Doom: I have a fortress and a puppet army!

Chapter 34: Repaying Kindness with Revenge

Obtained the second level alienated beast crystal core.

There is also a secondary ability fragment called Canine Fusion.

As for the evolver crystal core.

The path taken by the ability user in front of him was different from that of Jiang Xu who had the auxiliary ability.

Just relying on the ability of this dog to combine, he can have strong combat power.

Naturally, there is no need to follow the evolutionary path to improve combat power.

in short.

He is not an evolver at all.

Searched a lot.

Su Chen found a diary left by a kobold.

Randomly browsed through it twice.

Su Chen felt a little dizzy and stopped reading.

He led the pig-headed monster out of the pet store.

Fang Xiaoya walked towards Su Chen with a strange expression, pointed at Su Chen's blood-covered hands from beating the kobold violently, and asked.

"Are you contaminated by his blood?"

"Why are you so careless?"

Fang Xiaoya looked at Su Chen in surprise.

"what happened?"

Su Chen felt even more dizzy.

Do not know why.

My body feels a little hotter.


Su Chen twisted his thigh and forced himself to wake up for a moment.

What's wrong with me?

Not yet safe.

There was something wrong with his sanity.

Is it poisonous? Is the blood poisonous?


You shouldn't be rash.

You should continue to stay behind.

After today, we still need to keep this in mind and be careful of capsizing in the gutter.

"Actually, this poison is easy to cure."

Fang Xiaoya wanted to help Su Chen.

"Take your hands away."

Su Xiaoyi snatched the centaur female knight's spear, stopped her with cold eyes, helped up Su Chen who was slightly unconscious, and put the tip of the spear at Fang Xiaoya's throat.

"what happened."


"Or I'll kill you."

Su Xiaoyi clenched her spear and supported Su Chen, her eyes really bursting with murderous intent.

She now.

After Su Chen's transformation, she gained strength and was completely different from the girl who could only cry and shrink back.

Dare to kill zombies.

Naturally, he also dares to kill people.


"Didn't I say that?"

"That Teddy blood is polluting."

"If it is polluted, it must be resolved. Otherwise, the state of the kobold will be the same state..."

"If time passes, it will kill you..."

Looking at Su Xiaoyi who was bursting with murderous intent, Fang Xiaoya shrank her neck.

She shows off her cleverness.

The information was deliberately hidden.

The conscience of heaven and earth.

She really means no harm.

The end is coming.

The world has become so dangerous.

What's wrong with her wanting to list this powerful man?

not to mention.

Is she okay at the disadvantage?

I originally looked down on stinky men.


These doomsday potential stocks are not only powerful, but also young and kind. If you miss it, this store will no longer exist.

"Damn it."

"Repay kindness with hatred."

Su Xiaoyi really wanted to kill someone.

Only her hand was held.

It's Su Chen.

At this time, something was wrong with Su Chen.

He never leaves his side.

It was so hot that he took off all his clothes, armor and shirt, revealing his muscular chest without a trace of fat.

But it's still hot.

He sniffed Su Xiaoyi who was so close, feeling that even her breath was scented.


Su Chen is getting hotter and hotter.


The pig-headed monster took out the two corpses.

There is a dark flow of information emerging.

"Level 2 special material detected, (Desire) dirty blood, cannot be picked up..."


Unable to pick up.

No wonder Su Chen didn't notice anything strange about Teddy's blood.


How could a level 2 monster not have any special materials on its body?

Su Chen was accidentally tricked.

Still not cautious enough.

After struggling for so long to develop, he finally overturned against a little level 2 monster.

When you have free time, you must pick up the characteristics and upgrade yourself to lv2 or even lv3.

The characteristics of the defensive attributes must also be kept up, and they cannot be attacked a second time.

This dirty blood must be eradicated.

People who rely on their lower body to walk in the apocalypse will not be able to last long, even if their awakening ability is unparalleled.

Su Chen's mind was like lightning. In just a short period of time, he thought about a lot.


"It's easy to solve."

Fang Xiaoya bit her lips lightly and was about to throw herself into Su Chen's arms.

The cold spear blocked her.

"Don't even think about it."

Su Xiaoyi bit her lip lightly, pulling Su Chen, who was in an increasingly uneasy state, towards the hut.


The door is closed.

The curtains were also drawn.

inside the house.

Su Xiaoyi walked towards Su Chen.

"May I?"

"If you don't want to, the woman outside should be able to do it."

"I will make a deal with her, doomsday, whatever she wants, I will give it to her..."


Su Chen was speechless.

Because the mouth is blocked.

"I do."

Su Xiaoyi whispered in Su Chen's ear.

I don’t know when it started.

She was fascinated by the man in front of her.

Is it because he is powerful?

Is it because the other party saved her when she was at her most desperate?

Or did the other party give her the power to control her own destiny?

she does not know.

But she couldn't tolerate that the man in front of her, who fascinated her, would commit himself to other women for this reason, even if it was just a fleeting love affair.

The man in front of her was her Su Xiaoyi's first time.

In the bedroom.

There was a noise.


In the crack of the window.

The Valkyrie, the size of a figurine, came out, and a little blush and embarrassment appeared on her heroic face made of steel.

Hearing the movement in the house.

She curiously came out of her pocket and saw a scene she had never seen in her life.

The shock was too great.

At this time.

The pig-headed monster, leading Gangzi and the heavy sword warrior, turned his head and ran away to patrol.

Only the mechanical policewoman, the centaur knight and other guards were left, listening to the movement in the house with erratic eyes.

"Commander, what are you doing?"

"Can I go in and take a look?"

The flying guard, seeing the movement here, flew down, blinked his eyes, and wanted to go in and take a look out of curiosity.

But she was pulled aside by the female crossbow warrior.

"Little girl, you can't watch these."

Ms. Crossbow rubbed the flying guard's head.

"Am I making wedding clothes for others?"

Fang Xiaoya wanted to cry but had no tears.

I don't know.

Will she be driven away.


A more miserable end.

Obviously, her original intention was just to use the body list of this powerful awakened man to seek protection.

Three hours passed.

The movement in the room, accompanied by a dull sound, finally disappeared.

After a while.

Su Chen and Su Xiaoyi came out.


The guards looked at Su Xiaoyi with different eyes.

Before, they were like comrades-in-arms.

Now they are respectful and humble.

"I'm sorry for you."

Su Chen carried Su Xiaoyi to the Centaur Knight.

At this time.

His cold eyes swept over Fang Xiaoya, the self-righteous woman, and an incomparable murderous intent surged in his chest.

He wanted to kill someone.

The crossbow girl and the female police officer with guns felt Su Chen's murderous intent. The black barrels and crossbow arrows were aimed at Fang Xiaoya.

"I was wrong."

"I was showing off my cleverness."

"Don't kill me."

"I have information. There are a group of powerful awakeners in Yang City, with a group of level 3 monsters destroyed by heavy firepower, and even level 4 monsters, and the crystal cores of level 5 monsters are in Jiangcheng..."

Fang Xiaoya, with a face full of panic, said hurriedly.

"I know some information about this..."

Level 4 crystal cores, and even level 5 crystal cores, are indeed very important.

But at this time, Su Chen still couldn't suppress his murderous intent.

He saved her with good intentions.

The other party actually repaid his kindness with hatred.

Damn it!

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