Doom Girl Must Die

Chapter 721: Filet's Tavern

The latest website: "Natasha, you are really smart!"

Nalande really admired Natasha a little bit, even a modern person like him couldn't think of this way.

Although he would also think about understanding market prices, and then ask Heita and others about pricing.

But there is absolutely no way to stay home like Natasha. It is only a short time to solve the problem, and it is still very accurate.

"I really deserve to be the heir of the Frank family. This business acumen is definitely a proper female president in a previous life. The kind that capitalists will cry when they meet!" Narant added silently in his heart.

"Giggle, thank you for your compliment Narant, but Narant, I don't know if there is any reward!"

Facing Narant's compliment, Natasha was sweeter than eating sugar, and she smiled suddenly, the airbag on her chest kept bumping and became wavy.

When Narant saw this, although he was already an old driver, he couldn't help swallowing.

At the moment, I took Natasha directly towards the upstairs.

"Natasha, although I have praised you, I also think the reward is still necessary. Let's go, let's go upstairs, and I will reward you well..."

"You..." Natasha immediately realized something, and her pretty face that was still giggling instantly blushed, and was then pulled upstairs by Narant... (8,000 words omitted here)


"A total of 21 fruits, it's really not easy! This is the energy point that has been saved for more than three months!" The cabin upstairs.

After a fight with Natasha, Narant felt that he had received a little energy point today, and he immediately suppressed the impulse to draw the lottery again.

Although there are only 21 fruits, this time is lucky. Among them, there are five fruits of intelligence, four fruits of affinity, and the rest are power fruits and agility fruits.

After slightly counting the types and quantities of fruits, Narant did not hesitate, and immediately began to feast on them.

After a wild meal, all the fruits were swallowed, and Narant began to practice again.

"Well, taking a large amount of intelligence fruit and affinity fruit at one time is surprisingly good for practicing magic."

"According to the current speed, I want to reach the intermediate level magician, I am afraid it will only take three months to achieve it, but unfortunately it is too far from the area of ​​the dark creatures of the Holy Land, otherwise I have to go around!"

When he felt the progress of his magic cultivation, Narant couldn't help thinking of dark creatures.

Now that he wants to get energy points, he can only rely on beheading the dark creatures of Tier 3 and above.

Although there will be one or so on the Glory Continent for a week or so, which can be regarded as a bottom-up energy point for him, but the speed is still too slow.

If the speed is faster, it will be very helpful to his cultivation.

It's just that the dark creature invasion area of ​​the Holy Continent is far away from his territory, so it's impossible to get a lot of energy points at one time in a short period of time.

Of course, it is not that there is no chance to go, because even if the threat of dark creatures has been eliminated, the Holy Alliance will organize nobles to exterminate dark creatures every year.

Want to rely on such a long-term attack, slowly recover lost ground.

Although Narant and the others migrated from the Glory Continent, compared to the Holy Alliance, they will definitely not forget them, so at the end of the year, there will definitely be a chance to go.

"Don't think about it now, let's make space teleportation more proficient first!"

Taking a large number of intelligence fruits and affinity fruits is not only helpful for practicing magic power, but also very helpful for practicing magic spells.

After an afternoon of practice, the space teleportation magic that Narant originally needed ten seconds to complete was immediately shortened by two seconds, and it only took eight seconds to complete.

And he felt that the casting speed was still ready to be shortened.


"Narant, are you up?"

The next morning, Narant woke up in bed full of energy.

However, when he got up, he found that Natasha had gotten up earlier than him, and didn't know where to go.

When I came downstairs, the door of the store had been opened, and there was a queue in front of the counter of brown and white bread.

And Natasha is also receiving these people in silk dresses in the store at the moment, obviously these people also have the status of nobles.

"Natasha, what's going on?" Nodding to Natasha, Narant asked curiously.

"Narant, these are the stewards of the Blue Moon Caravan from the Blue Shield Empire, the Arthur Caravan from the Thorium Empire, and the Carlo Caravan from the Principality of Locke!"

"They want to buy a batch of white and brown sugar, and I'm negotiating the price with them."

