Doom Girl Must Die

Chapter 463: Infidel, shut up

"Binkie, go out and destroy those infidels in the name of God!"

"Yes, Bishop!"

"Paladin, strike!"




With the sound of the horn, the three thousand Holy Knights moved in unison, chasing in the direction where Narant and the others fled.

In an instant, under the rush of the heavily armored cavalry, the ground began to tremble again.

"Bernard, Batman... We have to buy some time for the knights to evacuate, and try not to confront those guys in Field!"

"Yes, Your Majesty!"

King Culver and several counts did not flinch in the face of the torrent of steel from the Paladins, and directly urged the horses to start intercepting the three thousand Paladins.

"As far as the divine light can disperse the darkness, heretics will die!" Facing the eight golden knights, the three thousand holy knights roared and charged towards Bernard and the others, their faces full of sacred colors, showing no sign of There is no fear because of the gap in strength.

"Death!" Bernard and the others did not hesitate, raising their long swords and slashing out radiance of vindictiveness.

Boom boom boom!

In an instant, there were bursts of roars in the battlefield.

At the same time, King Field and several great nobles of the Northern Principality were also riding the horses provided by the church and rushed towards Bernard and the others.

"Narant, will my father and the others be alright?" Stella was put on the white dragon by Nalantra, but her eyes stayed behind. Seeing that the king, her father and others had been overwhelmed by the crowd, her face Immediately showed concern.

"Stella, don't worry, we are the burden of your father and the king. They are staying now to buy time for us to escape! Therefore, as long as we escape safely, they can get away calmly!"

Narant did not expect things to develop to this point. The church, which had no sense of existence in the conflict between the two principalities, actually directly intervened in the principality war.

He only hoped that the golden knights of the Onyx Principality could return safely, otherwise even if he waited for others to escape, he would only be able to hide for a while, but not for the rest of his life.

After all, judging from the current situation, this continent may not be peaceful in the future.

His little silver knight also needs a tall man to support his head, so that he can have more time to develop hard.

"Yeah!" Stella knew that what Narant said was true, and she couldn't help Bernard with her strength, so she could only silently pray to the God of Glory for her father's safety.


Just like that, Narant took Stella and ran away with a group of extraordinary knights.

However, although Bernard, the king and others stopped a lot of the church's Paladins, unfortunately the number was too small, and there were people in the Northern Principality who were holding them back, so there were nearly 2,000 Paladins chasing after them.

They also tried to get rid of the pursuit of the paladins, but unfortunately the paladins' horses were no worse than theirs. After running for an hour, there were several extraordinary knights from the Onyx Principality who did not see the road clearly when they ran, resulting in the horses being injured and being killed by the paladins. If you catch up, you will die directly in the chaos.

"These bastards, why are you so persistent!" Narant secretly murmured.

"Stella, get ready, I'll throw you back to your own warhorse later!" Narant gritted his teeth and made a direct decision.

"Narant, what do you want to do?" Stella's face tightened upon hearing this.

"The paladins at the back are chasing too closely. If this continues, these extraordinary knights in our Onyx Principality may not be able to escape, so I'm going to try to divert these paladins!"

"It's too dangerous, and, Narant, I'm afraid you won't be able to lure them away..."

"Stella, don't worry, I've already thought of a way to divert them. If it doesn't work, I won't take the risk." Stella wanted to say something, but Narant interrupted directly.

"In addition, these extraordinary knights are the strongest force in our Onyx Principality other than the big and small nobles, and they are very important to the safety of the Onyx Principality, so they must not be annihilated here!"

Narant himself could easily get rid of the pursuit of these paladins with the help of the white dragon, but he couldn't just watch the elite knights of the Onyx Principality being chased and annihilated. .

These extraordinary knights are also the foundation of the Onyx Principality, and they can be regarded as the mainstay of the future against the Church and the Northern Principality.

