Doom Girl Must Die

Chapter 779: It's the first time in the league

"That...then just wait!" The caravan stewards were still a little uneasy. After all, even the crocodile appeared, but the giant crocodile of Narant was his captive.

But at this time Baron Narant himself did not run away in this town, so as long as Baron Narant is not a lunatic, he should not joke about his life.

In this way, the caravan finally stopped and waited.

However, their carriages were still parked in the same place, and even the driver did not get off the car, so there was a big idea that something was wrong and ran away immediately.

Narant saw the actions of these caravans in his eyes, but he didn't care.

Later, Mario and Thomas also arrived, and the villagers have already reported the movement just now. ,

It is also surprising to see Narant here at this moment.

Narant didn't explain much, and asked the two of them to move the stool, and waited comfortably on the stool.

Time flies, and the wait is more than an hour and a half later.

For Narant, the time was not difficult to wait, as there were tables, chairs and refreshments.

However, the members of the caravan were very nervous because of their high spirits, and they all seemed to be living like a year.

"Ah, there, there! It's the orcs!"

Just a moment later, the caravan members who saw it suddenly let out a burst of exclamation.

There was a commotion in the crowd.

Just like Zhuang Kang who appeared in the border forest of Storm Territory, because Narant has too few subordinates, when looking from a distance, the first thing he sees is a group of green dots with obviously different skin colors.

Everyone exclaimed and looked at Narant again. If Narant was not still carrying a delicate silver cup to drink tea, they would probably have fled immediately.

Time passed minute by minute, and the team in the distance was getting closer.

"Ah, I saw it, that's the Demon Knight from the Storm Collar!"

As the team got closer, the situation in the distance became clearer.

Raymond and the others, who were riding the monsters, finally showed themselves behind the orcs by virtue of their height.

"Really...really, Baron Narant really captured so many orcs!"

"This is too incredible. Look, those green skinned people are really crocodiles!"

"Yeah, with so many crocodile people, this is the first time I've seen him. Such a terrifying guy has been captured by more than 200 people!"


"Baron Narant is indeed a warrior of our human race. It is probably the first time for the Alliance to capture thousands of orcs at one time!"

When the situation was finally determined, the original apprehension of these caravans turned into surprise, and they looked at the large group of orcs in disbelief.

The last time Narant plundered the small tribe of the Orc Empire, it was the first time that the alliance was created to counter the Orcs.

And this time, Narant captured thousands of orcs, which was also the first time for the Alliance.

Although this is all because the Holy Alliance Empire has not really had a large-scale battle with the Orcs.

But compared to the news that the Orcs plundered the border every three to five people, Narant was a big help to the Human Race.

"grown ups!"

"grown ups!"

Soon, the orc captives were brought into the lucky town, and Raymond, Quick and others immediately stepped forward to greet them.

"Well, you will take all the orcs except the crocodile to the open space outside the castle, Mario Civil Officer has already set up a fence there to guard these orcs, and after you have brought the orcs there, go to the castle Take out chains instead of ropes and lock these orcs!"

At this moment, a group of caravans and townspeople had already surrounded the square, and they all looked at the orcs up close with strange eyes.

In fact, not to mention the territorial residents of Narant, even the caravans of the Holy Alliance rarely see orcs on weekdays.

The main reason is that in addition to the border between the alliance and the orcs, the orcs will appear very well in the hinterland of the alliance.

And this time, these caravan members saw a novelty.

On the other hand, these caravan members still commented on the orcs. Fortunately, these orcs have lost their temper at this moment, so there is no accident.

"Yes, my lord!"

Soon, Quick, Raymond and others continued to press the orcs towards the castle.

Only two hundred crocodiles remained on the square.

Narant only stood up at this time and came to the high platform in the square.

"Everyone, did I, Narant, deceive you just now?"

"No! Baron Narant is mighty and has really captured thousands of orcs!" At this moment, when they heard Narant's question, all the caravan members were completely convinced.