"Oh?" Narant was surprised. He didn't expect that his white sugar and brown sugar were brought in yesterday, and today there are businessmen who came to the door with business opportunities in their sleeves.

However, on second thought, it should be his white sugar white bread and brown sugar red bread that got the idea of ​​these caravans.

"How's the negotiation going?"

"Narant, several caravan stewards are going to buy at least 100 catties of white sugar and brown sugar, but before that, they want to confirm whether brown sugar and white sugar can really be added to food, and then make white sugar and white sugar. Bread and brown sugar red bread." Natasha replied lightly.

"Now they have sent their men to find the baker's experiment in the Forge Castle, and there will be results in a while!"

"Yeah!" Nalanda nodded.

And what Natasha said was indeed in harmony with his ideas.

These caravans should have been attracted to white and brown breads at first, and then Natasha introduced more valuable ingredients that could be carried and stored differently.

These caravans have naturally shifted their targets, but they naturally need to experiment before purchasing.

If white and brown sugar really sweetened the food, these caravans would definitely buy it.

"Natasha, the store will be handed over to you, I'm going to go out for a walk!"

Narant originally thought that in addition to selling bread, the most important thing was to sell white sugar and brown sugar. After all, brown sugar and white sugar are the real money.

But now that Natasha is a business genius, he no longer needs to worry about it, so he is ready to go out for a walk and learn about the status of this winemaking competition.

"Okay Narant, don't worry, I will help you look after the store!" Natasha nodded.


With such a good helper, Nalanda nodded, then took two white sugar and white bread, and went out directly with a small team of big stone guards.

Although it was morning, there were a large number of human caravans coming, and the streets were also crowded.

Narant pondered for a moment, then simply walked towards the gate of the Furnace Castle.

This time, he mainly wanted to inquire about the performance of each faction participating in the competition.

Not to mention this year's news, just his performance in the competition in previous years would allow him to judge the situation during the competition.

Although the wine's odds are not high, Narant still has a slightly different opinion.

Gu Peng

The best place to inquire about news is naturally a pub.

Sure enough, when Narant came to a high-end tavern outside the gate of the Forge Castle, he found that there was an endless stream of customers at the gate of the tavern.

Walking into the tavern, it was even more crowded.

And most of these people are human race, as for dwarves, only a few exist.

Dwarves rarely come to such a high-end tavern, because the dwarves in the Forge Castle can't afford it very much.

As for those dwarves with more skilled craftsmanship in the Forge Castle, they will drink directly in the tavern in the Forge Castle.

Only the human caravan, although rich, needs permission to enter the furnace castle, so the high-end tavern at the gate of the furnace castle has become their gathering place.

"Everyone, who do you think is the most likely to win this time?"

"I think it's still the blazing wine of the Bach Empire!"

"Yeah, the Bach Empire's blazing wine has won two consecutive years of victory!"

"I think the spirit wine of the Blue Shield Empire may win this year, because everyone knows that the spirit wine is the best-selling spirit in the dwarf territory. The reason why the first two times lost to the Bach Empire was only because in The price has less advantage than Blazewine."

"I heard that in the past three years, the King of the Blue Shield Empire has issued a special order to expand the scope of cultivation of the raw materials of the fire wine, and the price of the raw materials of the fire wine has been greatly reduced."

"So in this way, the price of flaming wine will be greatly reduced. With its best-sellers, if the price can be lowered, the advantage of Bach Empire flaming wine will disappear immediately, and I am afraid that it will lose the two consecutive championships! "

"Oh? Really?"

"Of course it's true. I led a caravan to the Blue Shield Empire last year, and on the way I saw with my own eyes the newly developed arable land for the raw materials of the spirit wine."

"That area is at least half the size of an earl!"

"An area the size of half an earl is really not too small!"

Just as Narant approached the tavern, the chatter of the drinkers could be heard in his ears.

And they were, as Narant expected, talking about the possible final winner of the winemaking competition.

Among these winners, the Blue Shield Empire and the Bach Empire were mentioned the most.

Because in previous years they were the regulars of the championship.

Although other empires and principalities are also talked about, they are not as much talked about as the Blue Shield Empire and the Bach Empire.

