Dr. Su is very ambitious.

After awakening the ability, the mind can communicate remotely, and contact the people with the same ability in the nearby districts and counties.

Within the scope of Yang City, the Internet in two districts and three counties has been cut off, and the survivors on the Internet can only communicate online in their respective areas.

Using this information, they exchanged what they had and shared a lot of intelligence.

Among the two districts and three counties.

Jiangcheng is the most backward in development, whether it is the economy or the number of awakened people after the doomsday.

But it is precisely because of its backwardness that Dr. Su has a lot of room for operation.

Evolution path, awakening path.

In Yang City.

It was shared online the day after the doomsday.

In Yang City.

There are also powerful pioneers like Su Chen, who shared the zombie experience post, the deformed, and the bloodbathed, which are named in Yang City.

Dr. Su copied all of them.

He also shared the method of becoming an evolver.

He became a big shot in the spotlight all of a sudden.

He suppressed the specific details of the second-level evolution, sold many favors, and also exchanged for a lot of crystal cores and supplies.

Finally, he aroused jealousy.

A bitten evolver led a group of level 2 zombies to the base of Dr. Su in Green Osmanthus Garden.


There was this phone call.

The team formed by Dr. Su is undoubtedly very strong. Now on the fifth day of the apocalypse, all of them are level 2 evolutions and level 2 awakenings.

But these are naturally not only based on their own efforts, but also by Dr. Su reselling intelligence information and squeezing it from other survivors who want to become stronger.

"What can I get?"

Su Chen was not in a hurry at all.

Unfold the map.

He looked at it.

The resettlement area is not far from Green Osmanthus Garden, nor is it too close.

Three kilometers away.

Even he is in danger.

He and Dr. Su are not acquaintances, and it is not worth taking risks for him.

Of course.

The conditions are suitable.

It is not impossible to talk.

Of course.

The premise is.

If Dr. Su is still alive after he arrives.

"Crystal core."

"Level 2 mutants have undergone a qualitative change in their power and are difficult to hunt. However, if you lure a Level 2 abnormal species, which is an agile zombie, into a trap that is difficult to move flexibly and then use a modified bulldozer to hit it, even ordinary people have a chance to hunt it..."

"I have saved 5 Level 2 crystal cores and some Level 1 crystal cores. I'll give them all to you. Save me!"

The bait that can lure agile zombies into a trap is definitely a living life.

Only brain matter and flesh can make zombies evolve and really attract them.

Su Chen felt a chill.

"Not enough."

"Not enough."

Hearing Su Chen's response, looking at Dr. Su who was still in front of the door, fighting desperately against the Level 2 mutant, his eyes lit up.

He was not afraid that Su Chen would ask for too much, but he was afraid that Su Chen would not talk to him.

Jiangcheng's first evolver.


Jiangcheng's first awakener.

Without a doubt.

It must be Su Chen.

Only Su Chen could save him from the Level 2 Deformers and Level 2 Abnormals.

As long as there is something to talk about, it's fine.

Dr. Su, with a ruthless look in his eyes, walked towards his companions who were resisting the zombies in front of the door, and pushed them out without hesitation.

He closed the door that had been modified to resist Level 2 Deformers.

"Dr. Su, what are you doing?"


"Fatty, we are teammates! You invited us here, how dare you...ah..."


Fighting sounds.

Howling outside the door.

As the door closed.

Dr. Su wiped the sweat off his fat face and spoke to the other end of the phone.

"Yangcheng, a disaster tide broke out."

"The disaster tide means that the zombie army that originally only moved in the sky above the urban area of ​​Yangcheng, near the erosion gate, broke through the boundary and can move freely."

"There are millions of zombies, attacking the two major areas, turning the area into a real hell..."

"Among them, even a level 5 monster was born among the zombie army, which withstood the attack of missiles!"

"The explosion in Yangcheng on the 3rd was caused by missiles killing level 5 monsters, but it was useless and could not kill monsters of this level at all..."

"The real doomsday has come long ago."

"Those armies still want to conquer the occupied areas and return to the era of order, which is ridiculous."

Dr. Su sneered. Obviously, as an awakened person, he is very satisfied with the current chaotic order.

The other end of the phone.

Security booth.

"The disaster tide."

"The zombie army breaks through the restrictions and attacks other areas?"

It turns out that there are restrictions.

No wonder the old city has been occupied for so long.

Still no zombies from another world appeared in other areas.

The armored monster in Chiyang High School should be the same and cannot leave Chiyang High School.

However, this restriction has disappeared in Yang City.


How long can he last in the old city of Jiangcheng?

No wonder he met a level 2 awakener from Yang City in this resettlement area. It turns out that Yang City can be said to have fallen.

"Level 5 monster, can't be killed by missiles?"

Su Chen immediately thought of that night when the doomsday came, stretched out the door, and broke the monster's hand in the waist of the 100-meter-high building.

If this monster is level 5, it is normal that it cannot be killed by missiles.

"Boss, I am useful."

"Long-distance communication between the minds is extremely powerful."

"The network will disappear if it is not available."

"When that happens, my ability will continue to improve, and I will be able to obtain information even from thousands of miles away. I will definitely be a great help to you..."

Dr. Su kept chattering, repeating his importance.

On the other end of the phone.

Su Chen was getting impatient.

Just these.

He couldn't be moved.

The five-level crystal cores that he really valued could be obtained by steady and steady work after sweeping the resettlement area.

There was no need to risk going to Green Osmanthus Garden, which was three kilometers away and had a higher population density, to rescue people.

"If that's all, then your life should accompany the companions you backstabbed."

"I think that no matter how hard the can is, the Deformer can open it. It's just a matter of time."

Su Chen was ready to hang up the phone.

No matter how strong Dr. Su's ability to backstab his teammates is, he can't trust him.


"Boss, you should be close to level 3 evolution, or even have already evolved to level 3."

"I know the whereabouts of several level 3 crystal cores, and even level 4 crystal cores. They come from Yang City and must pass through Jiangcheng..."

"This news is only known to me in the whole Jiangcheng."


Su Chen clenched the phone.

He was moved.

Level 4 crystal core? !

I'm afraid that monsters of this level have not yet been born in the entire Jiangcheng area.

A reinforced company of 10,000 people is stationed in Jiangcheng.

Even missiles have been developed, maybe they can really hunt level 4 creatures.

"Got it."

Su Chen hung up the phone.

He looked at the dozens of high-rise buildings in the resettlement area, which were dark and winter, and who knew how many evolved zombies lived there.

He didn't move.

On the contrary, he asked Su Xiaoyi, riding a centaur knight and leading a crossbow female warrior, to rush to Green Osmanthus Garden.

Two agile guards were enough to keep Su Xiaoyi safe unless a level 3 monster appeared.

Level 2 anomalies, even stronger Level 2 mutants, are not enough for Ms. Crossbow to kill with full firepower.

Since she can pick up the lost characteristics, Su Xiaoyi can naturally extract the ability fragments.

Wait until Dr. Su dies.

Su Xiaoyi is the new user of the telepathic long-distance communication ability. When the time comes, she can ask about the whereabouts of the Level 4 crystal core.

He will not save shameless people.

In this doomsday, those who backstab teammates do not deserve to live.

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