Therefore, he must do something at this time to keep the big ship of the Onyx Principality from sinking.

Stella's face was worried, but what Narant said made her unable to refute, and finally gritted her teeth: "Narant, I know you have many wonderful schemes, but I heard that Paladins are very mysterious before. It's amazing, you have to be must come back!"

"Stella, don't worry! I'm just drawing them away, not fighting them!" Narant nodded and gave Tulip Flower a reassuring look.

"Ready!" Immediately, he put his hands on Stella's waist.

"Let's go!" The next moment, Narant exerted force with both hands, and threw Stella towards the vacant horse two meters away.

Stella has the strength of the first-level silver, but Narant is not worried about accidents.

Sure enough, the next moment, Stella landed on the saddle of the empty horse.

"Stella, take care of your own safety!" Seeing that Stella was safely seated, Narant didn't delay any longer, and turned the war horse around from the side to the rear.

His move was immediately seen by a group of extraordinary knights who were rushing beside him, and all the extraordinary knights showed their surprised expressions.

In the end, there were even a few tulip knights ready to follow him.

"You keep running, don't follow, I'll see if I can distract the enemy! You can't help!" Narant hurriedly stopped.

"Yes, Sir Narant!" The few tulip knights who heard the words hesitated for a moment before they stopped following, and then looked at Narant's back with awe.

And the awe-inspiring knights are not just a few tulip knights. As Narant circled to the side and went directly to the rear, the extraordinary knights of other families around him also watched him with awe. Dear 'Retrorunner'.

Narant didn't have time to feel these gazes, so he directly accelerated his horse and ran towards the rear.

After only tens of seconds, he came to the end of the line.

The horses of thousands of people are naturally impossible to line up, so the situation of these last few extraordinary knights is already in jeopardy.

Two of the last extraordinary knights have been entangled by the leading team of the Paladins, and the distance between the two sides is only two or three meters.

Seeing this, Narant didn't think much, and directly urged the white dragon to run over.

"Flame Spear!"

While running wildly, Narant pulled out his long sword and roared.

With the roar, a splendid red vindictive light covered the long sword, and without hesitation, he raised his sword and stabbed at the holy knight rushing in front.


With the fast speed of the white dragon, before the paladin could react, Narant's long sword had arrived in an instant.

However, with the sound of metal rubbing with a bang, Narant's expression changed slightly.

"No piercing? So hard?"

Because he didn't get feedback from penetrating the enemy's body, instead his wrist was shaken and painful.

As for the paladin, the whole person was stabbed off the horse by his sword.

Although this also means that the Paladin is likely to die, Narant is not satisfied.

In the past, when confronting the enemy, he blessed the secret skill of the Flame Spear Knight, and even a few centimeters of thick iron armor could directly poke two holes.

But this paladin was only pushed through a little hole, which means that the hardness of his armor is likely to be higher than those of the previous iron armor.

"Is there still steel in this world?" Narant was shocked.

"Flame Spear!" In order to verify, he again slashed towards a chasing Paladin, and once he did not have any violence, he directly used all his strength.

This paladin was only at the beginning level of silver, and at Narant's speed, he couldn't prevent it at all.

Narant's long sword flashed by and slashed directly under its ribs.


There was another metallic rubbing sound, followed by a burst of sparks.

And this second attack, Narant finally saw clearly the intensity of the damage he caused.

I saw that the armor under the paladin's rib was only dented by his full blow, and he left a deep opening, but the flesh inside the opening was not damaged at all.

"Hey! The equipment of these Paladins is weird!" Narant suddenly gasped, and finally determined that the armor on these Paladins was definitely not the ordinary iron armor he had seen before.

"Thank you Sir Narant for saving your life!" At this moment, the two extraordinary knights who survived because of Narant's rescue expressed their gratitude to him.

"Don't stop, you two, quickly catch up with the team in front!" Narant was not too long-winded, these Paladins were full of weirdness, and he didn't dare to confront them.

