Doom Girl Must Die

Chapter 109: each with his own mind

"Mr. Andrew is worried that the young master is young and that he cannot understand some things in the territory, so he sent me here to see if he can give him some advice!" Ute replied respectfully.

"Haha! Butler Ute, this time you go back and convey my thanks to my father!" Narant nodded with a smile.

This is normal, although Andrew cannot help his second son with materials.

But you can send the experienced Andrew to help him regulate the rules of doing things for his servants and even Thomas and others. After all, the original owner was such a cowardly character, and it is not impossible if he encounters a servant who is deceived or does not follow the rules very much.

"Butler Ute, let's go, let's go to Maiye Village to settle the fleet first!"

Having said that, Narant led the team towards Maiye Village.

After arriving at Maiye Village, after setting up the caravan members, Ute brought a few caravan stewards to introduce Narant.

"Master Narant, this is Leiden, the caravan steward sent by the tomato lord!"

"This is Nani, the caravan manager sent by the Great Kapok Lord!"

"This is Dolly, the caravan steward sent by Sir Wallard of Tulip City!"

"Who is this……"

Apart from Andrew's caravan this time, there were five other caravans that came, three of them were sent by the lord, and the other two were sent by nobles with titles in Tulip City.

Under the introduction of Butler Ute, the five sent greetings to each other, and Narant also nodded to everyone with a smile.

"Welcome to Maiye Village, I hope this trip will improve your understanding of the Storm Territory. My civil administrator is already waiting in the stone house over there. You can go and see my Storm Territory's specialties. "

"Wait for a few people to finish checking, I'll entertain you all for lunch!"

"Thank you Sir Narant!"

Several people have been looking around at this time, and before they arrived, their impression of the land of doom was like the devil's lair or the dragon's lair in the knight's book.

However, when he really arrived here, he found that although Maiye Village was more shabby than other territories, the skeletons were running all over the place, and the situation of the Women's Volleyball volleyball station did not appear.

"Master Narant, are all the rocks on the square over there used to build stone houses? Also, there are more than ten barbarians in your territory?" After the other caravan stewards left, Ute did not Immediately left, but looked in amazement at the pile of stones in the square, and the barbarian coolie locked in shackles.

"Steward Ute, Maiye Village is too dilapidated, and there will definitely be more caravans after Storm Leader, so a decent stone house is a must! I plan to build fifty stone houses this time!" Narant smiled. Nodding, "As for the barbarians, last time they broke into Stormland, I caught them!"

As for the barbarian thing, Narant is not going to explain too clearly for the time being.

One is that he is worried about his father, and the other is that the time to announce the matter has not yet come.

"Fifty stone houses! Master Narant, this is a big project!" Ute was shocked.


While Narant was chatting with Ute, the other four stewards were chatting and laughing as they walked towards the Guangshi House. In the process, everyone was surprised by the slightly messy construction site.

Especially the dozen or so giant savages with shackles, as people far away from the blazing grassland, they rarely have the chance to see savages.

"This savage is so sturdy and tall, his arms are thicker than our thighs just like the rumors say!"

"Yeah, look at that big man, that rock weighs at least a hundred kilograms, but he carried it directly on his shoulders without any effort."

"I don't know where to buy such barbarian slaves. Maybe I can give some advice to the adults when I go back. These barbarians are really suitable for heavy work!"

"You can ask Sir Narrant when we leave!"

Everyone was amazed when they saw it, and they subconsciously thought that the barbarians were bought. After all, there are many slave hunters in this world, and it is possible to buy barbarians.

Of course, this was just the thoughts of the three of them, but the steward named Dolly looked at the barbarian silently, and even his pupils shrank slightly when he saw the barbarian figure.

He was Charlie, Quint's subordinate who visited Alding Manor a few days ago.

A few days ago, after Alding's operation, he disguised himself as a subordinate of a Tulip City noble, and brought the caravan to find Andrew.

Andrew didn't know what happened to Storm Territory, and naturally he was a Tulip noble who wouldn't suspect others.

So he also brought Charlie's caravan with him.

So, Charlie came to Stormland with a big swagger.

Before he came, Charlie didn't know what happened to the Storm Leader.

Could it even be that the barbarians have already occupied Stormland? Those missing guards were captured by the barbarians, and he was ready to flee at any time.

But on the way, seeing that Narant came to greet him in good condition, and that the Castle of Stormwind had not fallen, Charlie was a little puzzled.

When he saw that the barbarians were actually working under the supervision of the overseers, his doubts had changed to shock.

Others thought that these savages were bought with money, but he knew that these savages were definitely captured.

And there were hundreds of barbarians who entered the Storm Territory. How did Narant do it?

You must know that barbarians live in the wilderness, and their temperament is actually similar to that of beasts. If you want them to be captured willingly, you can only beat them down completely, and then put them in chains and shackles when he has no resistance~www. There are hundreds of barbarians, why is the Storm Leader able to beat them down?

Charlie took a peek at Narant, who was chatting and laughing with Ute in the distance, and instantly felt that the young second son was unfathomable, and at the same time he was more careful to hide himself.

In fact, at this moment in Maiye Village, there is more than Charlie who has no idea. At the intersection of an alley in the square, a woman wearing a long linen dress is also secretly looking at the construction site.

The woman's hair was a little messy, and there was a lot of dust on her face.

However, if you look closely, you will find that there is actually fair and tender skin under the dust, and there is a slight bump in her long linen dress that has been washed with white starch.

The woman looked at the barbarians on the construction site, then at Narant, and then chose to walk to a group of villagers who were watching the fun.

A caravan of hundreds of people came at one time, which was rare in Maiye Village. The villagers were careful to watch the fun beside the caravan.

And the members of the caravan were also curious about this place, so the two sides communicated.

Basically, the caravan members are curiously asking, for example, why is the Storm Leader so calm, there is no imaginary danger, and why there are more than ten barbarians on the construction site.

And the villagers were also warm and hospitable, and immediately began to tell the miraculous things of their own adults, all of which praised the lord.

As for the barbarians, the villagers were a little confused. Some said that the lord bought it, and some said that the lord went to the Fire Prairie to capture it, because they didn't know the true origin of the barbarians.

In this way, the liveliness of Maiye Village today has reached its peak in several years.

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