The security booth at the steel factory is Su Chen's first safe base, and Su Chen has no intention of abandoning it.

Su Chen is still waiting to use the hundreds of tons of steel in the warehouse.

Take advantage of tonight.

Su Chen cleaned it up.

The resources of the entire steel refinery were plundered to give the security booth a new look, the outer wall was reinforced with steel plates, and a security door was reinstalled.

Pull the bed from the manager's office in the office building over.

Su Chen and Su Xiaoyi spent the night in the security booth like this.


There are heavy sword attendants and iron pig heads, guarded by Gang Zi.

Inside the house, there is a female centaur knight and a female police officer with guns guarding her.

There is also a small figure in his pocket, patrolling back and forth holding a crossbow.

With this kind of lineup, even if level 2 agile zombies come, it will be difficult for them to sneak in quietly and attack.

Su Chen fell asleep soundly.

"Mom and Dad, don't abandon me."

A cry.

Su Chen woke up.

I saw Su Xiaoyi sleeping on the table in the security booth. She didn't know what she had dreamed about, and her eyes were filled with tears.

"In the last days, many people will be miserable."

Su Chen picked up Su Xiaoyi, placed her on the bed, and covered her with a quilt.

at this time.

He didn't have much sleepiness.

Looking out the window.

He only saw a pair of dark eyes in the distance, lying on the wall of the steel refinery. He didn't know where they were and how long they were staring at him.


The hair all over Su Chen's body exploded.

No more confusion.

A chill went straight to my heart.

Level 3 parasitic zombies.

Weird old man look.

That weird ability parasitizes powerful zombies and feeds on their brain cores. It is a true level 3 monster.

No matter how long it takes, Su Chen will never forget it.

"When did it come?"

"How long have you been staring at me?"

"Did it follow me when I left Alder High School?"

"Just because I'm not a zombie and don't have brain cores for him to eat, so I didn't do anything?"

Su Chen's face turned green.

The original joy and complacency of the six extraordinary guards under his command were gone.

A crisis is about to strike again.

Among the evolved and awakened ones, he is undoubtedly at the forefront.

But among zombie monsters.

Not to mention the old town where Gu is raised.

As far as other areas of Jiang City are concerned, he is still too weak.

Outside the city walls.

The parasitic zombie was discovered. Under the moonlight, he controlled the parasitic monster under his body and walked away.

This is a freak.

That is, a level 2 power zombie.

Three meters tall, with knotted muscles, thick and exposed scarlet muscles all over the body, the upper body is far larger than the lower body, like a walking tank.

For a zombie with such deformed strength and a zombie with 2 agility at the same level, no matter how sneak-attacking him, it would only take one punch.

The power was too strong and the distortion reached level 2. It finally underwent a qualitative change and became a monster that was superior to agile zombies.

But even so.

This powerful level 2 monster is still controlled by a parasitic zombie, like a puppet.

Su Chen asked himself.

Facing this level 2 power zombie, six of his guards will come out to defeat it.

The answer is self-evident.

The odds are slim.

This aberration is probably a peak level 2 monster. It is protected by thick muscle fibers, and even level 3 parasitic zombies cannot pry open its head for a while.

The characteristic material of level 2 aberrants should be the thick flesh fibers, each of which is equivalent to a set of flesh and blood armor, equivalent to fifty level 1 flesh fibers.

And this Level 2 aberration has as many as ten flesh and blood fibers on its body, which is terrifying.

Su Chen has also seen peak level 1 power zombies.

Height 2.56 meters.

Not a small reminder.

But compared with this level 2 strength zombie, it looks like a child, less than one-third of its size.

Su Chen didn't witness the armored monster in Alder High School with his own eyes, but he thought it was about this level without the blessing of the rusty sword.

Under the moonlight.

The parasitic zombies left.

Su Chen could no longer sleep.

Checked the surveillance.


This parasitic zombie, together with the aberrant monster under its body, appeared outside the wall half a minute ago.

Apparently, they were just passing by.

This is also the reason why Gangzi and other guards did not issue an early warning immediately.

Zombies are bloodthirsty.

Even if he doesn't eat the crystal core, parasitic zombies may attack him.

Thanks to Su Xiaoyi for waking him up.

He saw parasitic zombies.

Be mentally prepared.


He was fast asleep and God knew what was going to happen.

A concrete wall cannot withstand a punch from these tank-like aberrations.

The map is spread out.

Su Chen made an estimate.

The parasitic zombie, a peak level 2 aberration, makes up for the shortcomings of offense and defense. I am afraid that I will go to Alder High School to find the armored giant monster.

With his level, he can't get a share of the pie at Alder High School.

There, two level 3 monsters, a quasi-level 3 aberrant, and other level 2 monsters are hiding...

This small boarding school with three thousand students can be called a monster's lair.

Su Chen broke into a cold sweat for the survivors in the school.

"Alder High School, it is impossible to obtain the crystal core."

"I will definitely go to Alder High School, but not now. Now I can't get a share of the pie, but I may be blind boxed."

"If I want to protect myself in the face of a level 3 monster, I must either extract level 2 characteristic materials and turn them into level 2."

"Or create a level 2 guard."

"All of these require energy points."

"I only have 5 energy points left, and 1 level 2 crystal core..."

After spreading out the map and searching for a while, Su Chen chose a place.

New urban area.

Bordering the suburban industrial park.

I don't know Chiyang High School.

There is also a large resettlement area for demolition and relocation.

Three or four residential areas.

In addition to the supporting shopping malls and affiliated middle schools, there are at least tens of thousands of people in total.

More population than Chiyang High School.

Just not as dense as Chiyang High School.

When Su Chen chose Chiyang High School at the beginning, he didn't know there was an erosion gate inside, let alone that parasitic zombies had also passed through.


Three thousand students, at most there would be some level 2 zombies, which is enough to deal with.

"Get up."

"Go to the resettlement area."

Su Chen picked up Su Xiaoyi, who was still sleeping, and rode the Centaur Knight, heading straight to the resettlement area in the night.

Moving forward.

There are staggering zombies everywhere.

In the distance.

A dozen dense high-rise buildings are in sight.

Su Chen looked left and right, not daring to go into the security booth of the resettlement community. He was afraid that he would die in that square little iron booth without knowing how he died.

Ziyuan High School.

Su Chen rode a centaur knight and rushed into the security booth. The female knight waved her spear and stabbed zombies to death.

Cleared the security booth.

Iron Pig Head and the heavy sword attendant guarded the door.

In the distance.

Gangzi was lurking to collect intelligence and weapons.

He is now a scout.

The assassin's combat power has not yet grown.

But collecting intelligence and weapons are enough.


A low roar came from the intercom.

This is something on a zombie on the ground.

Judging from the clothes, it looks like a special police officer bitten by a zombie.

Su Chen estimated the distance.

Let the female crossbow warrior go check.

The female crossbow warrior brought back a message.

In the resettlement area.

A team of special police officers are exchanging fire with a zombie monster. It seems that they are protecting someone.

"Intercom, effective range is one thousand meters."

"That is to say, in the Ziyuan resettlement community, there is a monster zombie that can withstand intensive firepower..."

"At least it is a level 2 deformer."

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