Doom Girl Must Die

Chapter 183: turnaround

"Narant, what are you going to do now, I think you should close the shop first!" After Catherine left, Boris frowned and made a suggestion.

Looking at the current situation, the best way is to close the store first, otherwise there will be more and more crowds watching, and the goods in the Narant territory will not be sold to Tulip City in the future.

Now that the store is closed, the impact will not spread, and at least the civilian caravan will be able to sell Storm Collar goods in Tulip City.

"It seems like this is the only way!" Narant knew that this was the best way.

At this time, even if you go out and explain it as a lord, it's useless, because people don't believe you at all.

It seems that he either rents out the shop to others to earn rent, or waits for a while and tries to open it again.

"Bastard! Wait a minute to find out who it is, then wait!"

What Narant wants most now is to find out who is behind the scenes. Although he thinks that it is most likely Aldin's hand, he still needs to catch someone to confirm.

Having said that, he was about to stand up and let Rose close the door temporarily.

"Hey, it's so fragrant and familiar! Everyone, let me go, please let me in!"

Just as Narant got up, there was a sudden surprise from outside the door.

"Wow, it's really brown sugar brown bread, Uncle Laurie, look, there's brown sugar brown bread here, as well as unsanded salt and dried salted fish."

It was Kerr, Laurie's nephew from the grocery store, who pushed forward from the crowd, the one who asked people if breakfast was good at the toilet door.

"Is there a special product of Storm Collar in the tulips so soon?" Laurie, who heard the words, also got in from the crowd.

"Boss, are you from Storm Collar's shop, or did you buy the goods from Storm Collar?" When he saw the goods at the door, Laurie immediately confirmed that it was definitely from Storm Collar. However, the store's The history has not yet been judged.

"This is our Lord Narant's shop!"

"Oh, it's really Lord Naland's shop, then congratulations to Lord Naland!" Laurie immediately congratulated upon hearing Rose's answer.

"Laurie General Store, do you know them?" At this moment, a questioning voice came from next to Laurie.

When Laurie heard the words, he saw that he was an acquaintance, "Hey, stingy Musen, why are you here, haha, I see, you must want to buy these goods!"

"Then hurry up and buy it. Storm collar products are really good, cheap and exquisite!"

"Laurie General Store, are the salt and dried fish that you sold yesterday purchased from the Land of Doom?" The businessman named Sam couldn't believe it.

"You're right, the goods I sold yesterday were purchased from Stormwind Leader, but it's not a land of doom, it was a friendly and magical territory at that time, and I've been to that territory no less than five or six times! ' Laurie nodded in recognition, and refuted the Doom Land claim.

Laurie would have spent the night there if the Land of Doom wasn't under construction now, because the grilled oysters there are so delicious.

"Hey, I'll let you know now, but, Sam, don't think I was tricking you yesterday. There's not a grain of sand in this snow-white table salt. We rely on carts and manpower to transport it from Stormwind. It's not an exaggeration to earn three more copper coins!"

Immediately, Laurie remembered that he sold the salt for ten copper plates yesterday, and immediately explained.

"This..." The businessman was stunned, but he didn't expect to get such an answer from Laurie.

He also opened a grocery store, and Laurie had purchased goods from his store a few years ago and brought them back to Black Rock Collar for sale, so the two were quite familiar with each other and knew that Laurie would definitely not lie to him.

Besides, yesterday he even bought a lot of salt from Laurie for a pack of ten coppers.

Of course, he prepared to eat the salt himself. After all, the price was the same, but it was not mixed with sand, which was very rare.

And just now, the reason why he dared to spend money to try to buy it was because he bought this salt yesterday.

And today, the price of salt is even cheaper. He only needs seven copper plates. He is going to buy some and sell them back. After all, his shop is in the south of the city, and the news didn't spread so quickly.

However, just now, I was frightened by a few words that I didn't know who was booing.

"Don't you buy the stingy Sam? Don't you buy it?" Laurie Grocery finally found the difference. Although the crowd gathered around, no one bought it.

"Oh! Great, then I'll buy it, hehe, this boss, I'm Laurie General Store from Black Rock Collar. I used to go to Storm Collar to buy goods. Butler Thomas and Butler Mario know me, um , Even Lord Narant has greeted me!"

"I want to buy some goods from you now to sell, I don't know if it is possible, the price can be the same as the selling price, and we promise not to sell it around here!"

The goods that Laurie brought yesterday made him a lot of money. Later, the bosses wanted to buy more, but he had no goods to sell to others!

"Who said I didn't buy it, Laurie Grocery, you can't cut the line, boss, give me the ten packs I said earlier, I don't have enough money on me, I'll buy more later after taking these back !"

This time, Sam gave up, and hurriedly picked up the salt on the ground, and then handed out the money in his hand.

He had tasted the salt he bought from Laurie yesterday, and if he had bad luck it would have happened last night.

Moreover, he was envious of Laurie's earning so much money yesterday, and now he naturally wants to grab a piece of the pie, but unfortunately he didn't bring enough money when he went out, otherwise he would have to buy hundreds of packs and get them before Laurie's grocery store to sell.

Hearing the words, Rose didn't expect to be able to turn around. However, regarding Laurie's request, he still needed to seek Narant's opinion, and immediately looked into the store.

"Rose, sell it to him, Laurie General Store can pay the original price of the territory!"

"Yes, my lord!"

"Ah! It's Lord Narrant, thank you Lord Narrant for your generosity!" In an instant, Laurie heard Narrant's voice and thanked him gratefully.

Next, Rose asked the servant to pack the salt for that Sam. After Sam had left, she looked at Laurie and said, "Laurie General Store, how many items do you need!"

"Well, I want a hundred packets of table salt, fifty kilograms of dried salted fish, and fifty brown sugar brown bread!" After all, this was a bargain he found, and Laurie didn't dare to buy too much.

"Rose, double the number for him!" At this moment, Narant came out, he knew what Laurie was thinking.

"Thank you Lord Narant for your generosity!" Laurie was overjoyed when he heard this, and thanked him again.

To know that this batch of goods changed hands, he could easily earn fifteen more silver coins.

Soon servants will be packing the goods from Laurie General Store.

After Laurie called his serfs to load the goods on the wheelbarrow, he respectfully said goodbye to Narant.

After Laurie General Store left, Narant turned his attention to the crowd of onlookers at the door.

"Everyone, I am the lord of Storm Territory. I eat this salt when I taste it myself. Do you still think it has bad luck?"

Having said that, Narant directly scooped a small spoon of table salt into a porcelain cup, and then drank it with water.

In fact, the crowd of onlookers dispelled their previous worries after Sam and Laurie purchased the goods, and at this time they had no worries when they saw Narant's actions.

"Now, hurry up if you want to buy. The merchant just bought a lot of goods, and there is not much stock in the store!"

After speaking, Narant didn't stop there, and headed straight to the side alley.

"I want, boss, give me five packets of salt!"

"I want it too, I want ten packets of table salt and a pound of dried salted fish!"

"I want that brown sugar brown bread that is sweeter than honey!"

The next moment, the crowd came up again and surrounded the newly opened store of Narant.


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