Doom Girl Must Die

Chapter 191: I will definitely catch you!

Narant really didn't know, and he didn't find another problem.

That's because he left in a hurry, and he seemed to be going in the wrong direction.

Narant walked along the corridor and finally came to a side door of the inner fort.

When he walked out, the guards on duty looked at him curiously, but Narant came out of the inner castle, so the guards did not ask.

Narant walked out of the inner fort, passed through the courtyard open space, and directly followed the tree-lined path ahead.

Walking and walking, after five or six minutes, Narant only realized something was wrong with his footsteps.

"Hey, this doesn't seem right. Why haven't I seen the stone house outside the welcome area?"

Narant looked around and realized that there was no one around except for the dark woods and low flowers.

He had come from the reception area before. Although there was also a garden path, it was reasonable to say that he should have walked there in five or six minutes.

"My dignified lord is actually lost, I'm afraid I'll be laughed at if I say it!" Narant thought for a moment before finally realizing the problem, remembering that he seemed to be going in the wrong direction when he left.

"There seems to be a light in front, there should be someone, why don't you go and ask for directions."

It would take five or six minutes to go back the same way, so Narant planned to go to the hut to find someone to ask if there was a shortcut.

With that in mind, he moved on.

Whoa! Whoa!

As Narant got closer and closer to the building, his ears actually heard the sound of water flowing.

"Sure enough, the castle is worthy of the count, and there is a stream flowing in the castle garden!"

Narant was amazed as he walked, not realizing that he was going to see something he shouldn't have seen later.

It didn't take long for the sound of water to approach, and Narant finally set foot on a beautiful marble stone bridge.

Using the moonlight, he subconsciously looked at the streams on both sides, but it was this look that made him stunned on the spot.

Under the bright moonlight, the water of the creek was sparkling. Of course, this was not the point. The point was that there was actually a woman playing in the water downstream.

The water is the mirror and the moon is the light. The woman's blond hair falls naturally, and her tall and delicate body is sitting sideways on a stone in the stream.

The long white skirt on the body retreated to the thigh, and the large section of jade legs showed without reservation.

From time to time, the woman held water and poured it on her calf like a creamy white jade, and the crystal droplets of water condensed on the snow-white skin.

"Who?" Just when Narant was stunned by the sudden sight, the woman seemed to have sensed it and looked up at the bridge.

When she saw the figure on the bridge, she was immediately startled, she dropped her skirt and stood up, and then a loud shout came out of her mouth.

This stern shout was like a blow to the head, and finally woke up the sluggish Narant.

"Uh! I'm sorry, this lady, I'm just lost! I'm leaving now!" Seeing that the situation was not good, Narant immediately apologized and turned his head away.

Dressed up like this woman, playing alone by the quiet creek, you don't need to think about him to know that this must be the daughter of the Count.

Then, no matter what the status of this female family member, if he bumped into her like this, if the count is known, there will be no good fruit to eat.

Therefore, it is only reasonable that the thirty-six strategies are the best.

"Don't go!" The woman over there saw that Narant didn't look back and left after seeing him. She gritted her teeth, and her tone immediately became cold.

"If you don't walk, there will be ghosts!" The more the woman said this, the faster Narant's footsteps became, and in the end she used a trot.

"Who the **** are you! Stop for me!" However, what surprised Narant was that he didn't run far. The woman had already chased the stone bridge from the stream, and her body was still flickering. From the fighting spirit light.

"I'm going! I'm still a title knight!" How dare Narant dare to neglect, this is not the 21st century, although Westerners are also open, but they have not yet opened up to the point where they can look at their thighs, so no matter what caught.

"You still dare to run!" The woman saw that Narant also used Dou Qi, and immediately turned the Dou Qi to the extreme, and instantly pursued Narant like a sharp arrow.

"Hey! Silver Knight!" A black line appeared on Narant's forehead. Although he only saw the woman's profile just now, he was only about twenty at most. Who would have thought it was a Silver Knight.

"Miss, I didn't do it on purpose. I really just got lost and strayed, so stop chasing!" Seeing that the distance was gradually being pulled in, Narant immediately started to speak anxiously.

"Humph! It's too late to argue now!" Narant looked at her thighs tonight, and it was Miss Stella, the flower of tulips, who took advantage.

Because of her existence, there are basically no servants in the back garden these days, especially at night.

So every time she practiced fighting qi, she would come to the stream to play in the water to wash up, but how could she know that there was an unknown intruder tonight.

Recalling that she had raised her skirt so high earlier, and the man was staring at him again, Stella gnashed her teeth.

What's even more irritating is that the man dared to escape after being discovered.

"I said this lady, I didn't actually see anything, I promise I just saw the calf!" Cold sweat broke out on Narant's forehead. Could it be that he, this dignified traveler, offended the count's daughter-in-law, and then just GG already?

"You still said it! Look at the sword, you pervert!" Narant didn't say anything, but when he said that Stella was even more angry, he immediately gritted his teeth and pulled out the thin stabbing sword in his hand, and then frantically injected a grudge towards him. Narant stabbed in the back.

"This crazy woman!" Narant felt the sound of the air breaking from his back, and Narant's hair stood on end. He immediately pulled up half of his dress to cover half of his face, and then pulled out the long sword around his waist and turned to block.


With the sound of a metal clash, Narant's long sword was bounced straight away, almost letting go.

Fortunately, Stella didn't really want to kill Narant, so she left a bit of strength in the end, so the straight stab of the long sword lost its strength.

"Who are you!" Stella stood two meters away from Narant with a frosty face, and pointed the thin stabbing sword directly at Narant.

"This lady, I'm really just a lost person! I offended the lady unintentionally! Please forgive me once!" What a broken BBQ.

"Take the clothes off your face! Otherwise, I'll do it myself later!" Stella ignored Narant's plea and spoke with anger in her eyes.

"Okay! I'll do it myself!" Narant, who heard the words, was helpless, raised his hands and made a calm gesture to and then slowly moved towards the dress on his face touch.

But the moment Narant touched the dress, a handful of white powder suddenly appeared in his hand.

"I advise you to be honest, I will hand you over to the count at best!" Stella saw Narant grumbling and gave a cold warning.

"Okay! I promise to be honest..."


The moment the words fell, Narant poured out the white powder in his hand without hesitation.

"Bastard!" Seeing this scene, Stella immediately raised her left hand to cover her eyes and quickly retreated.

And when she opened her eyes again, where there was Narant's figure, this guy had already got into the bushes on the side to escape.

Hearing the sparse sounds coming from the bushes, Stella wanted to chase, but she realized that she was chasing so fast that she didn't even hear her shoes, and then she clenched her teeth and stopped.

"Bastard pervert, I will definitely catch you!"

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