Doom Girl Must Die

Chapter 476: Detoxify!

"Wedding scene?" Narant felt a little puzzled, but he encountered an ambush in the woods.

"Yeah, my lord, Xiao Huihui said that someone had died at the wedding scene. It was the eldest prince who was going to marry Miss Natasha!"

"The eldest prince is dead? Shirley, are you sure?" Narant didn't react for a while, how long did he leave the banquet palace?

"Yes, my lord, Xiao Huihui will not lie. It said that there was some quarrel at the wedding scene, and then a lot of iron guard knights suddenly rushed into the wedding scene. Not only the eldest prince has been killed, but even His Majesty the king was killed. It's locked!"

"We're worried about your safety, and we're going to sneak over to take a look!"

"Hey! His Majesty the King is locked up, who is going to rebel?" Narant suddenly gasped, feeling that things were going to be big today...

Nowadays, Xiao Huihui's IQ is getting higher and higher, and it can also remember the identity of the more conspicuous characters such as the king and the eldest prince.

If it wasn't for the fact that he couldn't understand human words for the time being, he might be able to describe everything that happened at the banquet vividly.

However, with the current information, Narant can also imagine what roughly happened in the palace.

"How about the count and Stella?" Narant immediately asked, wanting to know more about the situation on the field.

"My lord, the count and Miss Stella are fine for the time being, but they seem to be under control. There are many iron guard knights with swords around them."

"It's also under control!" Narant frowned, the king and the count were both golden knights, and they were all under control.

and many more!

Suddenly Narant thought of the situation where his vindictiveness was imprisoned, and I am afraid that the same is true for the king and others.

"Why is it so complicated, this is so bad! Also, is this poison aimed at me... or at everyone?" Narant frowned. If the king and several counts lost their fighting power, then the situation tonight would be very difficult. crisis.

As for the purpose of the poisoning, in the end, he felt that it was probably aimed at everyone, so he was first met with an innocent disaster, and then happened to be assassinated.

"Sir, why is there blood on your body, are you alright?" At this moment, the girls suddenly noticed a little blood on Narant's body, and immediately asked nervously.

"Let's go back to the small building first!" Narant didn't dare to stay here for much longer. Now that the situation is in crisis, he must first return to the small building to find a way to detoxify.

So, he immediately returned the same way with a few lucky daughters.

Because Vinnie didn't know how to fight, she didn't follow before, and only Vivian, Catherine, and Shirley were going to sneak away to check the situation.

"Sir, how do you feel now?" Back in the small building where he lived, Narant just briefly explained what happened to him, and then called for Vinnie to detoxify.

"There is no other feeling, the only thing is that the fighting qi cannot be used, and all of them are stagnant in the qi meridian!"

"Sir, then I'll use the power of innate talent to explore for you!" Vinnie, who had heard the words, immediately stretched out her small white hand and placed it on Narant's hand.

Through this period of training, Vinnie has discovered that the green light spot can not only heal wounds, but also detect the cause.

Of course, this also consumes a lot of talent power, so when treating trauma, Vinnie never uses it.

After a while, the light spot in Vinnie's hand disappeared.

"Vinnie, can you solve it?" Without vindictiveness, the sense of security is naturally degraded instantly, especially when there is still an unpredictable storm at this moment.

However, Narant is lucky, and the lucky daughter is also powerful. The next moment, Vinnie nodded obediently, "Well, my lord, you should have taken a potion called 'qi meridian seal', my talent Knowledge tells me that this potion is not very difficult to configure."

"So, it's very easy to unravel it, sir, wait a moment, I will start to prepare the antidote now!"

Thanks to the large amount of medicinal materials specially purchased two days ago, there is no shortage of materials for configuring antidote in the small building.

"Okay!" Narant was instantly overjoyed.

Immediately, while waiting for Vinnie to prepare the potion, he sent Katherine, Vivienne, and Shirley to help him verify one thing.


The preparation of the medicine was much faster than Narant imagined, and Vinnie finished the preparation in about three or four minutes.

"So soon?" Narant finally understood what Vinnie meant by "it's easy to unravel".

It seems that this potion is really a pediatrician in front of the gifted daughter.

After taking the potions that Vinnie had prepared, Narant immediately took one of them. After only ten seconds, he felt the potion take effect, and the fighting qi that had been blocked and uncontrollable began to flow slowly.

"My lord, in fact, even if you don't drink the antidote for this 'sealing qi meridian' medicine, it will be released automatically after three days!" Vinnie saw the grudge in Narant's palm, and knew that her medicine was effective, and immediately cheered up.

Immediately, she handed out the remaining bottles of antidote in her hand: "Sir, I still have a few extra potions here, for you!"

"Very good Vinnie, I will reward you when I go back this time!" Narant immediately took a few potions and praised Vinnie.

Immediately, he put a few potions into the space ring without a trace.

After everything was done, Narant said again: "Go, Vinnie, leave here with your lord now, I'm afraid this small building is not safe for the time being!"

With that said, Narant took Vinnie out of the small building.

He was worried that in case the rebels would remember him and send someone to this small building, he was going to find his Storm Knight immediately.

Although Quick and others also entered the palace, they could only stay in the area provided for the servants as they were in Tulip Castle.

And there are also the extraordinary knights of the earls, so in the event of an accident, he will not be left alone.

But When he arrived near the area, he didn't rush forward, because that area is the outer layer of the palace, and if you want to get there, you need to pass a level first.

The palace is divided into three layers: front, middle and rear.

The front is the area where servants or guards rest, and the middle is the area where the king can hold meetings or hold banquets and other nobles can move.

As for the rear, naturally only the king and his heirs or those who are allowed can move.

And these three areas are separated by a high wall more than ten meters high. If Narant wants to go to the outer layer now, he must go through the connected gate.

At this moment, the door was closed, and there was a team of Iron Guard knights and hundreds of guards to handle it.

"Sir!" Just as Narant was watching from behind the grass, a call came from behind him.

"How's it going?" It was the three daughters Catherine, Vivian and Shirley who came.

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