"That's right, everyone, although I, Narant, are only a baron, I also adhere to the qualities of a knight. Lies will never come out of my mouth!"

"Besides, this orc attack happened suddenly, so I didn't have time to inform you all!"

"However, you don't need to worry, because I, Narant, had the ability to loot within the Orc Empire and returned unharmed, so I'm not afraid of their revenge!"

"Baron Narant is mighty, and the orcs are not worth mentioning in front of Baron Narant!" With the facts in front of him, Narant said a few words of self-promotion at this moment, and no one felt hypocritical at all.

On the contrary, it was very agreeable and cheered.

"Well, the reason why I stand on the high platform and say this is not to show off my Narant's ability, but to tell you that the Storm Leader is very safe, so no matter now or in the future, you can come to the Storm Leader with peace of mind. business!"

"Okay, this is the end of what I'm going to say today, and the two hundred crocodiles will be placed in this square for two hours, and you can enjoy these captives to the fullest within these two hours!"

"Of course, it's best for everyone to lean on the ropes that are arranged around, otherwise, if there is a sudden health situation, the guards will not be able to reflect it!"

After speaking, Narant went directly off the high platform.

And the reason why he wants to come to power is because he is worried that the attack of the orcs will make the caravans have scruples when they come to the Storm Leader in the future.

Especially in the next two days, there will probably be a large group of orcs coming.

At that time, he will take his subordinates to deal with it. If there is another moth in the rear, it will definitely be messed up.

After that, Narant Lemon and others arranged for the ordinary orcs outside the castle to come to the town again to take care of the crocodile, and he returned to the castle.

After Narant left, the square immediately became more lively. Whether it was members of the caravan or ordinary citizens, they all talked and laughed as if watching a monkey show, watching the captives of the crocodile.

Many even went to the pub on the side to buy wine and jerky, and then watched the crocodile chatting while tasting it.

Everyone felt that their experience this time was enough to return to the alliance for a long time.

After all, middle-level orcs like the Crocodile Man are really rare. If they can drink and eat meat in front of them, I am afraid that few people in the Alliance have done it.

In fact, in addition to these caravans on the square paying particular attention to the movement of the orcs invading the Storm Territory, there are also many people in the hinterland of the alliance who are paying more attention to this, such as the Grand Prince of the Bach Empire.

"Captain Lil, so the orcs are about to start an invasion of Stormland!"

Prince Eric was sitting on the soft sofa with Erlang's legs crossed, and in front of him was a captain of the guard who was really reporting.

"Yes, His Royal Highness, according to the information received by the spies who were placed on the border of our empire, the Orcs have sent a total of at least 30,000 teams to Stormland this time."

"Although most of them are small tribe orcs, there are also thousands of elite orc teams, such as crocodile tauren."

"Well, that's how I'm going! Thirty thousand orcs attacked his territory, I don't believe he can escape this time!"

"Furthermore, even if he really runs away in a slump in the end, his territory and people will definitely not be able to escape!"

"If the territory and its people are destroyed, then you will be a country beggar!"

After hearing the news, Prince Eric immediately showed a happy smile on his face.

Hearing that Narant was unlucky was one of the things that would make him happiest now.

"By the way, Lil, as I explained the other day, about the vines and wine-making recipes in the Storm Collar, have you arranged them yet?"

"His Royal Highness, the arrangements have been made. We have sent two caravans to the Black Rock Plain. As soon as they receive the news that the Storm Leader has been looted, they will act separately!"

"One team will go directly to Stormwind Territory to see if they can get it from the Stormwind Territory, and the other team will sneak into the Orc Empire through past relationships, and then see if they can get it from a trade!"

"There are several small tribes on the orc side who have agreed that as long as they get these things, they will give priority to exchanging weapons and equipment with us!"

"Well, it's very good. You must pay attention to this matter. If it is done, not only will I benefit, but our entire Bach Empire will benefit from it!"

