Doom Girl Must Die

Chapter 161: Brick firing

Of course, the reason why the fire phoenix is ​​used for the design is not only to let the land of doom be reborn from the fire under his leadership, but also to let the daughters of doom be reborn from the fire here.

However, Narant didn't point it out to the three girls, which seemed too deliberate.

"Oh... a divine bird comparable to the gods, and even more powerful than a giant dragon, my lord, let's use it as the badge of the Storm Collar, it's a good way to say it!" Shirley was knocked by Narant and touched. He shrank his head, but now he knew the meaning of the Fire Phoenix, and immediately proposed the Fire Phoenix as the badge.

"Is this your opinion? What about Vivian and Catherine?" Narant looked at the other two women again.

"My lord, I think this fire phoenix is ​​more beautiful than Jianmu leaves, and I agree with Shirley's proposal!" Vivian nodded immediately after hearing this.

"My lord, the fire phoenix you designed is more beautiful and sharper than the eagle, and it is more suitable for showing your authority!" Catherine also agreed without hesitation.

They didn't flatter Narant just because the Fire Phoenix was designed by Narant.

Whether it's an eagle or a sword leaf, they each have their own strengths and weaknesses. The ones that are delicate enough are not powerful enough, and the ones that are powerful enough are not delicate enough.

But the fire phoenix is ​​different, it includes beauty, vigor, and might.

And this is a kind of divine bird that they have never heard of before. There are very few nobles who will use the fire phoenix as a family crest, which further highlights its uniqueness!

"Okay, then let's settle it!" Narant could see that the expressions of several women were from the heart, and he immediately made a decision.

After the badge was made, it was time to name the castle.

Originally, Narant wanted to have another big discussion like a badge. In the end, seeing that it was midnight, Narant directly took a castle of luck as the name of the castle.

This is very understandable. Others say that Storm Territory is the land of doom, because the daughter of doom often appears here.

But now that the daughter of bad luck has become the daughter of luck, and they are all gathered in his castle, it is more appropriate to use luck as the name of the castle.

In addition, the name of Doom Village has also been changed to Lucky Village.

After the first operation, it was already late at night, and Narant directly asked the girls to go back to sleep.

Before leaving, he presented the three women with some blueprints proposed by them.

"Oh! Thank you, sir, you are such a generous adult!" Little girl Xue Li smiled as she hugged the blueprint.

Vivian and Catherine also carefully put away Lord Lord's calligraphy.


In the early morning of the next day, Narant informed Thomas of the badges made last night, as well as the names of the castle and the village of doom.

Thomas was shocked when he saw the blueprint of the phoenix.

"My lord, you are truly a noble with knowledge and knowledge. I feel that your knowledge is no less than that of any baron or viscount!"

"Okay, Thomas, let's make arrangements. You can go to John Blacksmith to make this badge. As for the flags and the tunics of the guards, remember to ask the tailors to be careful. The wages can be appropriately increased, but the quality must be good!"

Narant waved his hand, he felt that the contrast behind Thomas was a bit strange.

He may not be able to compare with other nobles in terms of combat power, but his cultural literacy is definitely not comparable to these "early hats". After all, he is a person who has received nine years of compulsory education...

After explaining about the badge, Narant ate breakfast and went to Maiye Village without stopping.

"Sir!" In an open space outside Maiye Village, a kiln more than two meters high stands here, which is Narant's experimental brick kiln.

"Open the brick kiln and take out the bricks inside to take a look!"

Nalandi nodded and directly signaled the two serfs who were responsible for guarding the brick kiln to open the kiln.

The serf who heard the words immediately moved, holding an iron rod and began to pry the stone at the front of the kiln.

The temperature in the kiln firing process is very high, so it can only be blocked with soil and stones.

Following the hands and feet of the two serfs Lisuo, a mouth with a size of several tens of centimeters appeared in front of him.

The two serfs hurriedly wrapped the linen in their hands, and then began to take out bricks from the inside.

Mario stood aside and watched curiously. He had heard of firing pottery before, and he heard that pottery firing requires adding a layer of secret glaze water on top, so that the fired ceramics can be used and hardened.

But by directly using the soil for burning, he didn't know what he could get and what it would be useful for.

"Sir!" Soon, the first brick was pulled out of the brick kiln, and the serf immediately wrapped it in sackcloth and handed it to Narant.

"Huh! Not bad!" Narant was slightly surprised when he saw the brick in his hand.

Originally, he still wondered whether the bricks would fail the first time, but as he squeezed the bricks, he found that the hardness was no different from the bricks in the previous life.

More importantly, the blue brick is more delicate and smoother than the red brick. Who told him to use good materials?

"Yes, take out the other bricks inside!"

"Sir, what's the use of burning this brick?" Seeing Narant's smile, Mario finally breathed a sigh of relief.

Although the burnt mud block looks ordinary to him, if the lord is satisfied, it means that his work is in place, and there are no mistakes.

"Well, this can be used to build all kinds of buildings! Whether it's a house or a fence!"

"Building houses and walls?" Mario was stunned, not to mention whether the mud blocks can really be piled up that high, even if it rains, the house will collapse!

Narant saw his doubts and directly handed the blue brick to Mario.

Mario started to touch it, and the next moment his eyes widened, "Sir, it's getting so hard!"

"Yes, the soil will harden when it burns! And I'm no longer afraid of rain!" Nalanda nodded.

"But my lord, we don't seem to add the secret glaze water to it, right? Why does the soil harden when it is burned?"

"Mario, adding that layer of glaze water is just to make the pottery waterproof and to make it harder, but in fact, even if it is clay, it will become hard after being fired!" Narant didn't expect Mario to have such a explained it casually.

As for the more detailed and esoteric principles, he didn't know it himself.

Later, with the efforts of the serfs, all the dozens of green bricks in the kiln were taken out.

In order to test the strength of all the bricks, Narant did not leave one of these green bricks, but violently destroyed them all with a hammer.

The result of the violent test is that these bricks are almost the same as the red bricks in the previous life, and can be used as building materials.

"Haha, I didn't expect, ah, I didn't expect this to happen all at once!" Narant was overjoyed.

Originally, he had already made the idea of ​​a long-term experiment, and he asked Boris to help him inquire about the craftsmanship of burning pottery. Now it is done in one go.

"Mario, the next step to make the clay blocks will start, and use the least cracked plan to make it! As for the manpower, you will recruit it on your own territory."

"And for the kiln here, you will continue to fire two more times according to this process, to ensure that the results of the two times are the same as this time!"

"If there are still no problems with the bricks, the construction of a large brick kiln will start! Exaggerate the construction according to the appearance of this kiln!"

"Yes, my lord!"


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