Narant was not in a hurry, he simply asked for a pot of wine and listened to the discussions of the drinkers.

"Everyone, everyone, the latest list of participants in the competition has finally come out, everyone who wants to bet can come and bet!"

Not long after Narant did it, a waiter at the counter of the tavern hung a large piece of wood on the wall, and then greeted all the drinkers.

Narant, who heard the words, also looked over.

The discovery turned out to be all the lists about this time to participate in the winemaking competition.

Why is it all lists?

Because with his excellent eyesight, he actually saw the name of his Storm Collar at the bottom of the wooden board.

In addition to the list of participants in the winemaking competition, this board also has a series of numbers written on the back.

For example, the back of the Blue Shield Empire and the Bach Empire is a decimal point of a few tenths, and the further down the number is, the larger the number.

"Sure enough, wherever there are humans there is gambling."

Narant was not stupid, and immediately saw what those numbers represented.

Those numbers represent the odds. Obviously, this tavern took advantage of this wine-making competition to run a gambling business.

Sure enough, the next moment, the attendant shouted loudly: "Everyone, most of you are old customers of our Fei li tavern, and the reputation of our Fei li tavern is beyond doubt."

"And on this board is the list of people participating in the brewing competition this time, and the odds they belong to. You can place your bets immediately after seeing it, and maybe you can make a lot of money!"

"Why are the odds of the Bach Empire and the Blue Shield Empire so low?"

"Yeah, it has more than doubled in previous years. Why is there only so much this year?" After seeing the wooden board, many drinkers in the tavern started to make noise and asked the attendant.

The attendant showed a look of helplessness, spread his hands and said: "Guests, this is also impossible. The flame wine of the Blue Shield Empire and the flame wine of the Bach Empire are the most likely to win the wine-making competition."

"Under such circumstances, in previous years, you only looked at betting on two empires, and did not consider other duchies or empires at all, which caused our Feili Tavern to lose a lot of gold coins."

"So this year, our boss can only lower the odds of the two empires, so that everyone can focus on other empires and principalities."

"For example, in these principalities, let's take a look. The odds have reached buy one with ten. Think about it. If you guess right, you can bet a hundred gold coins and you can get a thousand gold coins as a reward. What a bargain!"

"And in this odds, for example, in the Duchy of Thorium, their Silver Moon Wine has also won a competition once, which means that their Silver Moon Wine is also very good, maybe they can win this time!"

The squires rambled above.

Of course, although the attendant had some truth in what he said, no one believed that the Philippine Tavern would lose money in previous years.

However, what everyone predicted this time was that the Bach Empire and the Blue Shield Empire were most likely to win, so although the odds were low, there were still many people who came forward to bet on the two empires.

The amount of betting is also large and small, ranging from dozens of gold coins to thousands of gold coins.

"Tsk tsk, ability means making money!" Zhuang Kang couldn't help but admire for a while. If you do this, you will definitely make money without losing money.

Especially among the drinkers, although most of them voted for the two empires, there are also many drinkers who voted for the rest of the empires or principalities with a gamble mentality.

For example, in the previous Nathorium Empire, Narant saw at least a dozen people make bets, and the betting amount was at least a thousand gold coins.

As the attendant said earlier, although the Bach Empire and the Blue Shield Empire are very strong, the rest of the forces are not necessarily without any chance.

In the event of a win, ten times the odds alone would be enough for them to make a bet.

There are many people who have this can gather so many gold coins in a short period of time. If it accumulates for two or three days, I am afraid it will be tens of thousands.

And Felix Tavern is obviously making that kind of money.

As for the Bach Empire and the Blue Shield Empire, as long as they do not lose money at that time, it will be a big profit.

"Hey, what kind of duchy is this Storm Territory? Why haven't I heard of it before!"

And just as Narant was paying attention to the betting situation of a group of drinkers, there was a sudden exclamation from the crowd.

This is someone who paid attention to the strange name of Storm Leader.

Others participating in the competition were either the Empire of So-and-so or the Principality of Momo.

A name like Storm Collar really stands out among them.

Moreover, the odds are also frighteningly large, reaching the point of 50 to 1.


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