Doom: I have a fortress and a puppet army!

Chapter 185 Saints Fighting【2】


“The mantis’ arm is extremely weak when it is used as a chariot.

"Not to mention you, a newly promoted saint. Even if you are a veteran among the star saints, you will definitely die if you face my hundred-headed snow dragon."

"The more you are lucky, otherwise, if you encounter me in my peak state, it will not be the level of a hundred quasi-saints, but the siege of a hundred star saints and snow dragons..."

The Fengxue Demon Saint sneered.


The next moment.

He couldn't laugh anymore, and the sneer on his face froze.

Because he saw it.

Burning white light.

This is not the white light of the power of the king, but the light of the power of faith that comes from above the saints and that only demigods can get involved in.

"The power of faith?"

"You are burning the power of faith."


"You are just a new stone demon saint. How can you have the power of faith? This is something that only the ancient sun saint can get involved in..."

"You are not a new saint at all. Who are you?"

He felt that the opponent, who was originally just a weak new Star Saint, suddenly became not much weaker than the Moon Saint in his peak period.

At this moment, the Snow Demon Saint finally came to his senses, panicked, and shouted loudly, asking who the guy in front of him was.

In the middle of the war.

Su Chen's rotten wings vibrated like a sword soaring to the sky, and a pair of fists rushed back and forth among the ten thousand feet snow dragon. Wherever it passed, this so-called ten thousand foot snow dragon was not worth mentioning at all.

They were all shattered to pieces by Su Chen's punch!

A blink of an eye.

The battle situation reached its peak.

There were hundreds of snow dragons, but only two or three cats and dogs were left, resisting stubbornly in Fuhe.

"It seems that your methods are not very strong."

"It seems that the hunter who really leads the hunt is not you, but me!"

Su Chen smiled indifferently.

at this moment.

The Snow Demon Saint keeps retreating. He frantically wants to take back his snow world, but it is impossible.

He started this fight to the death, but it was precisely because of the fight he started that blocked his last way of survival, making it impossible for him to escape.

The worlds of the two saints were fighting against each other, making it impossible for him to break free. Leaving this snowy world, even if he wanted to abandon his own snowy world, he couldn't do it.

Even if he really gave up the Snow Wind World, he would die faster, because without the Saint World, he would fall to the Saint Realm, and he would no longer be Su Chen's opponent.

"who are you?"

"Forgive me!"

"I am willing to surrender to you. No matter what big plan you have, I will support it unconditionally. I have millions of demons under my command, who are willing to be your pawns!"

The Fengxue Demon Saint watched Su Chen smash the last ten-thousand-foot-long snow dragon and walk towards him, with tears streaming down his face, full of regret.

He originally thought that this was a chance from heaven, and the ignorant new saint who came to his door could just allow him to seize the origin of the saint and live for another three thousand years.

did not expect.

The other party is very likely to be a fallen demigod. Otherwise, how could he have the power of faith.

This time, he was kicked directly on the iron plate.

He claimed to be the Moon Saint who was at his peak in the past, and his methods were far beyond what ordinary Star Saints could match. Unexpectedly, the opponent at his peak in the past was far harder and stronger than him!

He is no match at all! He was beaten when he came up.

"I don't need your surrender!"

"On the contrary, I need your saint origin!"

Su Chen spoke slowly.

As the words fell, Su Chen walked step by step in front of the Snow Demon Saint, forced him into a corner, and then punched him.

that's all

This snow-storm demon saint has fallen.


The icy cold wind, wrapped in the pale snow, became even colder.

As the body of the Snow Demon Saint fell to the ground, in the blink of an eye, the endless snow world began to tremble violently at this moment.

The world disappeared, and on the corpse of the Snow Demon Saint, there appeared a small star shining with a little moonlight. This was the origin of this saint.

"Hoo ho!"

Su Chen breathed a sigh of relief.


It's just a demon saint, burning with the power of faith, and can be hunted successfully.

The burning power of faith was exchanged for a saint's origin, which was not a loss at all. It could completely make up for all the losses at this station.

It can even allow him to go deeper into the realm of saints and become stronger.

