Doom Girl Must Die

Chapter 452: This beauty wants to duel me?

"Field!" In the next instant, Culver's incomparably angry roar came from the opposite side.

This made him even more angry than seeing the miserable eldest prince before.

After all, the eldest prince was captured in the war. Culver, who has been fighting for many years, has seen it all. Although he is heartbroken, he will not have other emotions.

But this Natasha is different!

He was indeed going to make Natasha Byron's wife.

Even if the granddaughter of the Frank family doesn't want it, the king's will doesn't care about that.

Even he was ready to take advantage of the emergence of two new counties after this great victory, and then rewarded a viscount-sized domain to the Frank family.

In exchange for this, the two of them were forcibly married with the Frank family.

But now that Field has ruined this woman who is only one step away from becoming the future queen of the Onyx Principality, this is as unacceptable as hitting him in the face.

"Culver! Are you dissatisfied with the marriage I arranged? My knight, Kay, won her through a duel, but it's not a bad deal!" run on the road.

"Culver, our Onyx Principality will never die with you!" Culver was so angry that his hands trembled, but now the army was facing a desperate situation, and they were the weakest, so they could only grit their teeth and let out harsh words.

Seeing that the king was so angry with the enemy, the counts couldn't sit still anymore.

"Field, you despicable and shameless usurper, don't you feel ashamed that you actually succeeded by bullying a woman?"

"Indeed, the dignified golden knight actually uses a woman to do some despicable things. You are not worthy of being the head of a country!"

"Don't you, the great nobles of the northern principality, feel that it is too shameful to follow such a shameless monarch?"

For a time, several counts of the Onyx Principality were in full swing.

And Field, who was still laughing happily, immediately restrained his smile, and it would be uncomfortable for anyone to be scolded.

Seeing this, several big nobles behind Field were eager to fight back.

"Shut up, you traitors!" However, just when several great nobles were about to speak, they were preempted.

And the person who took the lead was none other than Narant.

When Narant roared, he blessed his vindictive energy to the extreme, so his roar instantly overwhelmed the other voices.

For a moment, the field was silent, both the enemy and the enemy all looked towards him.

It wasn't that Narant was frightened, the main reason was that the people present were either the Earl or the King, or the Golden Knight.

But his silver knight who didn't even grow his hair even had the courage to scold him so loudly to grab the limelight, which was unprecedented.

"You rebels watch what I do, come out and fight if you have the ability, don't be like a country idiot scolding the streets here!" Seeing everyone quiet down, Narant became even more energetic.

Through previous observations, he found that the Onyx Principality didn't seem to see his identity for the time being, which made him feel a little relieved.

And the reason why he is coming out now is to find a way to practice secretly with the other side.

The opportunity was rare, so Narant continued arrogantly: "In addition, this woman is very beautiful, and she is very suitable for a handsome and handsome person like me. Do you rebels have any opinions?"

After speaking, Narant put his hand on the hilt of the long sword very domineeringly, as if anyone dared to say a word, that would be killing or burying.

"This...this..." In an instant, this scene of sword fighting and blood feud was brought crooked.

Everyone stared blankly at Narant, wondering if they hadn't woken up yet. .

Everyone felt that they had seen a lot of shameless people, but it was the first time they had seen someone as shameless and arrogant as the one in front of them!

"Boy, you are courting death!" Finally, after a moment of stunned, the earls on the opposite side reflected, and Rakoff was the first to scold.

Crude oil didn't have him, because he inexplicably felt like strangling him after seeing this royal knight boy for the first time.

Although he didn't know why he came up with this idea, in short, he wanted to strangle him....

"Hmph, old guy, I'm not courting death, I'm expounding the facts. From the appearance of your sharp-mouthed monkey cheeks, I know that you are definitely not a good thing. Do you often do bad things?"

When Narant saw this, not only was he not afraid, but his eyes lit up, and he immediately began to avenge his private revenge.

"" Rakoff's hands trembled when he heard the words, and you didn't give a **** for a long time.

After all, as an earl, in the past, he could just strangle to death to deal with the little scumbag.

