As a guard, the pig-headed monster, although stupid, still carries out orders without hesitation.


It threw the female zombie out of the three-meter wall.

Come step by step.

Protecting Su Chen.


A strange sound came.


The door on the first floor was suddenly smashed.

This is a rotten, smelly wild dog. No, it can be said to be a zombie dog that has undergone some kind of mutation.

Its eyes were scarlet, and its already formidable canine teeth had grown into fangs, revealing its ferocious appearance, with human blood and brain matter remaining.

On top of its head is a 1 logo.

Inside the house, deeper.

In Su Chen's field of vision.

There are also two 1 signs, moving quickly.

All are agile!

Not a zombie, but a zombie dog.


"You've only been out for five or six hours and you dare to invade my villa!"

Su Chen tightened his grip on the long angle iron knife in his hand, stabbed it out, and slashed at the black shadow in front of him.

Flesh and blood fibers burrowed into the arm.

This knife is so ferocious that even a tiger can cut through it in one stroke. Su Chen is now a powerful zombie.


This agile zombie was stabbed through the stomach by Su Chen, but his head was not injured, and he spit out acid water from his mouth.

Don’t wait for the acid water to hit!


The pig-headed monster's furious fist had already smashed it into meatloaf.

When Su Chen was attacked, it became angry.

The remaining two black shadows roared, both agile zombies, roaring like the wind, and the fists of the two guards could not keep up with his speed.

They easily bypassed the two iron lumps, one on the left and one on the right, biting at Su Chen's shoulders. When they couldn't bite, they arbitrarily dragged Su Chen away from the protective circle of the two guards.

Zombie beasts are more difficult to deal with than zombies.

Wild dogs are inherently more agile than humans.

Not to mention.

An enhanced agility zombie dog!

"court death!"

If it weren't for the muscle fibers that turned into flesh and blood armor in an instant, Su Chen would have been bitten and infected with the virus.

"Get away!"


Su Chen swept across with his sword, but he couldn't keep up with the agile zombie dog's movements.

Two guards arrived.

The zombie dog left the battlefield again.

Decapitation tactics!

This is the beheading tactic Su Chen fears most!

Flesh armor will always fail. If this continues, even if you don't die, you will definitely be bitten.

This is the limitation of human hand-to-hand combat with zombies. You cannot be injured. Once you are injured and infected with the virus, you will lose even if you win.

Su Chen fired several crossbow arrows in succession, but to no avail.

Zombie dogs are too fast.

The two guards turned around anxiously, one to the left and the other to the right, blocking Su Chen's side. The pig-headed monster, the scrap iron servant, rolled up the steel plate to make a protective shield, trying to put Su Chen in it.

At this time, two zombie dogs climbed up to the second floor of the villa, staring at Su Chen with their scarlet eyes, as if they were laughing at the incompetence of the two guards, and they seemed to be playing with the prey before it died.

"Suitable materials were detected, a piece of high-quality alloy light steel + a set of crossbows, and a 0 crossbow guard was made."

"Made or not!"

"Make it!"


The 60kg light alloy steel and crossbow disappeared.


She is about 1.65 meters tall, with long metallic hair and a curvy shape, like a female warrior wearing armor.

"Kill them!"

Su Chen ordered.


The female warrior moved.

Instead of running to the zombie dog, in a blink of an eye, he came to the pig-dog monster and opened his mouth to bite it.

The zombie dogs, one on the left and one on the right, attacked again, as fast as the wind.

But female warriors are faster.


Her right arm disappeared and was replaced by a set of crossbows, with rusty iron arrows shooting out continuously.

The zombie dog on the right roared, and seven rusty iron arrows, like iron nails, nailed it to the wall of the villa.

The zombie dog on the left roared and came to Su Chen. Its ferocious teeth could bite Su Chen's head at a glance.

The female warrior shook her fist.

The crossbow arm penetrated its mouth, and an iron arrow shot through its skull, taking its crystal core with it.

The pig-headed monster angrily crushed the roaring zombie dog on the wall.

