Doom Girl Must Die

Chapter 406: 1 bad news

The above is their battle losses in today's battle.

In fact, compared to their record, their battle losses can be considered negligible.

Because the enemy they directly killed this time was at least six or seven hundred people, and these people did not include the guards of the Northern Principality who were washed away by the river.

As for the prisoners, there were nearly 6,000 people.

In addition to the above, more than 30 war horses and more than 100 carriages were also obtained.

As for all kinds of food, iron pots and other materials, it is even more numerous.

Compared with the combat power they only invested in more than a thousand people, this is already a rare victory.

In addition, there are actually tens of thousands of people in the Northern Principality's team this time. If they went out and were washed away by the river, at least two or three thousand people were still fleeing.

Because it was already dark and it was inconvenient to search, Narant and other talents suspended the search.

However, they believed that most of these northern principalities' defeated troops could not escape, because the other side was the desert.

The defeated soldiers had no food or water, and could not survive even a whole day in the desert.

Therefore, according to speculation, the number of prisoners should increase tomorrow.

"Sir, Miss Stella, please come over!" At this moment, a guard came to report outside Narant's tent.

"Okay!" Narant, who heard the words, got up immediately and went directly to the tent in the camp.


When Narant walked into the tent, Stella and Boris Rael were there.

And in front of them is a prisoner of the Northern Principality. This person is the deputy commander of the 10,000-strong army of the Northern Principality.

Although Court had escaped before, but in the vast desert, they had nowhere to hide, so his conspicuously dressed deputy commander was immediately caught by Stella.

Court was straightforward, knowing that the nobles could use the ransom in exchange for him, so he immediately surrendered obediently.

After Stella and the others captured him, they immediately asked for various information.

"Narant, you sit first!"

"Okay!" Narant came directly to Stella and sat down, "How about it, is there any important news!"

Now that he called himself over, Narant knew that he must have received some important news.

After all, looking at the expressions of the three, it seems that the situation is not optimistic.

"Yes, Narant, I just got some very bad news from this Deputy Commander Court!" Stella nodded solemnly, "We always thought that this year would be a rare opportunity for our Onyx Principality. opportunity, but..."

"But, this is actually a conspiracy of the Northern Principality, isn't it?" Before Stella finished speaking, Narant took over the words.

Obviously, there are tens of thousands of teams attacking even his shitless passage, and he still ventured through the vast sandy sea. If this year's autumn march is nothing, Narant can turn his name upside down. some.

"Yes! Narant." Stella nodded solemnly, then looked directly at Court, "Your Excellency Court, please repeat everything you said to us earlier!"

Court over there did not dare to show an impatient look when he heard the words, and immediately began to repeat it again.

And from Court's retelling, Narant finally knew what happened to the war this fall.

It turned out that the Northern Principality was very dissatisfied with the days when the Onyx Principality was pressed to the ground and rubbed against it every year.

Since a few years ago, he has been secretly planning to design the army of the Onyx Principality and wipe out the army of the Onyx Principality.

After several years of planning, the Northern Principality has been waiting for an opportunity.

Arrived, this year the king of the Northern Principality felt that the time had come.

As for why the time has come, the deputy commander, Court, does not know. It is estimated that only the king and several great nobles know.

Anyway, this year, the Northern Principality took advantage of last year's once-in-a-century cold, which caused the loss of war horses and food, to show weakness, in order to lure the Onyx Principality to go deeper.

Because their losses are real, and they have done a good job of showing weakness, the Onyx Principality is naturally hooked and does not want to give up this rare opportunity.

Therefore, the Onyx Principality became aggressive this year, and directly began to attack the Count Ayutthaya.

And the ambush in the valley and the Maple Leaf City trap are just appetizers prepared by the Northern Principality for the Onyx Principality army, in order to weaken the strength of the Onyx Principality army as much as possible, and also to dampen the morale of the army.

Of course, the success of these two appetizers actually has little impact on the follow-up.

The real calculation was in Oak City. When the Duchy of Onyx arrived in Oak City, this trap was opened.

That is, when the army of the Onyx Principality attacked Oak City, the army of the Northern Principality would surround the army of the Onyx Principality from all directions, and then attack.

As for the northern principality has this ability?

Court doesn't know the big picture, but he does know something.

For example, according to the secret agent information obtained by the Onyx Principality, the war horses of the Northern Principality suffered heavy losses due to the severe cold, which was half less than in previous years.

But in fact, since a few years ago, the Northern Principality has been secretly relocating war horses to the newly opened horse farms in the northwest for breeding.

After several years of domestication, there are nearly 10,000 war horses in the Northwest Racecourse.

As a result, the number of cavalry in the Northern Principality will not decrease this year, but will actually increase by several percent.

More importantly, the Northern Principality did not know where to get a large number of sophisticated weapons and equipment.

These equipments can already be equipped with all royal knights. As a result, the Northern Principality will have at least 15,000 elite cavalry this year.

Now that the equipment and manpower are available, the shortcomings of the Northern Principality in terms of military strength have been filled.

In this way, they have every chance to defeat the army of the Onyx Principality if they have no intention of calculating.

Of course, as for whether there are other plans, this Court does not know, because his position is too low to know the complete plan.

And their army of ten thousand people is not really the main force, it is only responsible for going to the rear to cut off the possibility of the retreat of the Onyx When will the army of your Northern Principality start to launch? After listening to this, Narant's expression became solemn, and he looked at Stella and the others, and then asked Court.

"Your Excellency, it's okay to tell you the time of the attack, because tonight is the day the attack started!" Court was also generous when he heard Narant's question.

"Tonight, a few cavalry from our principality will start attacking the other road checkpoints where you are stationed."

"They'll start attacking from the furthest level, in order to give our infantry regiment some time to turn around."

"In addition, I just want your army of the Onyx Principality to waste some energy in the siege battle!"

"According to the agreement in advance, they will launch a general attack in about four days. At that time, the Royal Knights will gather from various checkpoints, and the defenders in Oak City will also take the initiative to attack."

"By the way, I'm afraid you don't know yet. There are at least 150,000 troops in Oak City. His Majesty secretly summoned the vassals of the duchy long ago, and sent the guards to Oak City dressed as civilian serfs."

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