Doom Girl Must Die

Chapter 249: Unbelievable power!

"Well, yes, yes, push me under the castle!"

Narant looked at the shape of the ballista, at least he couldn't see any difference from the previous life.

Bow arm, arrow bed, bow string, and auxiliary winch for opening the bow are all available.

Wait a minute to test out the power to see if this first ballista was a success!

"Yes, my lord!"

Immediately, a few carpenters pushed their carts and followed Narantema down the **** towards the castle.

"Everyone gathers!"

When he came to the gentle **** of the castle, Narant immediately stopped everyone's training.

"Quake, you go to the castle and get two old leather armors out!"

"Yes, my lord!"

Quick heard the words and quickly returned to the castle.

The surrounding guards and personal guards looked curiously at the crossbow behind Narant.

Because of the existence of extraordinary power, the world has not yet seen a killing weapon like the bow and crossbow, and some are just long bows.

When everyone saw this weird ballista, it felt a bit like a bow, but it didn't look like it, and the size of this weird thing was too big.

If it's a bow, wouldn't it need to fire an arrow the size of an arm?

"Sir, what kind of weapon is this?" Finally, Vivian couldn't help but speak.

She is a marksman, and because of her talent, she is particularly interested in shooting objects.

"It's called a crossbow! Like a longbow, it's used to fire arrows!"

"Ah? It's really shooting arrows!"

"Then...the arrows need to be thick and long!"

The previous guess was confirmed, and the surrounding guards immediately showed stunned expressions.

Seeing everyone's expressions, Narant smiled and said to the carpenters, "Show them the arrows!"

"Yes, Lord!"

Hearing the words, several carpenters immediately opened a wooden box installed on the side of the ballista.

As the wooden box opened, the carpenter quickly took out a giant arrow.

The length of this arrow is at least one meter eight. Although the thickness of the arrow shaft is not as terrifying as an adult's forearm, it has the thickness of a five- or six-year-old child's wrist.

Coupled with the flickering cold light, showing the Mitsubishi-type arrow, everyone just felt a cool air coming from their backs.

Such a big arrow, let alone shot on the body, it will be unlucky even if it is rubbed.

"Sir, the leather armor is here!"

At this time, Quick just returned from the castle, holding two old leather armors in his hands.

Originally, because there was not much damage, it was not returned to the furnace, but now it can be used as a target.

"Quick, stack these two leather armors together and tie them to the big tree two hundred meters away!"

"Ah? My lord, is it 200 meters?" Quick heard the words and looked at the big scary arrow, wondering if it could shoot so far? .

"Go, it's two hundred meters!"

This is still the result of Narant's lack of confidence. According to the bed crossbow of the previous life, the range will not be less than 1,800 steps, and it is said that the farthest can reach 1,500 meters.

Of course, his crossbows in this different world can't be compared with those of the ancients in the previous life. After all, he just chose the simplest structure according to the gourd.

If you want to shoot farther, you must need a more sophisticated structure.

"Yes, my lord!" Once again confirmed, Quick didn't dare to neglect, and immediately ran towards a few big trees in the open space in the distance.

On Narant's side, he also began to ask the carpenter to reverse the direction of the ballista, and then pull the crossbow string.

Ka Ka Ka!


As the winch was pulled, the crossbow string made of wind blade and wolf tendon made a humming sound.

The surrounding guards gasped when they saw this scene. Even pulling a bowstring required two people to operate the winch with all their strength. They had never seen such a weapon before.

For them, this is no different from ordinary people seeing cannons in the previous life.


With a crisp sound, the crossbow string was finally pulled into the plane, and then the two carpenters carefully placed the scary-sized arrow into the arrow bed.

"Lord Lord, it's ready!"

"Well, step back!" Narant nodded, looking forward to it, "Vivian, you are responsible for aiming!"

"Yes, my lord!"

Vivian didn't have the slightest fear of this big guy, but was rather eager to try.

In the distance, Quick has also brought two guards to fix the leather armor on the big tree that one person hugs!

"Sir, it's been aimed!"

Quick and others just returned, and Vivian finished aiming with the crosshair at the end of the ballista.

Without Vivian there, Narant didn't have the confidence to aim at a leather armor two hundred meters away, but he wasn't worried now.

Nodding his head, Narant came directly to the side of the ballista.

Then, under the gaze of everyone, Narant grabbed a wooden rod on the side of the ballista, which was the trigger of the ballista.



With a muffled sound, accompanied by the slight vibration of the car slave, everyone saw a huge black light rushing out.

Because the crossbow arrow is too huge, the shadow is visible to the naked eye, and even everyone can clearly see that the crossbow arrow shaft is constantly twisted left and right in the air!


The crossbow arrow came in an instant, and the next moment, there was a crisp sound from two hundred meters away, and the giant arrow shot precisely on the big tree.

For a moment, all the guards were stunned.

At this moment, there is no need to consider whether the two pieces of leather armor can resist the crossbow bolt.

Because everyone clearly saw the sawdust splashing behind the big tree, and most of the crossbow arrows were directly inserted into the trunk.

And the second half of the crossbow broke directly because it couldn't bear the huge inertia.


For a moment, the guards just stood there dumbfounded.

It was a big tree hugged by one person, and most of it was shot into it.

If it were them...

Everyone shuddered.

Especially the savages like Raymond, they used to have the courage to take bows and arrows, but at this moment they couldn't help touching their bodies.

If you get shot by this thing, it is estimated that by then the fist will be able to penetrate from the chest to the back.


"Your majesty!"

After being stunned for a while, everyone finally reacted, looking at the ballista with awe, and looking at Narant's eyes full of admiration.

"Let's go, go and see how the damage is!"

The power of this ballista also exceeded Narant's own expectations. If he had known in advance that it had such a powerful power, he would have wasted two pieces of old leather armor.

From the current point of view, his ballista's range of five or six hundred meters is definitely not a problem, and within two or three hundred meters, it is definitely a nightmare for the enemy.

If it reaches more than 100 meters, even the Bronze Knight is estimated to rush to the street.

When Narant brought a group of subordinates to the front of the big the power of the crossbow arrow was more clearly displayed in front of him.

I saw that the two leather armors had been completely pierced, and were worn on the arrow shaft.

The crossbow arrow, which was originally about 1.8 meters, was submerged in the trunk.

When Narant came to the back of the tree trunk, although the crossbow arrow could not completely penetrate the tree, the trunk behind it had bulged and cracked, and it was obviously not far from the shot!

"Okay!" Narant finally couldn't help but praise again. With such a weapon, whether it is defense or offense, the combat power of his territory can be greatly enhanced.

Immediately, Narant looked at the carpenters, "Go to the butler to receive fifty silver coins for each of you!"

"This is only a temporary reward. When you imitate the trebuchet, each of you will not only have a gold coin from the last time, but also when you allocate a new stone house, you can also have priority!"

"Yes, my lord! Thank you for your generosity!" Several carpenters immediately knelt on the ground in excitement!

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