Doom Girl Must Die

Chapter 473: son of rebellion


If it was normal, the second prince would naturally sit beside the king or queen.

However, he chose to sit under the high platform on the grounds that today was his brother's wedding and did not want to be too dazzling.

The king was quite happy at first, but this time his son was finally sensible and accepted the fact that the eldest son inherited.

Unexpectedly, an unexpected change has occurred now, and this time, I personally disrupted the wedding.

The king's face was ashen, and he glared at the second prince.

However, when the second prince met his gaze, he was not afraid, but instead smiled.

"Father, I am against this wedding!"

"Because, as a waste of Byron, he is not worthy to marry the heir of the Frank family!"

"Also, he doesn't deserve the chance to inherit the Onyx Principality!"


"This... what did the second prince just say? He said that His Royal Highness the eldest prince is not worthy of marrying Miss Natasha, let alone inheriting the throne!"

"Yes, you heard it right, the second prince is probably crazy!"

"It's really crazy. Although I knew that His Royal Highness the second prince had coveted the throne, but when he said such words at this time, there was no difference in being rebellious, and His Majesty could spare him?"

The second prince's words fell, and the hall exploded immediately, and everyone thought that the second prince Jagger was probably crazy.

Because as long as he dared to publicly question the prince's inheritance, it would almost amount to rebellion.

The earls didn't say anything, they just stared at them.

And King Culver was so angry at this time, his face was gloomy and terrible.

However, this was considered a family scandal after all, and at the wedding of his eldest son, King Culver resisted the urge to kill the mad second son immediately.

"Iron Guard, come in and pull Jagger down!" He then called out to the hall.



Following the order of King Culver, a large group of fully-armed Iron Guard knights rushed in immediately outside the gate of the palace, led by the deputy commander of the Iron Guard Knights.

When the surrounding nobles saw the menacing appearance of the Iron Guard Knight, they all ducked towards the sides of the hall to avoid being bumped into.

When His Royal Highness the Second Prince saw the appearance of these Iron Guards, the playful smile on his face remained the same.

"His Royal Highness!" The deputy commander of the Iron Guard brought dozens of subordinates to the second prince.

"Rad, I want you to arrest this crazy second son for me!"

King Culver frowned slightly, a little displeased, feeling that his commander's reaction was so slow today.

However, when his scolding fell, the deputy commander Rad, as if he had not heard it, stood directly by the side of the second prince, and then pulled out his long sword with a clanging sound, apparently to protect the second prince.

Clang clang!

Following the actions of Deputy Commander Rad, the more than 100 Iron Guards occupying all parts of the hall also drew out their long swords to guard the surroundings.

"This... what's going on?" In an instant, everyone in the field turned pale, and they already felt the weirdness in the field.

"Rad, what do you mean?" King Culver's arms trembled a little, watching all this in disbelief.

"Father, I'm very sorry, Rad is now the grand commander, and he has pledged allegiance to me, who is about to become the new king of the Onyx Principality!"

" rebellious son, you actually want to rebel, good! Good! Haha! Good!" King Culver laughed angrily and said three good words in a row.

Immediately, his eyes showed fierce light, and he gritted his teeth and said: "Tell me, how many people in the palace are loyal to you, you call out together, and let me take a good look at your ability!"

"Father, there are actually not many people. In addition to more than 1,000 ordinary guards, there are more than 2,000 Iron Guard knights!" The second prince looked alone.

"That's right! In other words, most of the Iron Guard knights in the capital are now loyal to you, and I'm afraid all of you are in the palace tonight, right?" The king was not stupid, and immediately estimated the guard situation in the palace.

"Yes, father! I would also like to thank you for your help message, which gave me an excuse to send all the knights who were loyal to you to the Fire Dragon Fortress!"

This autumn expedition, the king brought more than 5,000 Iron Guard knights at the beginning, and another 5,000 people stayed in the capital.

But when the army was besieged, he immediately sent a messenger back to ask for help, and the second prince took this opportunity to send out more than 3,000 Iron Guard knights who were loyal to the king and were more difficult to win.

When the king returned, he did not bring back the nearly 8,000 Iron Guard knights in the Fire Dragon Castle because of the double pressure of the Church and the Northern Principality.

Where can I imagine, this is just to give the second prince Jagger a once-in-a-lifetime opportunity.

"Well, yes, Jagger, your ability is beyond my expectations, but do you have any other cards, or do you think you can take away the throne with a few thousand knights and a few thousand guards?"

King Culver is not in a hurry at all. Now his several counts and vassals are here. With the strength of seven people, he can return safely even in the face of the siege of the northern principality and the church, not to mention the current situation.

"Father, you are indeed wise, indeed!" The second prince smiled lightly, "Father, you must be thinking that you can crush my thousands of guards with the strength of the Golden Knight?"

"However, you and a few earls might as well run a grudge and see if you can suppress me!"

Hearing the second prince's words, King Culver, who was still calm and composed, frowned slightly, and immediately began to try to run his grudge.

When he gathered his fighting spirit on his hands, a fiery red light immediately shone on his hands.

However, the radiance of Dou Qi didn't last long, and it began to weaken in an instant, like a candle burning out the lamp oil until it disappeared.

"This..." King Culver's lips trembled. It wasn't that he put away his fighting qi, but that the fighting qi in his body suddenly seemed to freeze, and it slowly became slow from the smoothness at the beginning.

In the end, no matter how he mobilized his vindictive qi, the vindictive qi would remain blocked in the Qi veins.

Dou Qi can't run and gather, even if he is a golden knight, he is only a tyrannical existence, not the supreme powerhouse on the continent.

When the other counts saw this, they immediately began to gather vindictiveness.

However, in the next moment, they also had a king-like that vindictive qi was blocked in the qi meridian and could not be used at all.

"Haha! Father, now do you think I can ascend to the throne today!"

His Royal Highness the Second Prince walked up the steps slowly.

Of course, even if King Culver lost his grudge now, he didn't dare to face him directly, and there were a group of Iron Guard knights in front of him.

"You rebellious son, do you want to kill your father today?" King Culver looked ashen, finally losing control of the situation.

"No, you are my father, how could I kill you? I just think that since you lost an arm, father, you might as well cultivate in peace and enjoy the rest of your life, so I hope that father will abdicate early and pass the throne to me. !"

"Jagger, do you think I will be threatened by you?" The king's expression turned cold, and the kingly aura on his face was not lost even at this moment.

"Really?" The second prince snorted coldly.


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