Doom Girl Must Die

Chapter 124: Count's messenger

Seeing that Narant's face turned dark, Fireball No. 5 shrank his head, retracted his tongue angrily, and joined the ranks of licking his hands.

Continuing to let a few small fireballs lick for a while, Narant dropped some whale meat for them, and then walked into the stables.

Although the mother fire-breathing lizard is more than half healed, Narant still insists on feeding it herself these days, and even added grilled oysters to the mother's fire-breathing lizard's recipe.

Grilled oysters are not only liked by the little fire-breathing lizards, but also the mother fire-breathing lizards.


Seeing Narant coming in, the mother fire-breathing lizard immediately whimpered in a low voice as a greeting to him.

"Big fireball, it looks like you're recovering well!" Narant stepped forward and touched the tip of the mother's snout and started feeding.

After the mother fire-breathing lizard finished feeding, Narant brought the little fire-breathing lizard back to play in the horse farm.

Under the watchful eyes of the little fireballs, Narant took out the grilled oysters!

"Little Fireball No. 5, come and spin in place!" Narant held a grilled oyster in his hand and ordered.

Shirley followed and explained immediately.


Hearing that, Little Fireball No. 5 moved his four short legs according to Narant's request without hesitation, and then began to spin, like a spinning top in his previous life.

This is how Narant's grilled oysters are fed today. If a few little guys want to eat delicious grilled oysters, they must obey his orders and complete the corresponding actions.

Only in this way can there be rewards, which is to cultivate the obedience of the little fire-breathing lizards.

"Well, very good! This is for you!" Narant suppressed his smile, nodded, and put the roasted oysters in his hand in front of Fireball No. 5.

"Little Fireball No. 4, go ahead!"

"Roar!" Little Fireball No. 4 immediately started walking.

"Stop! Back off the same way!"

Little Fireball No. 4 immediately stepped forward and stepped back without looking back.

"Very well, this is yours..."

"Little Fireball No. 3..."



"Finally, it's your turn! Little Fireball No. 1, obey my order and shoot fireballs at the small haystack in front!" This time, the roasted oysters in Narant's hands became two!

"Roar!" Little Fireball No. 1 immediately opened his mouth after hearing the order, and then he bulged his mouth and began to gather energy.


However, there was naturally no fireball, only a cloud of blue smoke shot out from the mouth of the little fireball No. 1, and there was a burnt smell in the field.

"Haha! Not bad, not bad! This time the smoke is a bit bigger than yesterday. It seems that you are not slacking off! Take it, these two grilled oysters are yours!"

Under the envious eyes of his younger brothers and sisters, Little Fireball No. 1 immediately swallowed two grilled oysters and chewed them happily.

"Okay, today's roasted oysters are over! Little Fireball, two, three, four, five, if you want to eat two roasted oysters every day, then work harder!"

"By the way, I forgot to tell you! That beach is occupied by those nasty murlocs again, and the number of grilled oysters is running low. If you don't work hard, you may not be able to eat delicious grilled oysters after a while! "

Narant brought 'bad news' to a few little guys. After these days of testing, the murlocs and sea monsters occupied the beach again, leaving only the small part of the battlefield that was empty.

However, I believe that it will not be long before even the last beach will become a paradise for murlocs and sea monsters again.

Of course, now that the barbarians have surrendered and the mother fire-breathing lizard is about to recover, Narant is confident that he will clean up the beach again, at least for a short period of time.

Now I'm deliberately alarming the little fire-breathing lizards, mainly to give them motivation and make them work hard to practice casting spells.


Sure enough, when a few fire-breathing lizards heard that the supply of grilled oysters would be interrupted, they immediately roared angrily.

"grown ups!"

Just when Narant was satisfied with the anger of the little guys, several guards ran towards the castle.

"What's up?"

"My lord, the count has sent a messenger and is waiting for you in the castle!"

"A messenger sent by the Count? Could it be that Vallad's matter has become a problem? Is it so fast?" Narant was a little puzzled.

It didn't take a few days for the caravan to leave. Because of the long distance, it would take at least five or six days to travel from Stormwind to Tulip City.

Moreover, if you want to convict a jazz, even if there is evidence, it will definitely not be handled so quickly.

"Let's go! Then go back to the castle!" Narant waved his hand and let the little fire-breathing lizards continue to practice spells at the horse farm, and returned to the castle with Shirley and others.

"The villain Piri, I have seen Lord Narant! This is the villain's identity proof."

After returning to the castle, Narant met the messenger in the lobby on the first floor.

After seeing Narant, the messenger Piri took out a bronze badge from his arms. This was a standard tulip pattern badge, which was the symbol of Count Tulip.

"Well, Piri, does the Count have anything for you to convey this time?" Narant asked after he glanced at the badge and confirmed that it was correct.

"Your Excellency Narant, this time the earl sent a young boy to send you a banquet invitation. July 7th is Miss Stella's birthday!"

"The Count is going to hold a grand birthday celebration for Miss Stella. This is an invitation to the birthday celebration!"

"Miss Stella's birthday party?" Narant was a little surprised, just thought it was about the result of Sir Wallard's I didn't expect it to be a birthday invitation from Tulip Flower.

"Does this mean that I will go to Tulip City in person?" Narant murmured to himself.

To be honest, although he already had a trace of concern for the cheap father and the well-behaved sister, because he had changed his soul, Narant still didn't want to meet them so early. First of all, Narant didn't know how to get along with them after seeing them.

The second is that if you show any clues after seeing them, don't cause any doubts.

After thinking for a moment, Narant suppressed this little thought and checked the invitation card that Piri handed over.

The count's invitation is really different. Although it still looks like a greeting card, it is actually made of silver.

The silver cover is also engraved with a delicate tulip pattern.

"The materials for this invitation are worth more than 30 silver coins! You really deserve to be a great noble!" Nalan pointed out the weight of the invitation and was amazed.

Of course, this is also the norm for nobles, in order to show the family heritage.

The invitations of small nobles to hold formal banquets generally use copper covers.

The big nobles use gold and silver, and silver is generally sent to vassals or minor nobles, while invitations sent to other big nobles are rumored to be made of gold.

Looking at the cover, Narant opened the invitation.

Inside this silver cover is framed a piece of exquisite animal skin paper, on which is written the content of Stella's birthday party.

"July 7th, there is still more than a month!" After reading the content, Narant estimated the time. It is now the end of May, which means that he will leave for Tulip City next month.

After all, the journey is long, and he needs to leave early.

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