Doom: I have a fortress and a puppet army!

Chapter 79 Level 7 Human Skin Paper

"Are there any more people from the Shen family?"

Su Chen looked at the other survivors.

None of the survivors looked like Level 3 Transcendents. They were all scared and shook their heads.

Su Chen looked at the strange evil guard.

The blood-dripping lantern in its hand, its ferocious eyes, swept all the remaining survivors, and then shook its head.

This time, there was really no one left.

"What a pity."

"I didn't kill enough."

Su Chen actually felt a little unsatisfied.

He actually felt a lot more comfortable.

It was as if one of the three layers of shackles on his body was loose.

Shen Xu, as a special evil ghost driver who controlled two strange characteristics, lost two complete evil ghost characteristics, a broken evil ghost body, and a blood-red eye suspended in the air, staring at everyone present with malice.

I just don't know why.

When the malicious eyes swept over Su Chen, it seemed to see something, and the horror in its eyes was hard to hide. When it looked at Su Chen again, it was already in unprecedented awe.

"It's time to try to pick up the weird characteristics."

No need to pick up.

In Su Chen's body, hundreds of flesh and blood fibers, like evil wolves, drilled towards the broken evil ghost body and the bloody single eye with a higher life level than them.

At the beginning.

These flesh and blood fibers were just very weak and ordinary level 1 materials.

But after Su Chen's continuous feeding.

They have eaten level 2 characteristics and level 3 characteristics.

This is the first time to eat level 4 weird materials.

Zombies \u003c monsters \u003c weird.


Accompanied by a burst of black fog, these two characteristics disappeared, and instead, there was a hideous evil ghost tattoo on the armor created by the flesh and blood fibers that drilled back, and there was a blood eye on the forehead of the evil ghost.

Su Chen felt that he was stronger.


He could faintly feel the breath of his own kind.

The aura of a special evolver who controls the power of evil spirits.

Outside this dilapidated residential building, there was another evolver who controlled the powerful power of evil spirits, watching him.

He kicked the concrete wall and looked far away in that direction.

Saw it.

Su Chen saw it clearly.

Those were two men. He had met them once. When the tide of disaster in Jiangcheng broke out, they were like gods descending from the sky, establishing a self-help association, rushing into the world of the old city, and then trapped here.

The three kings of Yang City, the last two kings, the powerful king, and the wind king.

"What are you looking at?"

Su Chen activated the ability of the blood eye.

This is a curse.



The powerful king felt a sharp pain in his eyes, and his eyes went black, and the eyeball in his right eye socket could no longer be seen.

He had a tattoo of a fierce ghost on his body, which quickly emerged to resist this curse, which was also a curse power of evil spirits controlled by him.

"Let's go!"

"This mysterious armored monster is extraordinary and too difficult to deal with."

Wind King, with the wind under his feet, like riding the wind, took the powerful King and fled far away.

I don't know if it was intentional.

A human skin paper floated out of the golden box, without wind, and slowly flew towards Su Chen.

"My human skin paper."

"Damn it."

"You actually betrayed me."

The powerful King roared in shock and anger.

The departure of the human skin paper.

It was more unacceptable to him than losing an eye.

You know.

He was able to achieve such an achievement entirely because of the human skin paper. Otherwise, he would still be a miserable factory technician, and how could he become the head of the three kings of Yang City like now.

"Let's go!"

"That human skin is very strange."

"It's not a bad thing to leave. Now you and I are already level 4 supernatural kings. As long as we can escape this terrible world, what woman in Jiangcheng can't you enjoy?"

"The current foundation is enough for us to enjoy."

The Wind King pulled the Power King and disappeared.

On the other side.

A dilapidated residential building.


Su Chen looked at the strange human skin that floated in front of him as if there was wind.

In his field of vision.

On the human skin, there was a black mark that was almost terrifying to the extreme.


There is no doubt.

This is a weird.

Extremely powerful, beyond Su Chen's current knowledge of weirdness.

"Level 7 weird?"


Su Chen was silent for a while, pretending not to see it, but this human skin was stuffed into his hand like a dog-skin plaster.

What the hell is this.

Still using the forced buying and selling trick?

Su Chen heard from Xu Yifeng that this thing seemed to be able to predict the future, but who knows whether it was the predicted future or some other dangerous situation.

Su Chen didn't trust this thing.

He only trusted himself and the guards under his command.

"My name is Su Chen. When I saw these, I was already dead..."

The human skin paper seemed to think that it should show some ability to occupy a place in the battle for the future throne of God and gain a possibility.

So, it started its old business.


It twisted.

Su Chen saw that he couldn't get rid of this thing, so he tore it up violently and wanted to tear it into pieces.

Level 7 life.

If it can really be killed, who knows what level of crystal core or other materials can be exploded.

Human skin paper is extremely tough.

It has no effect.

The giant tiger guard went into the safe house and knocked down a few gold bricks. The human skin paper, which was like a dog skin plaster, finally calmed down.

"It seems to be really weird."

"Even if it is as strong as the 7th level of weirdness, the special material of gold still has a certain effect on it."

Su Chen molded the gold brick into a simple gold box.

He was ready to throw the human skin paper in.

Then bury it in the gold safe house so that it will never come out.

"If you can really predict the future, you should be able to predict your own future."

Su Chen sneered.

But the next moment.

The words that appeared on the human skin made him feel a little shocked and a little incredible.

"I am Su Chen."

"I am dying."

"But I don't know it yet."

"The wrathful monarch of Purgatory has left a mark on me, but I haven't noticed it yet. There is no way. This existence comparable to a god is too incredible."

"But fortunately, I got the human skin paper."

"The human skin paper is a very good tool for predicting the future. It is harmless. I rely on trusting the human skin paper, just like Gu Ge, a factory technician, became the head of the three kings of Yang City, and changed my fate in an instant..."


A tool for predicting the future?

The dazzling lv.7 logo does not mean that.

Level 7 weirdness is probably much more dangerous than the doomsday that is erupting now.

After all.

The erosion gate is coming.

It all requires a gradual progress.

At present, in the Yang City area, even if the area pulled into Purgatory by the erosion gate is counted, I am afraid that only the strongest monsters of no more than level 5 are born, and there are weirdness.

You are a lv7, harmless, you are lying.

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