Doom: I have a fortress and a puppet army!

Chapter 158: Chasing and Hunting

Su Chen now has two heavenly king-level guards in his hands, a dream tyrant, and a Taishan monarch.

According to Su Chen's perception.

Among the heavenly kings, both of his guards can reach the high-level heavenly king level in the future. However, since this is a dream world, with the bonus of the dream realm, reaching the limit of the heavenly king level, the dream guards can play the peak king. That is the strength of the Nightmare Monarch.


"What's this……"

Su Chen looked towards the distant sky, and suddenly saw a huge shadow, coming towards him quickly. It was obvious that the target was here.

His eyes narrowed slightly.


The view changes.

LV King-Ghost Dragon!

LV King-Devil Dragon!

"Huh? What's going on? Two demon kings."

Su Chen's expression changed.


These two demon kings were all aiming at him. Otherwise, it would be impossible to explain all of this.

But what surprised Su Chen was why these two demon kings appeared here. Could it be that they had formed an alliance?

But in the purgatory world in Shura God's memory, aren't the purgatory kings enemies of each other, always trying to devour each other, obtain the other's king crystal core, and help them reach a higher level?

Currently, there is only one Dream Guard who can barely exert the strength of a high-ranking Heavenly King, and the Mountain Guard who has just become a Heavenly King is an ordinary Heavenly King at best.

This battle can be fought or not.

If we fight, it will be evenly matched and the outcome will be 50-50.

If you don't fight.

"If you don't fight, that's fine!"

"It's my time."

"As long as I can continue to obtain the Heavenly King's crystal core, I can give birth to a second or even a third Heavenly King's guard. I am so frustrated that I am fighting for your life..."

Su Chen greeted.


The Dream Guard, the Mountain Guard, and the Pig-headed Monster all fled quickly.

not to mention.

Su Chen has another method, which is to directly use the characteristics of the Heavenly King as the core, consume massive amounts of energy, and directly create a Guardian of the Heavenly King.

Of course there is no other way.

The Heavenly King's Guard created in this way could probably consume one billion of energy on the spot.

In a blink of an eye.

The two sides cover the sky and the sun, as if the terrifying demon king who can destroy the world has arrived here.

"Where are the people?"

"I sense his aura here."

"Damn it! Let him escape, you bastard."

"What's going on? Could it be that someone tipped off the news? We have been very careful to hide the traces. Why are we still discovered? There are still traces here. Apparently we just left not long ago."

The two demon kings roared.

Since knowing the path to becoming a saint, the two purgatory kings, the Demonic Dragon King and the Ghost Dragon King, have gone crazy, trying to find Su Chen and kill the dream guards by the way.

Whoever can kill the dream guards, obtain this dream world, and then bring this dream world back to purgatory, is basically guaranteed to be a quasi-sage.

How could the two demon kings let go of such a bright road?

"He seems to be in great need of the Heavenly King's Crystal Core. How about we lure him out and let him take the risk to snatch it and throw himself into a trap?"

The ghost cabinet suddenly said.


The Demonic Dragon King looked towards the Ghost Dragon King.

He agreed very much with the proposal of the ghost cupboard, a statue of the former purgatory saint.

Anyway, the only Heavenly King Crystal Core in his hand has been taken away by Su Chen! On the contrary, in the hands of the high-ranking Heavenly King, Ghost Dragon King, there is also a Heavenly King crystal core and a Heavenly King characteristic.

No matter what, the Ghost Dragon King must spit out the Heavenly King Crystal Core. Otherwise, with the Heavenly King Crystal Core in hand, the Ghost Dragon King will definitely be able to increase his strength.

The Ghost Dragon King is already strong enough. If it gets stronger, it will be impossible to compete with it for this dream world.

"I agree with this proposal."

The Demonic Dragon King stared at the Ghost Dragon King.

No matter how reluctant he was, the Ghost Dragon King decided to take out a Heavenly King crystal core and let this human life grow. God knows whether they will face three or even four Heavenly Kings next time.

Even high-ranking kings are afraid of being beaten.

not to mention.

That dream guard will grow to the level of a peak king sooner or later. When he really gets the dream world, it will be too late for them to deal with Su Chen.