So far.

All the monsters that sneaked into the fortress were destroyed.

Three level 1 crystal nuclei were placed in front of Su Chen.

"Special materials found, Swift Wind*2, Agility Muscle*1, pick it up or not."

"Pick up!"

Two masses of black mist as thick as water emerged from the zombie dog.

Agile zombies have more than a dozen dark muscle fibers separated from their legs.

All these got into Su Chen's body.

This agile zombie jumped five meters away, bursting with extremely strong speed, but was shoveled by Su Chen...

Zombie dogs, on the other hand, are like the whistling wind, blessed with speed in mid-air, able to change directions and increase speed instantly.

"It's so difficult."

"This kind of thing can't happen again in the future."

“It’s better to install point monitoring.”

"Even if you go out, you should leave guards in the villa to guard you. Maybe you can do without any guards. That female zombie is of some use..."

Su Chen summarized the gains and losses.

Although the stainless steel guards had explored the villa, they could not compare to the hiding of three agile zombie beasts.

Think about it.

Su Chen climbed up the wall and looked down.

The female zombie looked at the corpse of her "kind", huddled in the corner. She didn't dare to go anywhere.

In her heart, she is a human being, so she naturally doesn't want to get into the zombie group. She wants to live in a house, and it would be best if there are people of the same kind to talk to her.

"What's your name?"

"Xiao Xiaoxiao."

"Can you sense the breath of monsters?"


The female zombie wrote and drew on the ground, responding to Su Chen.

"Pig-headed monster, fish her out."


The female zombie was brought back.

"You warned the zombies in the villa, so I owe you a favor. I have a job here."

"The villa is short of a security guard."

"Can you do it?"

The pig-headed monster rolled up his sleeves, ready to throw it back to her at any time.

Looking at the hideous tall metal pig-headed monster, the steel attendant with a metallic luster after the fierce battle, and the newly emerged long-haired metal woman.

Xiao Xiaoxiao felt that this place was more like a monster cave.

Now, Su Chen didn't look like a human being, but a metal monster that could tear human skin at any time.


She seemed... a monster.

It's also good here.

"Hungry...hiss...hiss...want to eat..."

" it ok...hiss..."

Xiao Xiaoxiao looked at the three crystal cores on the ground, and she hissed out of instinct, and actually made a sound.

Su Chen looked a little strange.

Xiao Xiaoxiao also reacted, and her expression became excited.

"I...hiss...can speak..."

Su Chen's strange look was not because Xiao Xiaoxiao could speak.

But it was a little painful.

Crystal core, he also needs this thing.

Not only can he not chop the female zombie and get the crystal core, but he has to break the crystal core.

But there is no way.

Xiao Xiaoxiao's ability to warn monsters is too much for him.


"Salary is tentative, one level one crystal core per month."

As he said, Su Chen took out all the crystal cores in his pocket, picked and chose, and finally threw the pea-sized crystal core from the level 0 corrosive zombie over.

A day of August has passed, and this month's salary naturally cannot be calculated as a whole month, and the corrosive zombie is also considered to be level 1.

The crystal core is several times larger than the newly transformed zombie.

Xiao Xiaoxiao was not at a disadvantage.

After arranging a bedroom for Xiao Xiaoxiao, Su Chen fell asleep on the first floor. He had been up all night and killed three level 1 zombies.

He made so much noise.

He was also injured.

Although it was just a scratch, it was time to rest.

August 2.

That was the second day of the doomsday.

Eleven o'clock in the morning.

The sky was dim.

He had slept for a day and a night.

Su Chen woke up suddenly.

Swift as the wind.

Two sticky black mists and more than a dozen swift muscles burst out in an instant.

He pinched Xiao Xiaoxiao's neck with one hand, who came to his bed with his tongue sticking out, and his expression was full of scrutiny.

"What are you doing?"

Could it be that it was really an intelligent zombie, and it ate the crystal core and revealed its true nature? If so, wouldn't the crystal core yesterday be a waste?

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