Ms. Crossbow turned into a figurine again and was thrown into Su Chen's pocket.

Su Chen returned to the security booth.

Su Xiaoyi was eating.

She was so hungry after just completing her evolution.

Fortunately, Su Chen had no shortage of supplies.

When Gangzi left, he swept the zombies nearby and left a lot of supplies for Su Chen.

"So, Master, you evolved by hunting zombies' characteristics?"


Su Xiaoyi looked at Su Chen in admiration.

In the security booth.

Su Chen looked at the monitor and briefly told Su Xiaoyi what he and she needed to do in Chiyang High School.

Zombie crystal core.

And the characteristics left by zombies.

These are the key.

"Also, don't call me Master, it always feels like some kind of pervert."

"You can call me by my name,"

"In addition, in addition to Ms. Crossbow, there are two companions."

Su Chen pointed to the Iron Pig Head outside the security booth, who was dragging his scarred body and some signs of festering back, and said.


"This is the second companion."

"Iron Pig Guard."

"It is our strongest guard."

Iron Pig Head sat down at the entrance of the security booth, blocked the door for Su Chen, broke the rusty iron railings, put them in his mouth and chewed them to recover from his injuries.

Iron Pig Head was defeated.

After all, it was a level 3 monster.

However, the armored zombies were not easy to deal with either.

The injuries that had not recovered in the first place were aggravated after this battle.

The price was.

Su Chen also temporarily lost a high-end combat power here.

Iron Pig Head, temporarily unable to participate in the encirclement and suppression of level 3 monsters.

However, in a short time, Su Chen would not attack level 3 monsters without complete confidence, and level 2 was enough for him to hunt.

It was a complete accident to meet a level 3 armored monster in the cafeteria.

Su Chen did not expect it.

"There is also a parasitic zombie, I don't know where it is hiding."

"Now, there are only Gangzi and Ms. Crossbow left. If I encounter a parasitic zombie again..."

Su Chen thought in his heart.

At this time.

The Iron Pighead, who had gnawed a lot of rusty railings, recovered some of his spirit and began to howl and gesture, trying to say something.

Su Chen didn't understand.

He could only barely understand some of the meaning.

"You mean, you found something in the cafeteria?"

"Is there a problem with the armored zombie?"

Su Chen asked.

The Iron Pighead nodded heavily.


He howled again.

"Is there a problem?"

Su Chen clicked on the monitor and saw the video before the cafeteria went black.


I didn't see it wrong.

It's real.

At the beginning, the armored zombie's logo was indeed a blue level 2 logo, at most it was quasi-level 3.

On the contrary, the level 3 logo of the parasitic zombie was genuine.

Watched it over and over again.

Replayed it over and over again.


Su Chen pressed the pause button.

The picture froze for a moment.

This is the armored zombie, who pulled out a rusty big sword from somewhere.

That is, after this moment.

His logo changed to the orange logo of a level 3 monster.

"Is this a special weapon that can be equipped?"

"What's going on?"

"It's okay for a mutant zombie to wear armor, but now this zombie can also equip weapons, upgrade its level, and become a level 3 monster?"

Su Chen stared at the rusty sword.

To be precise.

It was where the rusty sword was taken out.


It looked like a door.

It was only the size of a dog hole, but it seemed to be emitting a bloody halo, like the door above the old city of Jiangcheng on the first night of the doomsday.

"This is a big deal."

There is a door.

It proves that there will be a steady stream of zombies that may come out from it.

Now, Su Chen finally understood.

What Iron Pighead was saying.

He was hunting crystal cores in the cafeteria.

It was going well at first.

When chasing an agile zombie, it ran to the top floor of the cafeteria and saw a door.

It was not very big.

Only a small zombie dog could get in.

The armored zombie was curled up in front of the door, relying on the blood halo to recover from his injuries.

Iron Pig Head retreated immediately.


The armored zombie was relentless and chased it like crazy. At that time, it was only a peak level 2 monster.

Seeing that he couldn't take him down.

He pulled out the rusty sword that was still incubating from the door.

Now, he was no match.

He was beaten like this all the way.

Fighting and fleeing.

Leaving the cafeteria area.

The armored zombie retreated to the door the size of a dog hole.

"A door, a sword, and an armored zombie?"

Su Chen was sure.

This dog hole-sized door is definitely the same erosion door as the one above the old city of Jiangcheng.

On the other side of the door is the world of zombies.

This can also explain.

Why did Chiyang High School, located at the border of the new city and the industrial suburbs, have an armored zombie monster that only appeared in the old city?

Chiyang High School is five kilometers away from the old city.

"Things are a bit troublesome."

Su Chen counted the crystal cores handed over by the pig-headed monster, a total of 3 level 1 crystal cores.

Many were lost on the way.


There could be more.

On the other side.

Gangzi also came back.

He was covered with weapons.

But Su Chen only took away the martial arts spear, a set of fencing armor, and the Eight-sided Han Sword.

I originally had my eye on a martial arts sword, but found it was too thin.

Su Chen hesitated, but still didn't throw it away.

It doesn’t cost energy points anyway.

There’s no shortage of that bit of steel either.

A level 0 servant can fight against level 1 zombies, so he is considered to be quite powerful.

"Put on."

"Ready to go."

Su Chen threw the fencing armor to Su Xiaoyi.

The martial arts spear is okay.

Forged from fine steel.

With a heavy hand and steel materials, you should be able to forge a tyrannical guard as strong as an iron pig's head.

Eight-sided Han Sword.

Su Chen plans to combine the level 2 characteristics of the Ferocious Fang to create a special weapon like a rusty sword in the hands of an armored zombie.


In the later stage, when I encounter a high-level monster alone, do I need him to go up and fight melee?

Evolvers are not metal creatures.

There is still a risk of infection.

And then.

Su Chen was ready to withdraw.

It’s impossible not to withdraw.

If we don't withdraw, I'm afraid we will suffer heavy losses.

How to fight two level 3 monsters, plus an unknown number of level 1 and even level 2 zombies lurking in Alder High School.

There are only two 1st guards left around him who can compete with level 2.

A gangster hiding in the assassin's path.

There is also a crossbow female warrior who is a long-range shooter.

The opponents are both level 3.

Not suitable.

So inappropriate.

The Audi was totaled.

There were two school buses parked next to the security booth, and the keys were also on the buses.

However, Su Chen can't drive.

I can only continue to rely on my feet.

Su Chen picked up Su Xiaoyi and climbed on top of Tie Zhutou.

"Fuck you."

A group of people went straight to the steel factory.

On the road.

Ding Lingling——

A WeChat call came through.

【Dr. Su】

"I saw on the forum that someone posted a video. A human evolver broke into Alder High School and had a fight with the overlord monster there, the armored giant monster. Is that you?"

Just got on the phone.

Just asked in a hurry.

"Well, it's me."

Su Chen glanced at the scarred and listless pig-headed monster at his feet.

The name Armored Giant Monster is quite appropriate.

Being able to beat a pig-headed monster like this is nothing but a giant monster.

"What's there?"

Dr. Su asked.


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