Doom: I have a fortress and a puppet army!

Chapter 46 Disaster breaks out


In front of the mirror.

Su Chen looked at himself in the mirror.

The muscles all over his body are tied together, and he wears flesh and blood armor composed of flesh and blood fibers that have devoured the distorted muscles.

Flesh armor was spread all over his body, even his head was covered by armor, turning into a ferocious monster head.

On top of the flesh and blood armor, there is also a thin layer of corrosive blood, with faint signs of turning into bone-corroding fire.

Bone-corroding fire is exclusive to serious level 3 blood bathers (bone-eroding corpses).


Su Chen exerted force under his feet, and his body roared like a sharp arrow, moving back and forth in the spacious hall in the fortress.

The speed is so fast that it far exceeds the level 2 strange walking species and is close to the level 3 monster strange walking species.

Punch out.

There are traces of traces left on the wall which has the solid character of the wall.

The strength is not weaker than that of level 3 aberrants.


Just look at the characteristics of zombies.

Su Chen is roughly equivalent to a combination of a quasi-level 3 aberrant + a quasi-level 3 strange species + a quasi-level 3 blood bather.

This is not counting the fragments of extraordinary abilities that Su Chen plundered.

If you add fragments of extraordinary abilities.

Su Chen is definitely the strongest level 3 without a doubt.

With both level 3 monster characteristics and level 3 extraordinary ability fragments, even the Twelve Apostles of Yang City are probably far behind Su Chen.

"I am the strongest?"

Su Chen touched his chin.

at the same time.

He separated out many characteristics and gave them to Su Xiaoyi.

Strength fiber + agility tendon + corrosive blood.


Su Xiaoyi also has a lv.1 logo on her head.

She is now a genuine Level 2 Transcendent, a strong person who can kill Level 2 monsters.

The armored monster in the mirror disappeared.

Each muscle fiber drilled back into Su Chen's body.

Corrosive blood traveled in Su Chen's veins.

A strong feeling of rejection came over me.

A drop of thick, dirty black blood was discharged from Su Chen's fingertips, and an unprecedented sense of relief emerged.

Reaching level 2, which is the level of a level 3 monster, the Teddy Kobold's dirty blood was successfully forced out by Su Chen.

Special material, (desire) dirty blood, cannot be picked up.

Information flows emerge.

Su Chen looked at the negative characteristics of this drop that could not be used by him, so he found a box and put it in it.

For Chaofan, this thing is probably better than any poison.

"Is Fang Xiaoya going to kill him?"


"It's of no use anymore."

Su Xiaoyi came over and asked Su Chen.

The purpose of keeping this woman alive was to have an alternative, to release the blood that suppressed the filth.

The person who stabbed Su Chen in the back.

Su Xiaoyi didn't want to let anyone go, especially this insidious bitch woman.

"There are a lot of supplies in the fortress. There is no shortage of people to support, so let her live for a while."

"For now, she has to communicate with me about Yangshi Chaofan's information..."


Su Chen pushed open a bedroom door.

Inside, Xiao Xiaoxiao was sitting upright.

Looking at the human resources file Su Chen handed her.


"This is what was promised to you."

Zombie Queen.

Su Chen started to take action.

as far as I can tell.

Xiao Xiaoxiao's unique abilities include monster warning, zombie summoning, and crystal core eating for rapid upgrades.

No matter what, he can't let her go.

Looking at this unfamiliar information, Xiao Xiaoxiao was confused for a while.

At this time.

Only then did she realize it clearly.

She is a monster.

Looking at the columns of her parents and home address, she felt nothing, no affection, only rejection.

She has the memory of her body, but she does not have the body's feelings for her family.

Only then did she realize it clearly.

She is not human.

Just a female zombie wearing human skin and having human memories...

"Are you going to drive me away?"


"On the contrary, I'm truly accepting you as my family."

Xiao Xiaoxiao, the zombie queen, was so stupid that she was soon confused by Su Chen's deception.

Su Chen signed her name on the labor contract that she hastily drafted.


