Su Chen did not move any of the rest of the survivors, because they were too weak, so he did not care.

Without the level 4 leader, they were just a matter of dying early or late in this old city that was pulled into the purgatory world.

"By the way."

"Come with me."

Su Chen abducted the level 3 female swordsman by force, regardless of whether she was willing or not.

Following him, at least there would be a glimmer of hope, a chance to walk out of this old city world alive.

Following this remaining team, it was almost certain death.

Su Chen also needed a guide in this old city world, and there was obviously no one more suitable than her.

As a level 3 upper extraordinary, she was almost the deputy leader in this team.


The female swordsman who was sorting out her clothes was stunned and nodded obediently.

Su Chen's lineup was strong.

Following Su Chen, if you can really integrate into it, it is obviously much better than that mob.

"Are they all level 4?"

Looking at the giant tiger guards walking on the street and clearing the way, they easily crushed the heads of two level 3 monsters.

Looking again, the shadow lurking under Su Chen's feet was driving the chain to block Gangzi who was approaching strangely.

And the strange laugh was wrestling with the two strange things, and the fangs on the lanterns were greedily biting the strange strange evil guards in front of them.

"That's right."

"They are all."

"I am also level 4."

"After all, it is an old city, extremely dangerous, who knows what is going on inside, so I brought the strongest lineup."

Opening the way all the way.

Su Chen came to the starting point, the strange campus where he had landed before, and he decided to follow the traces of the first time and find a way to catch the skeleton bird.

"All level 4 lineup?"


The female swordsman, feeling Su Chen's strength, was a little grateful for following Su Chen out.


There is really a chance to walk out of this purgatory-like world alive.

When she thought of this.

Her eyes softened as she looked at Su Chen, and she followed him closely.

This weird campus is very weak.

Except for the two level 4 weirds that grew on Su Chen at the beginning, none of the other wandering zombies and monsters reached level 4.

They were all only level 3.

This may be related to the fact that Su Chen's three guards had been cleaned, but it was enough to prove that this place was too weak.

"You want to search for powerful monsters and obtain crystal cores?"

The female swordsman pondered, she felt that she should show some value.

"In the old city, on the commercial street, there is a level 5 zombie king. There are even many level 4 mutant zombie kings and hundreds of powerful zombie monsters."

"In the old city, the slums have bred countless weirdness. With such a large number of weirdness, even if there are level 5 weirdness, it is not surprising."

"Also, the cat and dog rescue center in the old city should have produced many powerful monsters. I wonder how many level 4 there will be."

Su Chen nodded.

Hearing that there is a level 5 zombie king and a group of level 4 mutant zombie kings, he was tempted.

If possible.

He really wants to hunt and see the quality of this level 5 zombie king.

Of course.

He also did not forget the other two kings of Yang City who were trapped in this old city world and suspected of carrying a level 5 crystal core.

If Yang City really has the experience of hunting level 5 monsters, then the level 5 crystal core is likely to be on these two kings.

Compared to fighting with a level 5 zombie king with real swords and guns, a weak level 4 powerful king is obviously easier to deal with.

The door of the last storage warehouse in the strange campus, Su Chen's beast heart beat a few times.

Confirming that there is a creature behind this door that poses a certain threat to Su Chen, Su Chen thought about it.

Finally decided on the candidate for the lv4 guard.


Sneak attack assassin path.

If he becomes a level 5 combat power, maybe a level 5 zombie king of the same rank can also easily sneak attack successfully.

As for the other level 4 zombie kings, they are basically targeted and will die.

lv.3 Iron Guard (0/3000) Features: Concealment, Shackles, Status: Shadow Status → lv.4 [Instant Status Available]

Do you want to upgrade?



Gangzi's body twisted, and he could no longer see the appearance of the Iron Guard at the beginning. The whole person was a group of black shadows, and there was no entity at all.

Gangzi's three-dimensional guard image changed instantly, and even the name changed from Iron Guard to Dark Assassin Guard.

It was like some kind of career change. Su Chen could clearly sense that Gangzi was very strong now and was an absolutely qualified assassin.

Level 5 monster combat power!

Now, Su Chen had the confidence to walk in this old city world.

He was even qualified to hunt the level 5 corpse king.

Now he had 1,000 energy left.

However, Su Chen was not worried. The two kings of Yang City, the powerful king, and the wind king had at least two level 4 crystal cores in their hands.

Even a level 5 crystal core.

Conservatively estimated, when he walked out of the old city world, Su Chen would have at least one more level 5 monster combat power.

Level 5 monster combat power, let alone in Jiangcheng, even if you look at the two districts and three counties of the entire Yang City, is an absolute overlord.

The map of two districts and three counties is not big enough for Su Chen to grow.

"Open the door."


Su Chen stood beside Gangzi, and the giant tiger guard took a step and smashed the door of the warehouse with a hammer without hesitation.

This is a school warehouse. From the outside, the area inside should be less than 10 square meters.

But when you really walk in, you will find that it is more than a hundred square meters.

In the deep darkness.

A portal connected to this house, emitting a bright blood-red glow, appeared in front of Su Chen.

Familiar blood-red mist.


Densely packed, various skeleton monsters appeared in front of Su Chen, among which the skeleton bird was prominently listed.

In addition, the prison car guard who had been missing for a long time finally appeared. It was like a toy car, held in the hand of a tall, flame-burning white bone monster.

"This is the door."

"I've heard that as long as you pass through the door, even if you can't return to Jiangcheng, you will have the opportunity to travel to other cities in the real world..."

The female swordsman's breathing became heavy. If it weren't for the overwhelming momentum of the white-bone monster burning with flames, she would have rushed directly to the flesh-and-blood portal.

Su Chen didn't move.

Because this white-bone monster burning with red flames has a shining logo on its head.


This is a level 5 monster.

In addition, in this dark space, many of the white-bone lives are lv4, level 4 monster combat power.

No wonder there is a door for leaving. There are also many outstanding people born in the old city, reaching the level 4 extraordinary ranks.

It turns out that there is a level 5 monster guarding the door for leaving.

"Are you sure?"

Su Chen looked at Gangzi beside him, but there was no trace of Gangzi. When he looked again, Gangzi had already walked to the side of the Red Flame and White Bone King. His right arm turned into a black short blade and he chopped it down without hesitation.

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