"Fortunately I won."

"Otherwise, I may even fall to the rank of saint. By then, even a demon king can easily deal with me."

Falling below the realm of a saint was completely unacceptable to Su Chen.

if so.

He had no choice but to escape back to Earth.

"After eating this saint's origin, you can probably become the pinnacle of the star saint, and then touch the threshold of the moon saint..."

Su Chen swallowed the origin of the Snow Wind Saint directly.

That's right after swallowing.

at the same time.

All the hidden saints in the eastern realm of purgatory world clearly sensed that the aura belonging to the original wind and snow demon saint disappeared.

"The Snow Demon Saint, this weak old thing, has finally disappeared."

"It seems that he couldn't bear the injury and died!~"

"According to the Saint's Convention, everyone can rob the saint's origin according to his own ability. As long as he does not cause any damage to the monsters in the monster city, it will not be considered a violation of the Saint's Convention. From now on, everyone can rely on their own ability."


Rampant laughter.

at this time.

In the eastern demon world, several figures of saints moved upon hearing the wind and rushed towards this giant city of demons.


When these saints arrived, they only saw the huge monster city that had been burned by fire and turned into a dead place, and the corpse of the shark turned into a wreck outside the monster city.

The Snow Demon Saint is actually dead!


Looking at the traces of the battle outside the monster city, they were still fighting each other at the saint level. In the end, they directly hunted and killed the Snow Shark Saint and seized the original power.

At this moment, the voices of the five saints present were all breathing heavily and boiling.

It's not that they were angry because the Snowstorm Saint was hunted and killed. They, the demons, had no companions, and they wouldn't be sad to see him die.

They got excited.

"This powerful new saint, no, a strange saint, appeared in the world of purgatory, slaughtered a giant city of demons, and also killed a demon saint. The most important thing is that he is not protected by the covenant of saints..."

"In this case, whoever grabs the origin of this powerful saint belongs to him."

In an instant.

The figures of the five saints dispersed in a rush.

They followed the traces left between heaven and earth to find Su Chen's traces.

At this moment.

Su Chen didn't know it yet, but he had been targeted by five powerful demon saints. Now, he was huddled in a monster lair in a cave, devouring the origin of the Snow Shark Saints.

I don’t know how much time has passed.

Su Chen woke up slowly.

Confusing memories rushed into his mind.

after all.

If he wants to completely devour the origin of a saint, without wasting any bit of it, he will be washed away by the saint's massive memory.

Su Chen couldn't remember exactly how many years this saint had lived.

Probably about ten thousand years ago.

As for him, he only had sporadic memories of being a true human god in his previous life. In fact, he was still the thirty-something-year-old Su Chen on earth.

The memory of more than thirty years was about to be washed away by the memory of the demon saint for tens of thousands of years. When Su Chen woke up, he was stunned in place for a long time before he came out of the trance.

If he hadn't been firm-minded and had seen a lot of storms, he might have really lost himself in the waves of memory.

"As a last resort, we still cannot swallow the origin of the saint. This massive amount of memory washing is really unbearable..."

Su Chen felt the power of the saint in his body gradually transforming towards the origin of the moon, and nodded with satisfaction.

It was not in vain that he took such a big risk to swallow the origin and memory of this ten thousand-year-old shark saint. The effect of the snake swallowing the elephant was obvious.

Probably he only needs to swallow one Moon Saint before he can truly become a powerful Moon Saint. By then, he will be safer in the world of purgatory.

The only thing that made Su Chen regretful was that in that battle, in pursuit of a quick victory and crushing the opponent, the power of faith contained in the cloned guard had been exhausted.


He can only use this little bit less of the saint's original power.

"It's time to leave and look for the pig-headed monster and traces of 30% of the divine power..."

Just when Su Chen got up and was about to leave this monster lair.

The next moment.

At this moment, the top of this underground lair like a honeycomb hidden in the cave was suddenly lifted, and a ten-thousand-meter monster with an octopus face like the evil Hades in mythology appeared.


"Got you!"

The Pluto from the ancient mythology laughed ferociously.

