Doom Girl Must Die

Chapter 130: Poor performance!

What kind of expression will Narant have?

Of course he laughed!

When he saw nearly two hundred people standing over Quint's side from a distance, he almost couldn't help laughing.

Fortunately, after forbearance and forbearance, he stopped laughing.

Just holding back a laugh is actually a painful thing, more painful than holding back the pain, so Narant's expression at this time is indescribably weird.

"Narant, are you alright!" Boris also saw the situation on the other side, but he didn't feel anything, and he wasn't going to compare anything with Quint.

It's just that when he turned his gaze towards Narant, he happened to see Narant's somewhat distorted expression, and he immediately became worried.

"Actually, Narant, you don't need to care about this. He is the second son of the Earl after all. Although he is an illegitimate child, his background is much deeper than our little nobles. Now that you have white sugar, after four or five years, I believe it will definitely be the case. I won't lose to him!"

Naturally, Boris regarded Narant's expression as suffocation, and comforted him sympathetically.

"Phew!" Narant took a deep breath and nodded, "Boris, you're right, I'm in a hurry!"

"Hehe, Narant, if you can look away, you're only sixteen years old. I'm still lingering in Tulip City all day long at your age!" Boris finally felt relieved when he saw him relax.

"Haha! Boris! Actually, I also want to linger in Tulip City like you, but I don't have the strength yet!" So many people come here!"

Having said that, Narant took Boris towards the buffer zone.

"Haha, Sir Narant, you told me yesterday that you are going to have a drill with Boris here. I specially brought some subordinates to watch it, hoping to gain some experience from your drill. Would you mind? ?"

When Quint saw Narant and Boris come to the buffer zone, he naturally wouldn't miss this opportunity to taunt.

"Baron Quint, of course I wouldn't mind, but with so many guards, you, a baron, must not be able to afford it! It should have been borrowed from Earl Black Iron!" Narant had a stern face , Sour mouthed and made a weak rebuttal.

"Haha! Sir Narant, you don't have to worry about it! You should start the exercise quickly, or it will be dark later."

It was already late when Narant and the others set off, and the journey took more than an hour, so it was already evening.

"Then Baron Quint, just watch it carefully. Sometimes a large number may not be useful. It also depends on the combat effectiveness of the guards!"

"Ha ha!"

The more Narant said this, the more Quint felt that Narant was annoyed by himself at this time. Instead of answering Narant's words, he laughed happily, the fat on his body like a wave with the laughter. Fold ups and downs.

"Laugh! Laugh hard! How happy you are now, how sad you will be crying at night!" Narant didn't stay any longer, muttered in his heart, and returned to the edge of the territory with Boris.

"Boris, I have a request I hope you will grant!" Narant said to Boris when he returned to the edge of the territory.

"Narant, you say it!"

"I hope that during the exercise this afternoon, all your guards will be under my command!" Narant said.

"There's no problem with this, Narant!" Boris had no objection, but he was relieved. Now that the summer is hot, wearing armor and commanding the guards in the open space is like roasting meat in a tin can.

"Haha! That's it!"

Next, Narant was not polite, and when Boris hid in the shade of a tree aside to enjoy the shade, he began to command.

In order to avoid consuming too much strength from the soldiers, Narant ordered the guards to temporarily take off the heavy equipment such as leather armor and helmets.

"Now, everyone line up!"

When the guards were putting their leather helmets in place, Narrant began giving orders again.

Although Boris's guards did not undergo strict formation training, they still knew how to stand side by side, and they stood in line immediately after hearing the order.

Of course, the difference is still very obvious when compared with Quick and other twenty people.

Now that they have taken off their leather armor and other equipment, the guards are now wearing linen shorts. Narant's guards still look full of energy, while Boris's guards are like ordinary villagers, standing crooked. , looks a bit messy.

"It seems that when I go back this time, I will let Narant teach me how to train the guards!" Boris, who was hiding in the shade, saw this scene, and his old face was a little red. .

Narant didn't know what Boris was thinking. After the guards stood up, he said loudly: "Now everyone obeys my orders. When I say run, you will follow this banner and move towards the front buffer. Take the lead, remember, don't mess up the formation, don't fall behind, don't crowd and push!"

"Now, everyone follows me... run!"

Saying that, Narant carried a flag that was simply cut from red cloth without any signs and started to run.

Although he didn't know what Narant's intention was, the guards started running honestly after hearing the order.

However, in order to avoid confusion, apart from Narant's subordinates, it is naturally impossible for Boris' guards to do so.

After only running more than ten meters, the formation of the team became chaotic.

"Oh! Ferry, look at you idiot, don't step on my feet! It's so hot, why are you running so fast!"

"Didn't you see that Sir Narrant's flag has gone far, let's not be left behind!"

"Now in broad daylight, where you can fall behind is only a mile away!"

For a while, Boris's guards seemed to really become a rabble, and you pushed me while running, talking and laughing.

"Okay, now re-queue!"

Narant took a look at the state of the guards like Boris, but didn't say anything. He just stopped at the center of the buffer zone, and lined up the chaotic guards again.

When the guards heard the words, they could only line up Very good, now, just like the previous request, everyone followed me back to the original position, remember to maintain the formation, do not crowd and push. "

Having said that, Narant started running again, and the guards followed him again.

This second run was the same as before, and the guard team was still in chaos.

At the departure point, Narant still didn't say anything, just repeated the previous order.


The guards shouted again and started running.

"What is Narant doing?"

Boris is a little puzzled. What about the planned drill?

Shouldn't it be a combat drill like in the morning?

Just like this, running around with a group of subordinates noisily, he couldn't hone his combat effectiveness at all.

"It's ridiculous, a mere second son of a waste, who has no ability, and wants to show off his power in front of me!"

At this time, Quinte laughed out loud when he saw this scene. He knew that Narant deliberately performed exercises in this marginal area to show off his power to himself.

So, in fact, it doesn't matter what to do or not to practice. It is very likely that Narant didn't prepare the content of the exercise from the beginning. After all, he, a waste second son, can understand what war tactics.

Now that the superiority of numbers was directly rubbed against the ground by himself, he probably had no choice but to deliberately pretend, running in line with guards, pretending to be a nobleman who knew how to lead troops to fight.

"I'll see how long you can pretend!" Quint was not in a hurry. He finally let out the anger he had been suppressing for a long time these days. Now he was sitting in the shade while eating the fruit handed by the servant while watching the satisfaction. Lanter's 'botched performance'.

The poorer Narant performed, the stronger his sense of superiority.

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