Without hesitation.

Su Chen picked up Su Xiaoyong, jumped onto the burly body of the pig-headed monster, and carried three guards back to the fortress villa.

If there is any disturbance, Su Chen will have to hide for a while.

Not to mention.

Such a big movement.

I am afraid that something powerful was used.

For example.

Hundreds of tons of high explosives.

Or something else.

But no matter what the situation, you should not wander outside.

Su Chen, who had just arrived at the three-story villa, went into the yard and checked the bedroom. He found that the hair on the door handle was not broken, so he wiped it off.

Then, he upgraded the fortress without hesitation.

"0 Fortress (country villa) upgrade 1, consuming 10 energy points, do you want to upgrade."


As for the characteristics (strong walls, suspended movement, full battery life, mechanical cannon, water source filtration, space expansion).

Su Chen's eyes moved back and forth between the mechanical cannon and the suspended movement for a long time before choosing strong walls.

Suspended movement can make the villa run away, which is really good, but the situation in the four major areas of Jiangcheng (old city, new city, industrial park suburbs, and surrounding township areas) is unclear.

Su Chen might as well let the fortress stay where it is and hold on.

At least this place is located in the farmland, with vast land and sparse population. It is not far from the county town, nor is it close. The nearest dangerous steel plant has just been cleaned by him.

Except for parasitic zombies, there are almost no dangerous mutant zombies in this ten-mile radius.

Su Chen is a little unsure about the power of the machine cannon. What's more, if someone really wants to kill the fortress, a machine cannon may not be as useful as a strong wall.


The energy point is cleared.

Surrounded by creepers, the three-story villa covered by a three-meter-high steel plate wall, at this moment, together with the foundation and the soil on the foundation, all rose from the ground and floated in the air.

"What's going on?"

"It's floating."

"So amazing."

Su Xiaoyong's eyes almost popped out, she was stunned, and her eyes were full of incredible expressions.

If it weren't for the end of the world.

I'm afraid that this scene in front of her would only make her feel like she was dreaming.

The three-meter-high steel plate, the thickness of a fist, is constantly rising and thickening, and slowly it is like a real fortress wall.

A three-story villa, one floor is about three meters high, three floors are more than nine meters, nearly ten meters high.

The steel plate on the villa wall was originally only one floor high, about three meters, but now it has grown to two floors high, six meters.

The thickness has reached an astonishing 60 centimeters, which is the length of an arm, and is nearly ten times the thickness of a fist.

The original wall steel plate, now seen from a distance, has become a real steel wall that is difficult to shake.

The iron spikes on it are like javelins, which can easily pierce the body of the monster flipping over the wall.

The cement house of the three-story villa was even more squirming, and some changes occurred, and the windows disappeared one by one.

Only the windows on the third floor were left. The ordinary row of windows turned into tall French windows, which allowed Su Chen to clearly see the two major urban areas of Jiangcheng.

The creepers grew faster.

It spread rapidly.

The creepers that had not been removed covered the entire house, leaving only the tall French windows uncovered.

The natural camouflage even surrounded the fortress walls. If you don't look carefully, you won't notice that this was originally a three-story villa.


The three-story villa fell to the ground.

At this time, it had changed its appearance.

"Pig-headed monster, use all your strength to bombard the steel wall and the concrete house."

Su Chen gave the order.

The pig-headed monster scratched his head, and his limited brain capacity was a little confused.

With his strength.

He was like a walking demolition machine.

He could break through the steel plate, so couldn't he just flatten a concrete house?

He did as Su Chen said.


It came to the iron wall, and its millstone-sized fists hit it hard.


The sound was quite loud.


The iron wall was intact, not even a trace of fist marks was left.

You know.

With this punch, a level 1 strength zombie has a chance to be blown up directly.

It didn't believe in evil.

It picked up the three-meter-long double swords and chopped at the concrete house again.


Its double swords made a gap.

Not to mention that the concrete dust was chopped out, even the ivy surrounding the villa could not be cut a little.


"The wall is strong, it's really good."


Su Chen laughed.

Now, no matter what zombie dogs that like to dig holes, agile zombies, even if there are a hundred of them, they can't dig holes to sneak in and attack him.

With the strong walls, the fortress is a fortress, a veritable safe house.

"Why did this door disappear?"

"How do I get out?"

Xiao Xiaoxiao walked out of the house, speaking depressedly.

She now speaks much more fluently.

She is not as unfamiliar as before, and she doesn't stutter anymore.

The scarlet in her eyes completely disappeared, leaving only the black blood vessels on her neck, proving that she had been infected by the zombie virus.

Before, there was still a small iron door, but now the iron wall of the fortress doesn't even have a door.


1After the fortress is upgraded.

Su Chen unlocked new abilities.

[1] Fortress Advent

[2] Fortress Guests

Critical Moments.

He can directly summon the fortress to descend. This is his privilege as the master of the fortress, but it can only be used once a month.

As for the fortress guests, it means that everyone except Su Chen and his guards will be excluded from the fortress. Only those who are marked as guests can stay in the fortress. ,

And Su Chen can take back the guest's authority at any time.

After the fortress was upgraded to level 1, Su Chen marked Xiao Xiaoxiao and Su Xiaoyong.


The moment the upgrade was completed, the two of them would have been excluded from the fortress outside the city wall.

"Try to get closer to the wall."

Su Chen gestured to Xiao Xiaoxiao.

Very quickly.

Xiao Xiaoxiao walked to the wall, and as she stretched out her hand, lines appeared on the wall, a rectangle with a line in the middle.

A door appeared in an instant.

This is the fortress!

The extraordinary fortress!

The power that belongs only to Su Chen.

"Ah, this..."

"Is this really a power that humans can master?"

Xiao Xiaoxiao and Su Xiaoyong opened their mouths wide, their faces full of shock. It was the first time they saw such extraordinary power.

Zombies can be explained by genetic evolution, virus mutation, etc., but the scene in front of them can only be the power of the extraordinary.

"Ji Crossbow, come to my room for a while, Pighead Monster, Gangzi, guard my door."

Su Chen led the female warrior Ji Crossbow, who was like a Valkyrie, and walked into the bedroom.


He took out his mobile phone.

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