That night, all of Su Chen's guards came back.

Gathered in the Auto City.

They returned with a full load.

They were full of crystal cores, some from zombies, some from walking corpses, and some from monsters.

Of course.

Gangzi still didn't come back.

It was clearly just a severely injured giant zombie, with only the level of an ordinary level 3 monster left.

Logically speaking.

With Gangzi's level, he should have returned with that level 3 high-quality crystal core and characteristics before he came to the Auto City several hours ago.


"Could it be that this giant zombie monster has any helpers?"

"Otherwise, even if it provokes the twelve apostles from Yangcheng, Gangzi's hiding characteristics are enough to make it retreat successfully."

There is no doubt.

The condition is still intact, and it has not suffered a serious injury and is on the verge of death.

But Gangzi has not returned at this point.

He must have been captured.

At least two apostles or two level 3 elite monsters should have attacked him together to prevent Gangzi from escaping.

"But it doesn't matter."

"In Jiangcheng, there are only a few apostle-level extraordinary monsters and elite monsters."

"The King of Power and the King of Wind have not come out of the old city yet. It seems that either the Puppet King or the other twelve apostles have taken action."

Su Chen's eyes were cold.

It doesn't matter.

They are all minor problems.

Gangzi's characteristics are all prepared for sneak attacks, and he takes the assassin path.

Level 2 Gangzi, in a head-on confrontation, as an assassin, two level 3 monsters can take him down.

An apostle-level, even if his hands and feet are disabled, there is still a chance to capture him alive.

But what about the level 3 guards?


"No matter who captures Gangzi alive, I will make you pay the price. My guards are not something you can move just because you want to."

Looking at the crystal cores covering the ground in front of him, there were at least hundreds of crystal cores of various levels. Su Chen began to melt them and obtain energy.

Su Chen took a rough look.


The harvest of this day and night.

Probably at least 500 energy, or even more, close to the 1000 mark.

After all.

This is the first time that Su Chen has released all the guards and ostentatiously hunted zombies all over Jiangcheng.

The reason why he didn't show off before was because Su Chen wanted to hide and didn't want to be too ostentatious and attract the attention of powerful monsters.

It's better to let other powerful extraordinary people take the pressure of monsters in front so that he can develop.

But now, Su Chen himself is the most powerful monster and extraordinary.

Can't hide anymore!

In a flash.

"Energy acquisition has reached 300. Do you want to upgrade the lv2 guard, the fine steel guard, to (0/300) lv3 and obtain the [Shadow] state?"

The guard's rank is upgraded.

The improvement of characteristics and status is only part of it.

The physical fitness will also be as strong as that of a monster of a higher level. Gangzi's upgrade means that he can temporarily fight against a level 4 monster with his physical strength alone.


Su Chen sneered, and in his heart, he mourned for the mysterious force that captured Gangzi.

Do you think that you can rest easy if you capture the lv2 Gangzi?


You didn't expect it.

He has the upgrade authority for Gangzi.

As long as the energy is enough.

Even if the other organization has a level 4 or even a level 5 extraordinary, Su Chen can still upgrade Gangzi to that level and blow up their entire organization.

300 energy, gone in an instant.

On the three-dimensional shadow.

Gangzi changed. His body, which was originally stained with dark color, was filled with endless black mist at this moment, and his eyes became as red as the blood moon in the night.

The state of [Shadow] was achieved!

Su Chen was still melting the crystal core to obtain energy, but he asked Su Xiaoyi to jump on the flying guard to find where the battle would break out in the Jiangcheng area for him.

The lv3 guard corresponds to the 4th level extraordinary king.

Gangzi made a move.

Even if he took the assassin path, as a 4th level extraordinary king, the power fluctuations that could be exploded were there.

Once the battle started, it would be impossible to hide in Jiangcheng.

At that time.

Su Chen led the guard corps and killed directly, completely eliminating all the people in the other organization.

In a flash.

Su Chen cleaned up this batch of harvest.

Counting the 300 energy for upgrading Gangzi, the total energy was not as much as the estimated 1,000, but there were also 900.

It was probably 10 level 3 crystal cores.

There is no way.

Although Jiangcheng has many people, the outbreak of the doomsday is still too early. Level 3 monsters do not have so many.

Among these 10 level 3 crystal cores, many are inferior crystal cores contributed by the shriveled zombie monsters.

The rest are level 2 crystal cores and level 1 crystal cores, which add up to nearly 100.

In the vicinity of the automobile city where Su Chen is located, within a radius of ten miles, the industrial suburbs, the alienated zombies, and monsters are probably cleared out by 70% or 80%.

There are still 600 energy left.

Without any hesitation.

Su Chen took out the level 4 crystal core looted from the puppet king Xu Yifeng and melted it.

"(Deformed Corpse King) Level 4 crystal core is high quality, and obtains 1000 energy points."

The level 4 azure crystal core exploded, and a huge deformer roaring to the sky appeared on it, and then turned into 1000 energy and disappeared.

"Deformed Corpse King?"

Su Chen recalled the image he had just seen, his eyes narrowed slightly, and he remembered the mutated deformer.

The mutated deformer controlled by the parasitic zombie.

The level 4 deformed corpse king that just appeared is almost exactly the same as this one.

Maybe there is a difference in shape.

"It took a long time."

"That deformer is not mutated, but a deformed corpse king that has not yet grown up..."

"As long as there are enough crystal cores and human brains, it may not be impossible to ripen this deformed corpse king in advance. Maybe a level 4 deformed corpse king has already been born under the parasitic zombie?"

Su Chen made up his mind.

Wait until this matter is over.

He will definitely go to Chiyang High School again to get rid of that parasitic zombie.

What the hell!

A small level 3 controlled zombie tyrant is also worthy of having a level 4 monster corpse king?

In Su Chen's opinion.

This level 4 corpse king is good enough for Xiao Xiaoxiao to control and guard the fortress.

Especially the level 4 crystal core of this deformed corpse king is of high quality. It is definitely a strong fighting force among level 4 monsters.

Giving it to the parasitic zombie who is also a zombie monarch is a waste of resources.

1600 energy.

Su Chen wants to create a level 5 monster, that is, a lv4 guard.

But it is not enough.

Far from enough.

Under normal circumstances, lv0 upgrades to lv1, requires 5 energy, lv1 upgrades to lv2, requires 50 energy, and lv2 upgrades to lv3, requires 300 energy.

But lv3 upgrades to lv4, the level 5 monster combat power requires a huge amount of energy, as much as 3000.

All of a sudden, the energy required is ten times as much.

"It seems that in a short time, it is still impossible to have the combat power of a level 5 monster. Perhaps it is possible to get the other level 4 crystal cores or even level 5 crystal cores in Yang City as rumored..."

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