Prince Eric is already looking forward to it.

Wine is definitely a coveted business in this holy alliance these days.

It's just that the vines and the technology of making wine are unique to Narant's Storm Territory, so although many nobles in the alliance are jealous, they can only watch it.

And Eric cited the orc invasion of Stormland as a once-in-a-lifetime opportunity.

By the time the orcs have sacked Stormland, they'll be able to get a lot of vines.

In this way, they can also do the wine business in the Bach Empire in the future.

It is best to master all the vines and the winemaking technology exclusively, then their Bach Empire can make a lot of money, and it is not impossible to enhance the national strength because of this.

"My lord, according to the account of the captured orcs, there are at least 20,000 orcs who will invade the Storm Territory, and the fastest time may be in two or three days. The little orcs have been interrogated separately, and there should be no fakes. !"

Narant still didn't know that Eric had already prepared the opportunity for the storm to be plundered by the orcs, and then came to pick the fruit of wine.

He gathered his subordinates to discuss how to deal with the next batch of orcs.

Although he said it very lightly in the square just now, it was only to calm the hearts of the caravan and the people.

Now that he has obtained the specific strength of their main force from the mouths of those orc captives, even though he has made a lot of preparations some time ago, he still feels a lot of pressure.

This time, there are at least 20,000 orcs in the main force, including at least 100 tauren and at least 1,000 crocodiles, which made him have to take it seriously.

After Quick stood up to speak, everyone in the ceremony hall fell silent, apparently under great pressure from the enemy this time.

"Tell me, do we have a chance to resist this time!" Narant looked at his subordinates.

"Sir, if it is an ordinary orc, we are very confident in hell. We have prepared so many 'Rage of Glory' some time ago, and when it is buried on the battlefield, it will definitely blow the orc to the sky!"

"It's just that those tauren and crocodile people are very strong, especially the tauren people. Last time the little ones followed you and fought with them, I'm afraid even 'Rage of Glory' can't really hurt them!" Raymond was cautious at this time. Open your mouth.

He has completely followed Narant and fought in the Orc Empire, so he has a very clear understanding of the strength of the Tauren.

The strength of each of those tauren has reached the golden knight level, and they are all rough-skinned and thick-skinned.

Such a hundred golden knights gather together to charge, and the power can be imagined.

"Of course, my lord, no matter how powerful the enemy is, as long as you give an order, the little ones will follow the lord to the death. Even if the beast king comes, the little ones will not hesitate to rush to kill!"

Perhaps thinking that what he said just now would make others feel timid, Raymond paused and added a serious expression.

"My lord, our Storm Knights team swears to follow your lord!" Quick didn't experience too many battles with orcs, but he didn't have much say.

But in the same way, there is absolutely no problem with the courage of the Storm Squad.

"Sir, Xue Li also vowed to follow you to the death. I will bring Little Bear and Little Huihui when the time comes, and the big fireball and the little fireball will help you drive these hateful orcs out!" Shirley's little girl also joined in the fun at this time.

"Sir, we are too!" Vivian and Catherine also said.

"You guys, my lord is looking for you to pay attention, you're better..." Narant was helpless, his original intention was really to let everyone think about the perfect solution.

But everyone was accustomed to obeying orders in the past, and Narant created miracles, they all chose to lie down, as long as Narant pointed, they would go wherever.

"Forget it, then don't think about it. Your lord has actually come up with a few solutions!" Narant simply skipped the negotiation process, and directly stated his attention.

After preparing for a month and a half, he naturally thought of many countermeasures.

Twenty or thirty thousand enemies, including tauren, crocodile, and so on, were actually beyond his expectations.

And the number of his subordinates is too small, and the rest of the support cannot be obtained, so in fact, he has already thought about the strategy of winning more with less.

Narant's strategy is very simple, divided into three aspects.

One of them, Rage of Glory, is the most basic and the most old-fashioned.

The next two methods are the first attempts, and I don't know how effective they are.

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