Doom Girl Must Die

Chapter 492: Canonized Baron (Part 1)

"I'm very glad that everyone can participate in this year's Autumn Contest Reward Banquet again!"

"Although, there were some accidents in this year's autumn expedition, but none of our tulip collar nobles have an accident, which is very fortunate!"

"More importantly, this year, a warrior appeared among our vassals of the tulip collar. His exploits are dazzling and outstanding, and he is now famous in the Onyx Principality!"

"Okay! Without further ado, let's start tonight's reward banquet!"

Following Bernard's remarks, Narant could only stop chatting, and looked at the high platform like other nobles.

"This year, our loot is not too much. However, His Majesty the King has also seen everyone's losses, so His Majesty the King has increased the reward for our six earl families. My Tulip Family received a total of 1,000 gold coins as rewards!"

"And you can only get 400 of these thousand gold coins in previous years. However, you had other spoils in previous years, so it's not too small, but this year you didn't get any other spoils, so I, Bernard, also decided I will distribute all these thousand gold coins to you!"

"Besides that, each of your families can get ten serfs!"


"The Count is too generous!"

"Yeah! I thought that the autumn expedition this year was going to be a loss. Ten of the serfs I recruited died, and three of the guards died!"

"Now the Count has given us a thousand gold coins for us to share equally. Wouldn't this fully compensate for our losses, and there are still profits!"

"Thank you, Earl for your generosity!"

"Thank you, Earl for your generosity!"

Immediately, all the little nobles in this hall expressed their gratitude excitedly.

There are only dozens of nobles in the field, and the distribution of this thousand gold coins means that each family can basically get more than 20 gold coins.

In this way, they can not only make up for the losses in the autumn expedition, but even make a little profit.

Although such a profit is incomparable to previous years, this year's situation is dangerous, and it is a great blessing to be able to escape.

So, now they can be satisfied without losing money.

Bernard was also very satisfied when he saw the excited expressions of the vassals.

"After you collect these gold coins, don't just remember to eat, drink, and have fun. Now that the crisis in the Northern Principality has emerged, you might as well use it to retrain the guards and enhance the strength of the territory!"

Hundreds of gold coins are not a huge expense for the Tulip family, and now that the Principality is in an urgent situation, it is the most important thing to distribute it so that the vassals can strengthen their strength.

He was worried that the nobles only knew how to eat and drink, so he reminded him again.

"Yes, Lord Count!"

Although I don't know if everyone will follow suit in the end, the response was loud and clear.

Bernard nodded, and now began the most important thing of today's reward banquet.

With a smile on his face, "Now, everyone's rewards have been distributed, and our tulip leader, the most dazzling and most outstanding nobleman, will also reward him!"

"Now, let this nobleman who is famous in the principality go to the high platform!"

After Bernard finished speaking, the nobles didn't need to think about it, they all turned their attention to Narant.

Seeing this, Narant was not frightened, rolled up his cuffs, then smiled and gestured to the crowd, and then walked towards the high platform step by step.

"Lord Earl!"

Coming to the high platform, Narant saluted Bernard.

"Well, this dress is not bad! If I read it correctly, it should be made by a tailor in the palace. His Majesty the King will reward me with a few pieces every year!" Bernard still had a smile on his face.


Narant instantly understood what Bernard meant.

He is certainly not complimenting himself on the beauty of the dress like other people.

Rather, it meant something, knowing that it was sent by Stella.

After all, how could ordinary little nobles let the palace tailors make dresses, I'm afraid they won't even be able to enter the palace.

"Father!" At this time, Stella groaned coquettishly from the side.

"Okay, okay, my father is just talking!" Stella was Bernard's weakness, and as she groaned, Bernard immediately surrendered.

He looked down again and said, "In this autumn expedition, Narant's contributions are obvious to all, so I won't say more!"

"Let me tell you another credit about Narant that you don't know about!"

"I don't know the credit?"

The nobles did know the merits of the autumn march, and they even heard about the deeds behind the Marquis of Lissen from the captives of Narant when they returned.

They were already amazed by this.

But apart from Qiu Zheng, what credit did Narant have for the count to speak so solemnly at this banquet?

Everyone looked at Bernard curiously.

"Narant's other contribution is not weaker than Qiu Zheng. We went to the capital this time. On the night of His Majesty's celebration dinner, the second prince launched a coup d'etat..."

Immediately, Bernard recounted what happened at the banquet.

He also didn't cover up for himself and several counts, but told the story of himself and others being threatened by the second prince and the Freemason after being poisoned.

"Ah! There is such a thing, the second prince wants to usurp the throne, and the eldest prince is dead!"

Hearing Bernard's remarks, everyone below was in an uproar.

The news hasn't spread yet.

So, this is the first time they heard it.

"Sir Narrant is mighty!"

"Sir Narrant is mighty!"

Reflecting on it, the eyes of the small nobles looking at Narant are even more shouted loudly.

Seeing this, Bernard smiled and pressed his hand, "So, because of Narant's outstanding merit, I, Bernard Tulip, are going to raise Narant's title and canonize him as a baron!"

"Wow! Baron!"

"It's really incredible. Sir Narant was a second son without vindictiveness half a year ago. In the end, in just a few months, not only did he have vindictiveness and a title, but now he is about to become a hereditary baron!"

All the nobles looked at Narant once again enviously.

Of course, they were quite convinced about this. After all, for such a great contribution, anyone should be given a baron title.

"In addition to the title of baron, I will also confer a fief of Narant. That fief was obtained from Batman, and the area is equivalent to the size of a baronial!"

"This..." The news behind this made everyone stunned.

"And the fief reward? Well, doesn't it mean that Narant has an area the size of two baronies, and if he gets another baron in the future, then he is equivalent to a viscount!"

If Narant won the hereditary baron, it was expected.

The reward that can be obtained from this territory is really beyond the expectations of the nobles, and everyone even derived a trace of jealousy from the previous simple envy.

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