The old city has a population of 300,000 to 500,000.

But there are 1 million zombies.

Most of them came from another world.

Very easy to distinguish.

Wearing clothes that do not belong to this world, with shriveled bodies and black bodies like mummies, ordinary zombies have obviously faster speeds, and obviously stronger than ordinary zombies, and the virus infection is even more amazing.

There are also many mutant zombies.

It can be said that.

The zombies that came out of the blood hole, whether ordinary zombies or mutant zombies, are better than the zombies that came from the blood rain mutation.

However, it is fortunate that.

These powerful zombies, and the millions of zombies, for some reason, seem unable to leave the blood hole too far away, just wandering in the old city area, hunting blood food, as if there is an invisible circle that encloses them.

This is why there are still a large number of survivors in the township area, industrial suburbs, and new city area.


Millions of zombies gather.

Wash over.

Even thousands of evolvers will be at a loss.

Evolvers are not immune to zombie viruses. If bitten by a stronger mutant zombie, they will still change into zombies, but they will become stronger mutant zombies all at once.

The awakening path is better.

They can have strange abilities, such as metalization, which has a greater advantage over zombie viruses, but not much.

In general.

Level 1 Evolvers, one-on-one, without hot weapons, are much inferior to level 1 zombies, but with wisdom, they can still escape safely, which is considered to be a counterattack.

Level 1 Awakeners, if the awakened ability is strong, such as metalization, can have a lot of confidence to solve the level 1 zombies.


Su Chen and his guards are taking another extraordinary path.

0 can hunt level 1 zombies.

1 strangles level 2 zombies.

It is much more powerful than the evolutionary path and awakening path.

[After the evolutionary awakening, the appetite increases, and one person can eat the amount of ten people. I am running out of supplies. 】

【Boss, you probably don't have enough supplies. 】

【Do you want to form a team and get supplies? 】

【I don't know which bastard bought all the medicines and fast food in the nearby stores before the doomsday. It was like he was buying more goods. The nearby stores seemed to have been emptied. 】

In front of the phone, Su Chen subconsciously looked at the other bedrooms, which were piled high with boxes of supplies.

If nothing unexpected happened.

That bastard was him.

At the beginning of the doomsday, he hoarded a large amount of supplies, and a large supermarket bought a batch. When purchasing medicines, he also emptied several small stores.

If I remember correctly.

There is indeed his arm in Green Osmanthus Garden.

"No shortage for the time being."

"My supplies are okay. I can still survive with a tight budget."

After saying that.

Su Chen put the phone aside and came to the bathtub. The large barrel of pure water boiled, and the water in the bathtub was steaming.

Su Chen dared not use tap water.

The large barrel of water was enough.

Taking a shower is not such a luxury.

It won't take long.

When he accumulates enough energy points, he can upgrade the fortress and create the second characteristic. Sooner or later, he can upgrade to the characteristic of water source filtration. At that time, pure water will not be so rare and precious.

After taking a shower.

Su Chen walked out of the bedroom.

The meal is ready.

Su Xiaoyong, a girl of seventeen or eighteen years old, is wearing an apron and cooking for him, tomato scrambled eggs, beef noodles.

She is covered in dust.


She has not been idle all day, helping him clean the interior of the fortress villa.

"Thank you for your hard work."

Su Chen touched Su Xiaoyong's little head.


Su Xiaoyong was like a kitten, showing an expression of enjoyment, and it was not known whether he enjoyed Su Chen's praise or something else.

"It's not bad to have someone to take care of your daily life."

Su Chen unfolded the map while eating.

This is the map of Jiangcheng that he pulled from the Internet at the security booth using the printer there. There are only the old city, the new city, the industrial suburbs, and several bordering towns.

Su Chen marked a point on the map, which was his villa fortress.

Then, he found the steel mill and marked it again. It had been cleared and was basically safe.

There were only hundreds or thousands of ordinary zombies left. For Su Chen, it was not safe. There was not a single mutant zombie that could threaten him.

"The parasitic zombie should have left."

"I don't know where it went."

Su Chen had a feeling.

This thing must have reached level 3.

With its weirdness, it had eaten seven level 1 zombies. I'm afraid it didn't need to hunt for higher quality crystal cores, so it went to other places to hunt for level 2 crystal cores.

Agile zombies can survive.

I'm afraid it was its vigilant instinct and agile speed that helped him.


He was level 1 on the first day of the apocalypse. If there was a chance, how could the parasitic zombie let him go.

It was precisely because the parasitic zombie left that it could become level 2 and the zombie overlord entrenched in the steel mill.

He thought about it.

Su Chen drew a question mark next to the steel refinery and marked the parasitic zombies.


Su Chen drew a big circle, encircling most of the old city, and marked it in red, indicating extreme danger.

Now, those who can still survive in the old city are either evolvers or awakeners. Otherwise, do you really think that the concrete wall can stop the alienated zombies with a keen sense of smell?

Guns, on the contrary, are not very useful.

After all, the noise is too loud.

It is too easy to trigger a zombie tide.

"Millions of zombies, plus countless alienated zombies, once they break out of the cage, it is hard to imagine what a disaster it will be."

"Suspension movement should also be put on the agenda. Otherwise, millions of zombies will come out of the cage. Although they may not be able to break the fortress and open my can, it is also a pity..."

"The city is strong and the walls are solid, which is indeed good."

"But the fortress still needs to be able to move."

After a day of rest.

I looked at the time.

It is now August 4th, more than 0:00 in the morning. Su Chen put on the leather armor that is still relatively intact and prepared to go out.

He always likes to go out late at night.

Late at night, zombies are active.

There are many alienated zombies.

Others try to avoid him, but for him, it is all energy, guards, and capital for upgrading the fortress.

What's more.

He also needs to lose his characteristics to upgrade himself.

Now, he still has a 1 mark on his head.

After the doomsday.

As soon as it gets dark.

It will gradually rain, and it will get heavier and heavier. When it reaches the peak in the middle of the night, Su Chen can't stop the blood rain from soaking.

However, fortunately, he is no longer an ordinary person. He has all kinds of zombie characteristics and materials on his body, which makes him half an alienated zombie.

He won't be infected by a bloody rain.

If he wants to be infected, he would have been infected long ago.

He should have antibodies in his body to resist bloody rain infection.

On the map.

The steel plant, the alienated zombies have been cleared, and the remaining hundreds or thousands of zombies are just staying there, acting as the gatekeepers of the warehouse.

In order to avoid the warehouse being blown up by the evolvers at some point, and when he goes there, all his steel materials have been emptied.

What's more.

If, by chance, a few Level 1 mutant zombies were born among the nearly 1,000 zombies, he could harvest them again.

However, the hope was slim.

He had almost killed all the Level 0 mutant zombies in the steel factory.

On the Jiangcheng map, Su Chen's next target for elimination was Chiyang High School, a street near the steel factory in the new city district.

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