Now facing Narant's slick tongue, he was really inexperienced for a while.

"What are you, old guy, you are not convinced and find someone to fight! I will definitely beat you all over the place!"

Narant was overjoyed. He had endured this Rakoff for a long time, and he had never had the chance to scold him so well.

"Boy, you want to duel!" Rakoff's face darkened.

"That's right!" Narant immediately took a step forward, and at the same time looked at Field from the corner of his eye, and he was greatly relieved to see that he didn't stop him.

In fact, Narant thought too much.

From Field's point of view, Narant had the audacity to insult the great nobles of the other party because of his king. This is simply a loyal minister who can learn from the sun and the moon.

In particular, Narant can scold the other side speechless, and he is more than happy to see it.

As for the duel, Field also believed in Narant's mind and should not seek death on his own, so let's look at it as a fun fact.

"Boy, since you want to die, let's duel! How do you want to duel!" Rakoff's eyes were cold.

"How to duel, I'm a silver junior knight, you can send silver junior knights, and I will fight ten of them!" Narant stretched out two palms with an extremely arrogant expression.

"You are courting death!" Rakoff snorted coldly when he heard the words, and then waved to a subordinate beside him.

Immediately, the subordinate came to the front of the crowd on a war horse.

"Boy, I've already dispatched people! Do you dare to fight?" Rakoff glared at Narant.

He finally knew why he wanted to strangle the royal knight, because he always felt that the royal knight had something in common with that hateful boy of the Tulip family.

Hearing this question, Narant finally turned his head to look at King Field: "Your Majesty..."

"Go!" Field didn't stop him. Narant showed his strength last night. He knew that Narant could defeat the knight on the opposite side, so he was very happy to see this duel.

Not only can it humiliate the enemy again, but it can also destroy the enemy's morale.

"Yes, Your Majesty!" Narant breathed a sigh of relief, so that he could secretly practice the army of the Onyx Principality.

Immediately, he looked at Rakoff: "Come here! You are optimistic about how I defeated your subordinate!"

After speaking, Narant rode on the war horse.


Immediately, there is no need to announce the start of the test, the two sides are very tacit and immediately start to accelerate.

tap! tap!

As the war horse ran, the distance between the two became closer and closer, and finally met on the field!



At the moment of the meeting, before the knight of the iron cavalry family had reacted, the long sword in Narant's hand bounced off his blade at an extremely fast speed, and immediately sent him in front of him without any hesitation. On the door.

Immediately, the entire body of the iron cavalry knight flew out towards the rear, and then fell heavily on the ground and fainted!

"Royal knight mighty!"

"Royal knight mighty!"

Narant cleaned up the enemy so neatly, and there was a burst of cheers from the Northern Principality.

King Field also showed a satisfied smile.

"It's too weak, I don't kill the weak in a duel, otherwise it will get my hands dirty, that old guy, come and get someone to carry it back! Haha!"

With the cheers from the rear, Narant also laughed arrogantly.

"You..." Rakoff was so angry that he almost couldn't help rushing up, but he finally held back.

As for sending another person, how is this possible.

Although the previous battle was fast, the golden knights could see clearly.

With the skill of this royal knight, I am afraid that only a powerful silver middle-level or silver high-level can deal with him.

"Why, are you still not convinced? Then come again, are there any silver junior knights who dare to go forward to fight?" On At this moment, Stella didn't pay attention to the field at all, but kept looking down at the monocular in her hand.

"Tulip flower, don't be sad, I'm here to find you!" Narant recited in his heart, and immediately gave Bai Long an order.

In fact, Narant was able to contact Bailong after the two sides had approached two miles earlier. After all, the two had a contract to maintain.

However, in order to avoid revealing his identity, Narant kept White Dragon on hold.

Now following his order, Bai Long dragged Stella, who knew nothing, and took a few steps forward.

Seeing this scene, both sides in the field looked at Stella in amazement.

Is this beauty a master?

"Haha! It seems that this beauty wants to go up to a duel with me, very good, very courageous!" And Narant certainly couldn't give the Agate Principality time to back out, and immediately laughed out loud.

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