"You are now the director of the fortress security department."

"Don't resist."

Su Chen approached Xiao Xiaoxiao and injected an ability fragment into her body.

Psychic influence, canine fusion, monster contract, simulated change, hot weapons.

Five ability fragments.

What Su Chen gave up was the simulated transformation of the freckled girl.


There is an extra figure in the three-dimensional image of the guard, which is the zombie queen, Xiao Xiaoxiao.

For a while.

Su Chen could clearly feel it.

He can control this zombie queen.


You can also briefly borrow the zombie queen's abilities.

Such as monster warning, zombie summoning...

Su Xiaoyi didn't have these feelings before.

I guess it's because Su Xiaoyi is just an ordinary person, while Xiao Xiaoxiao is a real zombie queen.

"That's it."

Su Chen smiled.


The mood is very good.


He called Su Xiaoyou again and gave her part of the control authority of the machine cannon.


Even if he's not at the fort.

With Xiao Xiaoxiao as the zombie queen and Su Xiaoyou as the gunner, they can still ensure that the fortress is worry-free.

Just one night's work.

The Guard Corps, together with Su Chen, completed an unprecedented upgrade with the help of the 30,000 zombies summoned by Xiao Xiaoxiao.

Five lv.2.

Including Su Chen and Shen Lang, the level 3 boss of the monster contract, there are seven level 3 monsters.

The lineup is very powerful.

Su Chen slept very well that night.

A safe fortress base.

There is also a strong security team.

The future of the doomsday is promising.

However, that night, a monster's roar resounded throughout Jiangcheng, waking Su Chen from his sleep.

Climbing to the French window on the third floor of the fortress, the fortress suspended in the sky allowed Su Chen to overlook the entire Jiangcheng.

There is no need for the vision of the flying guard.

With Su Chen's body transformed by the characteristics of zombies, he can clearly see the old city.

Monsters surged.

The zombies, wearing clothes that did not belong to this world, crossed the area of ​​the old city like a wave.

For the first time, I came to the world outside the old city.


Su Chen's pupils shrank.

The tide of disaster.

Is the rumored disaster that destroyed Yang City finally going to break out in Jiang City?

On the other side.

The pharmacy.

The base of a group of extraordinary people in Yang City.

"Stop joking."

"How could a small Jiangcheng have a zombie queen and a powerful level 3 summoner awakener..."

"Shen Lang is unreliable, but he is also one of the twelve villains. After a month of doomsday turmoil in Yang City, how could he die in the hands of a small Jiangcheng person?"

"You have to know that the time flow in Jiangcheng is only about the seventh day of the doomsday outbreak. Even if he rides a rocket, it is impossible for him to advance so quickly..."

"In Yangcheng, we rely on heavy firepower and official organizations to suppress zombies. We have a large number of organized awakened evolutionists and ability users, but we have produced three kings and twelve apostles, a total of fifteen powerful extraordinary people."

"Jiangcheng is poor and has never formed an effective organizational force since the doomsday outbreak. How could such a powerful guy be born?"

The two apostle-level extraordinary people were looking at Xu Yifeng, who was called one of the three kings in Yang City, with doubts.

Xu Yifeng, with a scruffy beard, was smoking non-stop.

He didn't believe it either.

But there was no way.

This was what he saw with his own eyes.

It was simply outrageous.

Shen Lang was stabbed to death before he could even release the monster. Beside him, there was the freckle girl, a powerful level 3 superhuman.


The roar outside was unusual.

It finally alarmed Xu Yifeng and others.

"It seems that we have no choice."

"The tide of disaster."

"It is difficult to stop."

"It seems that we can only quickly form an alliance with other powerful superhumans and fight our way out of Jiangcheng."

"Since Shen Lang's team has been wiped out, it is the same to form an alliance with the young people in Jiangcheng."

"That young man has the top level 3 superhuman level. He should be pulled into the plan, and as many superhumans as possible should be gathered to fight into the old city and seize a glimmer of hope."

Xu Yifeng made the final decision and threw away the cigarette butt in his hand.

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