred meters.

"Sir, the little one will take you down. According to your instructions these days, the little one has not dared to let any villagers approach the beach!" Kempi Cow Dung immediately walked at the forefront diligently, leading Narant towards the beach .

The sea in this world has not yet experienced any pollution. When you step on the beach, your eyes are full of white and soft sea sand, and the sea not far away is even clearer as a mirror.

"Wow! It's so beautiful!" At this moment, the girl Shirley jumped and started running on the beach.

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