The Ghost Dragon King said with pain.


Right now.

A voice interspersed in.

"What are you doing? It looks very interesting. Can you join me? I really want to hear that you are going to use the King's crystal core as bait to seduce someone?"

When the words rang out, they were still thousands of miles away.

Wait until the words fall.

The demon king who spoke had crossed several regions and worlds and came to the side of the two demon kings.

Completely surrounded by the fire of hell, the terrifying scorching aura burned in all directions. Among the sky-burning flames, a black figure could be vaguely seen standing.

This is the last Hellfire Demon King!

"Lord Holy Lord."

The Hellfire Demon King said to the ghost closet.


This is also the reinforcement that Guigui called over.

The Demonic Dragon King and the Ghost Dragon King all had gloomy and uncertain expressions. Apparently they were particularly dissatisfied with the fact that the ghost cupboard did not say hello but instead summoned a demon king. .

The Demon King Alliance has already raised three Demon Kings.

Time flies by.

In the dream world, a world full of green mountains and green waters, a tall level 8 demon was wandering tremblingly holding a Heavenly King Crystal Core in his arms.

Having the Heavenly King Crystal Core in hand is a joyful thing.

But this peak level 8 monster couldn't be happy.

Because he is a decoy.

A bait to lure a human life that is no weaker than the King of Purgatory.

A long time passed.

He had walked through all the places in this dream area, and still didn't encounter any danger, which immediately made him breathe a sigh of relief.


"It seems that the dangerous person is not here."

This level 8 monster, in the real world, is a complete overlord among overlords.


Here, I feel terrified, wishing I had never come to this dream world.

This dream world is a bit too dangerous.

There are more than two figures of dead demons at level 9.

In fact, for level 8 monsters like him, there were not only 500 dead, but 300.

"It shouldn't be."

"Why didn't you show up?"

"Damn it!"

"Is it possible that there are demons who have tipped off the news? Why is this human life always able to hide before us? Even if it is lured with the crystal core of the King of Heaven, it will not be fooled at all..."

The three demon kings became a little anxious.

Even the Hellfire Demon King who joined later became crazy when he learned that the dream world was the shortest path to becoming a saint.

Saint level.

Since the God War, the saints have become legends.

The other side.

In a small cement house, Su Chen stood by the window and watched the level 8 demon holding the Heavenly King's crystal core leave. He looked particularly tired and his eyes were faintly bloodshot.

Obviously, during this period, this cat and mouse game made him feel particularly bored.

"What's going on?"

"Why can these guys always determine my general range and chase me all the way?"

If his subordinates were not all guards created by Su Chen, otherwise, Su Chen would be like the demon king and suspect that there is a traitor around him.

Su Chen knew clearly.

The reason why he was able to detect the arrival of these demon kings early was entirely because of his extraordinary vision.

The distant horizon.

Three shining, almost blinding LV King logos were rushing towards him at high speed. He was not a fool and could definitely see them.

as far as I can tell.

Su Chen had no intention of fighting to the death.

After all, there are three demon kings on the opposite side, and there is also a high-ranking heavenly king. He can barely match the combat power of the three heavenly kings, including himself.

When facing two demon kings, they could barely achieve a 50-50 split, let alone when there was another hellfire demon king on the opposite side.

The three demon kings chased and blocked Su Chen, so that Su Chen never had the chance to continue searching for the other Heavenly King crystal nuclei and the characteristics of the Heavenly King.

In the dream world, Su Chen can leave completely.

after all.

He holds a dream king creature in his hand.

However, the Dream Guard cannot take it away.

By the time.

As soon as he leaves.

Leaving the dream to guard a heavenly king facing three terrifying demon kings is a certain death.

"We have to figure out how the other side detects my location!"

"Otherwise, I wouldn't be able to plan the next step at all."

next moment.

Su Chen motioned to the dream guard, and in an instant, a dream portal opened.

On the other side is the real world.

Yongcheng is desolate and silent, full of monsters wandering around.


In this eternal city, Gangzi, who sensed Su Chen's aura, carried Su Chen's sleeping body and appeared through the portal.

Su Chen glanced at his sleeping body. This was the first time he looked at himself in this posture.