"Yes, Sir Narant!" The two of them managed to escape from death and naturally did not dare to stay any longer. Knowing that Narant was riding a monster horse, they didn't have to worry about it, so they immediately tapped the horse's belly hard to speed up again. Chase down teammates in front.

With the escape of the two extraordinary knights, only Narant was left at the forefront of the Paladins.

The two companions were beaten by Narant, and dozens of Paladins had already surrounded them.

Narant didn't panic when he saw this, because he had a white dragon around, and these paladins didn't even want to approach him.

Narant slightly accelerated his horsemanship and controlled his speed to be about 10% faster than the Paladin, thus maintaining a distance of less than ten meters from the Paladin at the front.

And a group of paladins wanted to attack Narant, but the long swords couldn't reach them, and the horses couldn't catch up, and all of them suddenly looked ugly.

"Hey, you guys in white burqas, don't be angry! As the saying goes, acquaintance is fate. It's the first time I've seen the legendary Paladin. Let's talk!"

"Narant saw that they were looking at him with killing intent, but he still smiled and said!

However, his words would definitely not get a response. Except for the killing intent in their eyes, these paladins had no other expressions when they looked at his back as if they were dead.

Fortunately, Narant didn't care either, he just wanted to stir up the other party's emotions and try to lure them away.

So he continued on his own: "I heard that you serve the gods. I want to ask what kind of existence your gods are. Will faith increase your power?"

"Besides, what is the name of the **** in your church? Can you tell if it is male or female?"

"Actually, I don't mean anything else when I ask these questions, that is, I am usually an empty person, so I want to find a belief to fill my heart!"

"And I still have a small problem, that is, do I really like to believe in male gods, because I think only goddesses can soothe my soul..."

"By the way, do you feel the same way as me?"

Narant's words began to break out, and he began to talk in a different way.

And those Paladins who followed him had encountered such a long-winded 'Street Fighter', the expression that was originally full of murderous intent finally changed.

The corners of his eyes and mouth began to twitch unconsciously.

But unfortunately, they can't catch up with Narant, they don't want to listen to his nonsense.

"It's good to have a reaction!" The expressions of the paladins immediately fell into Narant's eyes. He didn't feel relieved and continued to bombard wildly.

"By the way, do you know the benefits of believing in the goddess?"

"You must not know it. After all, I see that you have all the expressions of a dead fish until now, and you must not understand so much fun!"

"However, I can tell you about the benefits of a goddess now. In fact, the benefits of a goddess are just one sentence: fair complexion, beautiful and long legs, but pure, royal, and loli!"

"Believing in such a goddess, I feel that I will never be empty again in my life..."

"Everyone, do you think I'm right! Uh, your expressions have changed, and the blue veins on your foreheads seem to be moving. Do you agree with my words!"

"Why don't you just abandon the male gods of your church? Actually, I know quite a few goddesses, and I can introduce you to their sect!"

"For example, the goddess of life, the goddess of the dark night, the mother of the earth, etc., have you heard of these They are all gods with a godhead!"

"By the way, do you know the godhead? I think you must not know, because your church only has three thousand paladins, which is too small. It is estimated that the **** you believe in is just a false god..." Narant continued to talk. , more verbose than the Tang monk in Journey to the West.

At this time, the paladins finally endured to the limit, and the blue veins on their foreheads were full of anger.

"Pagan, shut up for me!" At the next moment, a paladin finally couldn't help but roared loudly.

"Uh... It seems that you don't like this topic, but it doesn't matter, I have other topics, you will definitely be interested!"

"Speaking of which, people are born of human beings, and monsters are born of monsters. What's your mother's last name?"

"Ah! I'm going to kill you!" One of the paladins in the back roared, and regardless of pulling out his long sword, he threw it towards Narant with all his might!

Seeing this, Narant just slightly turned the direction of the white dragon and avoided it directly.

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