Doom Girl Must Die

Chapter 172: Magic Sea Clams

, the fastest update of the latest chapter of Daughter of Doom Must Die!

"I've seen adults!"

The kiln burning was handed over to Mario, and Narant went to the beach with confidence.

Only when we arrived at the entrance of Lucky Village, we met Kenby Cow Dung.

"Kenby Cow Dung, did you just come back from the sweet potato field?"

"Yes, my lord!"

"Well, not bad!" Nalanda nodded. Although this Kempi Cow Dung likes to walk around, he is very reliable and diligent in his work.

"How's the sweet potato in the past two days?"

"Sir, the sweet potatoes are growing very well, and they have been transplanted successfully! Just once the cows and sheep in the territory came over and almost ate the purple grass!" Kenby Cow Dung answered honestly. "However, Xiao Xiao has specially assigned two girls to be on duty to ensure that this kind of thing will not happen again in the future!"

"Well, I heard the report! The cows and sheep have been put into the horse farm now. It shouldn't happen again. However, you have to prevent other animals from coming out to steal food in the forest."

"Yes, my lord, the little one will definitely take care of the sweet potatoes and the purple grass!"

The story that Kenby Cow Dung mentioned was three days ago. For some unknown reason, the cows and sheep that had been raised outside Maiye Village actually traveled more than ten miles to the edge of the blazing forest. .

And their target was the unknown purple grass. Fortunately, there were several serfs irrigating and watering, which prevented more than 300 comfrey seedlings from being hoarsely ended.

However, through this incident, Narant knew that these purple grass people smelled stinky, but they were attractive to herbivores.

He has a guess, maybe these purple grasses are not necessarily forage grass in a certain location, but the number is still too small, even if it is grass, it needs to be cultivated first.

"Let's go, I heard that the sea rushing team has learned to swim. Today we will officially go out to sea for the first fishing."

"Yes, my lord, I will show you the way!"

Then, with the hospitality of Kemppi Cow Dung, Narrant made his way down to the beach.

At this time, there were already twenty slender figures waiting on the beach. It was the sea rushing team composed of girls from Lucky Village.

With this group, the girls in the lucky village are now all able to support themselves, and they will no longer be unable to support themselves because of their low strength.

"I have seen the lord!"

Because of the need to swim in the sea, Narant specially instructed Thomas to customize the linen shorts of the swimsuit type of the previous life for the girls a few days ago.

Of course, don't think about it, this swimsuit is just a little tighter, but it's not revealing.

Cover the upper body to the arms, and cover the lower body to the knees.

"Well, you have all learned to swim these days, so today we will start fishing in the sea, remember later, don't be too far from the coast!" Nodding to the girls, Narant pointed to the one near the coast. area.

"Yes, Lord Lord!" The girls looked excited one by one, looking at Narant with adoration and love in their eyes.

When Catherine saw this scene, she looked at Narant with splendid eyes. Although these girls were not the daughters of doom, they were also implicated because of the daughters of doom.

Narant treats these girls kindly, and for her, it is also empathetic.

Next, the girls were divided into four groups, each with a raft of five.

Each raft goes to the sea for four people at a time, leaving a **** the raft to guard several companions who go into the water.

In addition, every girl who goes to sea will be tied with a rope around the waist. This rope is connected to the raft. If there is any danger, the girls who stay on the raft can also be rescued quickly.

After the assignment, the girls rowed the raft and started to go to sea.

"Big stone, you all go to the sea to practice, Catherine, come with me!"

"Yes, my lord!"

After giving the order, Narant also took Catherine out to sea on a raft.

The water near the sea is not deep, even if it reaches the location of the elf, it is only about ten meters.

With the arrival of the raft, Narant first interacted with the coral elf for a while, and sent the excited coral elf away, and only then took off his coat.

At this time, the fair face of Catherine, who was beside Narant, was already flushed, and she began to take off her coat in embarrassment.

When the clothes are taken off, inside is the same swimsuit as the other girls.

Of course, if the same clothes are worn by different people, the effect will definitely be different.

The skin of Catherine's body was as white as sebum, and her proud curves became unobstructed by the close-fitting swimsuit. This visual impact made Narant feel a little relaxed every time.

Narant is sure that only Chef Rose can suppress the storm collar of Catherine's figure.

Although her face was hot at first, Catherine returned to normal after a while.

After all, the guards learned to swim a few days ago, and she also joined the study from a distance, and compared to the barbarian only Kemppi Cow Dung taught her, her treatment was much better, and she was taught by Narant himself.

"Catherine, let's go into the water!" A good and upright lord like Narant, of course, brought Catherine not for the sake of feasting his eyes.

It's more than 100 meters away from the coast here, and Narant didn't dare to let the girls of the sea rushing team who went to the sea for the first time get too close, so he and Catherine will search the vicinity.

Although Catherine only learned to swim for a few days, but because of her talent with swords, her physical coordination is very good, and her current swimming skills are no worse than Narant.

"Yes, my lord!"

Then, Narant threw a rock tied to the raft directly into the sea, and both of them got into the water.

This stone is used as an anchor, because this time Narant did not bring Kenby Cow Dung. The reason is not that Narant is stingy... but that Kenby Cow Dung has more important things to do. Do…

After diving into the water, Narant waved at Catherine, and then each began to search the coral reef.

It didn't take long for Narant's eyes to light up as he shuttled through the coral reefs.

Because he did find a sea mussel in front of him, about the same size as the one the Coral Elf gave him last time.

Narant swam over without hesitation, UU reading grabbed the sea clam and went straight up.

"Haha! It's developed now. Last time was really not an exception. There are magical sea mussels gathered on my coast!" Narant, who got out of the water, was overjoyed, which means that another high-end specialty was born in his territory. .


At this time, Catherine also turned out of the sea beside him, her fair skin and smooth and shiny hair draped over her shoulders, the translucent sea water continued to slide down her skin, and the droplets of water condensed on her skin like shiny Mason, this scene made Narant's little heart throb.

"My lord, I also found a big mussel!" Fortunately, Catherine's words immediately broke Narant's loss of voice.

"Haha! Very good, Catherine, let's continue!"

The magic sea clam found by Catherine was about the same size as the one Narant found himself, which made him eager to go down and see if there was something bigger.

It stands to reason that since there are really magical sea mussels, there must be big and small.

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