Doom Girl Must Die

Chapter 399: Narant's fortifications!

"Well, get up, go back to practice!" Nalanda nodded and sent the three of them away.

"Narant, you have taught these subordinates how to cultivate Dou Qi?" After Quick and the others left, Stella looked at Narant in surprise.

"Yes, Stella, didn't I say, I also want to form an extraordinary knight order!"

"Yeah!" Stella nodded and said nothing.

During the last harvest festival, a group of nobles knew that Narant was going to form the extraordinary knights, and they mocked Narant for being overly ambitious.

But now Stella understood.

Narant's seemingly random words were not just words at all, they had already arranged it.

As a little knight, Narant was even willing to reward his subordinates with Dou Qi cultivation techniques. Stella really didn't know what Narant was thinking.

It can be said that Narant's mind and vision are really the only ones she has ever seen.

And she found that the more she knew Narant, the more she found that this man was like a mystery that people couldn't figure out.


Shirley's investigation was naturally fruitless. In the end, in order to reassure Stella, Narant personally accompanied her to explore.

And this search also yielded no results. In the end, Stella could only frown and was sent back to the tent by Narant.

As the night got darker, the whole camp regained its tranquility.

When Narant and others fell into a dream, more than fifty miles northwest of their camp, a huge army camped in a depression.

Under the moonlight, the tents in this depression are like dense bushes, stretching for several miles.

This is the army of 10,000 people sent by the Northern Principality, and their purpose is to directly take the rear of the army of the Onyx Principality.

"Kaul, how far are we from getting out of the desert?"

"Commander Huck, according to the guide of the Green Leaf Principality, he will be able to walk out of the desert and reach the border of our Principality tomorrow afternoon at the latest!"

"Can the fresh water you carry last until tomorrow afternoon?"

"Lord Commander, it should be okay to let the guards endure for a while! The green leaf guide said that there are no oasis and dark springs along the way, and the river can only be found at the border of the principality."

"Forbearance? We have already had more than 300 duchy warriors die in this desert along the way. If we let them endure, I am afraid that hundreds of warriors will die tomorrow."

"Commander Huck, this... there is no other way. Everything is for His Majesty's plan. They died gloriously. You don't have to blame yourself. As long as His Majesty's plan succeeds this time, the Onyx Principality will no longer be able to compete with us."

"Hey, I don't need you to tell me this. It's just too embarrassing to die of thirst. Go back. Tomorrow, let the army set off early before the sun rises!"

"Yes, Lord Commander!"


After a night of silence, Narant began to command a group of serfs to start defenses early the next morning.

Although the Northern Principality's attack may be minimal, the possibility of support from his path is almost zero.

But the experience of two lifetimes told him that the more he felt that it was impossible, the more precautions he had to take.

Those who die miserably are always lucky gamblers.

A wise man will never surrender his life to providence.

Ahem... Of course, the most important thing is that this defense does not require the effort of his nobleman...

Narant's thousands of prisoners have recovered their strength after these days of recuperation, so they are idle when they are idle, just to let them find some work to do.

"Narant, why did you start digging holes and cutting down trees so early in the morning?"

Narant leaned against the soft chair and drank honey tea to supervise the work of a group of serfs. Boris and Rael came to the front, wiping their sleepy eyes.

"Doing the fortifications, you two guys won't forget what we're here for, right?" Narant gave the two guys a wide-eyed look.

"Narant, if we are stationed in the place that the Count originally said, we really need to take precautions, but in this place where birds don't shit, I'm afraid even ghosts can't be seen, right? This is completely unnecessary?"

"Yes, I heard that although you can reach the Northern Principality from here, you need to walk continuously in the desert for seven or eight days. There seems to be no water source in the middle. If the army of the Northern Principality dares to pass here, it will definitely die of thirst. !"

"It is estimated that only some small duchesses in the northwest will pass through this road, because they have camels and are familiar with the desert."

Boris and Rael disagreed, and the two guys sang together, and even more cheekily asked Lilia for two cups of honey tea.

"You two guys, even if there is a 1 in 10,000 chance, you should be cautious. Did you forget the ambush in the valley? It was because the young sons felt that there was no possibility of ambush, and they were finally surrounded! Narant shook his head, really helpless to these two salted fish barons.

"Okay! Narant, you are right!" The two of them immediately conceded defeat when they heard the words, "Narant, do you need us to send your subordinates to help!"

"No, we only have a stone bridge to defend, and my subordinates can finish it in one morning!"

Because the passages that need to be guarded are very narrow, there are not many arrangements for Narant.

First, several deep trenches three or four meters wide were dug at both ends of the stone bridge, and then sharpened wooden thorns were inserted into the sides of the deep trenches.

If there is an enemy coming at that time, it will be blocked by the deep trench, and at the same time, it will be wiped out by the long-range firepower of Narant.

As for later, even if they crossed the deep ditch, Narant built a stone wall on his side of the bridge.

The stone wall is not high, about three meters.

At that time, this stone wall is another death level for the enemy.

And when the death level is broken, there are two deep grooves waiting for the enemy behind.

Narant felt that with his own arrangement, even three or four thousand people would not be able to break through.

You must know that you have placed five crossbows behind the trees on the left and right sides of the stone bridge.

And when the enemy really arrives, he will also pull out the five catapults in the camp.

This time Qiu Zheng's bed crossbow has shown its power, but the catapult has not been used once, and he has not even opened the tarpaulin. Speaking of which, Narant is really looking forward to it.

"Sir, the Storm Knights have completed their investigations upstream and downstream!" At this moment, Quick returned to the camp with a group of cavalry and reported to Narant.

"Well, how about it, are there shoals in the upper and lower reaches?" In order to be more secure, Narant sent Quick and others to investigate the situation in the upper and lower reaches of the river.

Otherwise, don't when the enemy really comes, his bridge is impregnable, but the upstream and downstream are detoured by the enemy, it will be a pit.

"My lord, the subordinates and others were divided into two teams, and they marched up and down for thirty miles, but they didn't find any shoals." Quick replied immediately.

After a pause, Quick remembered something, and continued: "But my lord, my subordinate found a section of the river more than ten miles upstream, and because of the hills on both sides, the width of the river is only three More than ten than thirty meters? What about the depth?" Narant frowned slightly.

"Sir, the depth is more than three meters deep, just like the river below!"

"Well, then it's fine!" Nalanda nodded, as long as the depth is enough, even narrower is not a big problem.

Moreover, if there is an enemy on his way, he will definitely let Shirley send bees and little Huihui to monitor the upstream and downstream.

In this way, the old man Narant spent a full day lying under the shade of the riverside, occasionally bragging with Boris Rael.

As for Stella, she also stayed in the camp with a few lucky girls, chatting and eating delicious food.

In the evening, just when Narant and the others thought it was another day without turbulence, Xiao Huihui fluttered his wings at a very fast speed and came back from a distance, and then landed directly on Shirley's shoulders and chirped. up.

When Xiao Huihui finished chatting, Shirley, who was eating skewers beautifully with Narant and the others, fell to the ground.

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