The pig-headed monster broke away from the dream world and took over from Gangzi to guard Su Chen's body.

Gangzi entered the dream world.

Obviously Gangzi is extremely curious about everything here.

Today's Gangzi is a lv7 guard with a life of level 8.

Su Chen spent energy without hesitation and upgraded Gangzi.

"lv7 Dark Lord (0/3000w) → lv8, level 9 life, do you want to upgrade?"


Just 30 million energy.

In an instant, Su Chen's energy balance of 1,061,000,000 turned into 976,100,000 energy.


Gangzi became a level 9 being.

Today's Gangzi, even if he is the King of Heaven, can't find the hidden Gangzi unless he is face to face. Su Chen sends Gangzi to probe for information.

Su Chen wanted to know how he had been locked in position.


Gangzi disappeared without a trace, approaching the place where the three purgatory kings were entrenched on the horizon.

In a cement house.

By the window.

Su Chen closed his eyes, his divine consciousness burst out, and he entered Gangzi's three-dimensional image, and began to explore everything through Gangzi's perception.

On the other side.

A huge canyon.

This huge canyon is like a pit at the feet of the two Demon Dragon Kings and the Ghost Dragon King, whose bodies are as tall as mountains and continents.

At this moment, Gangzi is like an ordinary shadow, hiding here, right under the noses of the three demon kings, quietly watching everything.


"He didn't fall for the Heavenly King Crystal Core after taking it out!"

"Damn it!"

"It's like he knows we are waiting to hunt him down..."

The three demon kings have gained nothing during this period, and their emotions are getting more and more manic. They even don't respect the fallen saint Guichu.

If they don't kill the Dream Guardian, the native Heavenly King of the Dream, none of them can get this dream world. At that time, what is the difference between the path of this saint and the pie they painted for them?

"I'll try again..."

"Logically speaking, this thing has been refined into a ghost puppet by me, so it's impossible for it to warn him or report false information."

"Let me try again."

After a long silence, under the gaze of the three terrifying demon kings, the ghost cabinet's voice seemed to have aged for countless years, and was extremely hoarse.

He even regretted it a little.

He shouldn't have gone to the real world to plot this so-called great fortune.

If he had honestly hidden in Purgatory, perhaps his body would have recovered to the level of Quasi-Heavenly King or even Purgatory Heavenly King at this time, and he wouldn't be so passive.


In the ghost cabinet, a ghost hand stretched out, holding a ghostly wooden box in the ghost hand.

The next moment.

The wooden box opened.

A hand-made, stupid and twisted evil spirit appeared. He turned in all directions one by one, and then his dull eyes suddenly looked at the Grand Canyon below and pointed to the darkness.

"He is right here, watching you!"

A clear female voice sounded from the twisted evil spirit.

At this moment.

Gangzi was exposed!

The three terrifying demon kings all locked onto Gangzi who was hiding in the darkness.

"Where did the rat come from?"


"Divine consciousness, this is the power of divine consciousness, damn it, that kid actually has divinity, he is a person who is destined to be calamity, how many things are you hiding from us..."


At this moment, Gangzi, who was a level 9 life, exploded and fell completely.

Before Gangzi fell.

Su Chen heard the roar of the three demon kings, and looked at the evil spirit in the hands of the ghost cabinet.

Another place.

In a cement house.

Su Chen opened his eyes in disbelief, and there was still an incredible divine light in his eyes.

At this moment, he finally understood.

How did the ghost cabinet and the three demon kings constantly determine his location.

"Even though you're dead, you were found by the ghost cabinet and refined into that posture..."

Su Chen closed his eyes in some pain.

Before the doomsday.

In peacetime, the scenes with Shen Linlin in Jiangcheng appeared in his mind.

Childhood sweethearts.

Family split.

From then on, there was no intersection, until the night before the doomsday, when 24 disappeared, and the phone call from Yongcheng.

In the wooden box in the ghost cabinet's hand, the numb and twisted evil spirit was Shen Linlin.

"Damn it."

"Ghost cabinet, you deserve to die!"

Su Chen was extremely angry, and for a moment it covered up his original rationality. (End of this chapter)

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