The next moment.

He had already taken action and was hunting towards Su Chen.

There is no doubt that it is a saint!

A powerful moon saint!

"Damn it."

"Is this a hunt for saints?"

"did not expect."

"Why did you come so early?"

At this moment, Su Chen's expression turned extremely ugly.

After consuming the memory of the shark saint, he naturally has a clear understanding of the saint's covenant. Now he is afraid that he has violated the saint's covenant and has become the target of the demon saints in the East District of Purgatory.

Although most of the demon saints in the purgatory world are disabled, they cannot stand in large numbers, and heroes are afraid of group fights. What's more, his original power cannot be regenerated, so he needs fewer clone guards.

"We can only fight hard!"

"Quick victory!"

"Only by winning quickly can I not be surrounded by the saints who are coming next. I absolutely cannot fall into the hunting of saints, otherwise I will definitely die..."

Su Chen growled.

At this moment, head towards the ancient Saint Pluto in the myth.

this moment.

Su Chen opened the world of the Snow Wind Saint that he had plundered from the Mermaid Saint, and rushed towards the underworld of the dead that the ancient Pluto had opened.

It was also at this moment that he was fighting with this ancient Hades.

After a short while.

The underworld of the dead, which belongs exclusively to Pluto, was shattered.

The ancient Hades with an octopus face fell to the ground in disbelief. The Saint's origin peeled out of his body and tried to escape.

However, it was swallowed by Su Chen.

This ancient Hades wanted to hunt Su Chen and obtain Su Chen's Saint's origin to recover from his injuries, but he didn't expect to be defeated by Su Chen, and the origin was taken away by Su Chen.

"There is no way."

"If I don't swallow this Saint's origin power, I may even fall directly out of the Saint realm. At that time, I will lose another 30% of my divinity."

"If a total of 60% of my divinity is lost in the purgatory world, then I will be finished..."

Su Chen swallowed the Hades' origin and fled away at a high speed.

When he appeared again.

His expression became more and more dazed.

In front of a huge demon city, Su Chen's state was already a little bit wrong. The chaotic memory brought him to this huge city.

"I am the Pluto Saint!"

"You and me..."

When the demons in this demon city attacked him in terror, Su Chen came to his senses and regained control of his memory.

He is Su Chen!

The human Su Chen!

Not a native demon in this purgatory world.

At this moment.

Su Chen regained consciousness.

He completely digested the essence of the Pluto Saint, and his own saint essence finally changed from a star to a slightly incomplete moon.

He has now become the Moon Saint!

On the other side, in front of the monster's lair, in front of the corpse of the Pluto Saint that was eaten beyond recognition and looked like a mountain range, the faces of the four Purgatory Saints were extremely ugly.

"Even the Moon Saint couldn't take him down?"

"What level is this newly promoted Saint..."

"Could it be that he is also a Moon Saint? That shouldn't be the case. According to the level of fighting of the Genfengxue Mermaid Saint, he should be just a newly promoted Saint who has just entered the Sainthood?"

"Why! Even Hades was killed by him!"

The Moon Saint and Hades are already extremely powerful among the five Saints.

After all.

In this demon world in the eastern area of ​​Purgatory, under the rule of the World Devouring King, the Eight-Headed Snake Jörmungandr, all Sun Saints have basically been devoured by this greedy snake.

Even the more powerful Moon Saint, the Eight-Headed Snake, and Jörmungandr were not spared.

So much so that.

On this land, there are only two or three of them left.

Even the extremely powerful Hades has fallen.

For a while.

They were a little scared.

Even, I doubted whether this saint was a star saint or not. Perhaps he was a high-ranking saint wandering from another demon world, or maybe a sun demon saint.

"Quickly notify Lord Jörmungandr!"

"If it is really a sun demon saint from other regions, openly violating the Four Kings' Covenant and coming here to hunt us for food, we cannot deal with it."

"Only Jörmungandr can deal with the sun saint..."

The four demon saints looked at each other, quickly reached a consensus, and wanted to go to the kingdom of the earth of Jörmungandr, the king of the Devouring World. (End of this chapter)

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