Doom: I have a fortress and a puppet army!

Chapter 84 The Second Professional Guard


"He is really a human."

"Although there is a layer of monster armor between us, I can guarantee that he must be a human."

Zhang Chu was in some pain after being caught. He trembled in front of this group of Level 4 Superhumans.

It was the first time for him to know that there were so many living people in the old city, and there were so many Level 4 Superhumans.

He roughly counted them.

There were nearly ten Level 4 Superhumans standing in front of him.

In the distance.

There were also figures, looking around from afar, not approaching recklessly.

There is no doubt.

Those who dared to run out to watch the excitement at this time are definitely Level 4 Superhumans. Level 3 Superhumans would only run out to die if they were crazy.


"There are dozens of Level 4 Superhumans in the old city. I thought our team was the last living people in the old city."

The scene was boiling.

Level 5 human life!

If it is true.

Wouldn't there be hope to take them out of the old city alive?

This old city was pulled into the purgatory world and was no longer in the territory of Jiangcheng. This was no secret among them.

Although they didn't know why, the monsters in the purgatory outside the old city didn't come in.

But as time went on, the old city was completely reduced to a dead place, which was beyond doubt.

"This is the hope of escape."

"Even if it's dangerous, we have to chase after it and follow the footsteps of that level 5 superhuman."


"This is probably one of our few chances. Dare to rush in. As a level 5 superhuman, there must be a way to escape."

A large wave of level 4 superhumans chased in the direction of the zombie king.

At the same time.

They wanted to know more.

How did the level 5 human beings achieve it?

Su Chen turned the entire old city world upside down, and at this time, he was like nothing happened, sitting in the prison car guard in the car state, melting 3 level 4 crystal cores.

Although the process was thrilling and exciting.

But the harvest was extremely amazing.

Two level 4 middle crystal cores, melted to get 2000 energy.

One level 4 upper crystal core, melted to get 1200 energy.

In a flash.

The energy that was cleared to zero once again reached an astonishing 3200.


His energy is enough to upgrade the second lv4 guard again, which means he can welcome the second level 5 monster combat power.

"Maybe, I can kill the zombie king."

The sight moved.

Very quickly.

Su Chen locked the pig-headed monster and chose to upgrade.

The zombie king is huge in size and somewhat restrains Gangzi as a dark assassin, but the pig-headed monster is different.

His machete is used to chop giant monsters and cause critical damage, just right.

lv.3 Iron Pig Monster (0/3000) Features: hacking, killing, status: killing state → lv.4 [obtainable beast state]

Do you want to upgrade?

Without hesitation.

3000 energy disappeared.

Su Chen chose to upgrade, and his energy was reduced to only 200 again.


Outside the prison car, the running pig-headed monster let out a terrifying roar, shocking the world.

At this moment, countless extraordinary beings and monster creatures clearly felt the birth of a level 5 terrifying monster.

The pig-headed monster, with its blood-like armor all over its body, changed rapidly and swelled up in the wind.

In a flash.

It turned into a giant wild boar monster that was constantly panting. The machete in its hand chopped at the zombie king chasing behind it.

This knife chopped off the head of the zombie king on the spot.



Countless screams of fear rang out.

Kill the zombie king in one knife!

How powerful is this?

Even among the level 5 monsters, it is undoubtedly a powerful existence.

Su Chen instantly clicked on the three-dimensional image of the pig-headed monster, and saw that the three-dimensional image of the pig-headed monster had also changed.

On it, a logo flashed.

The title of Iron Pig Warrior has disappeared.

What replaced it.

is the profession.

Meat tank monster!

"Just kill it at level 5?"

"So easy."

Even with the preparation of the Red Flame and White Bone King, Su Chen still felt like a dream and incredible.

Judging from the posture, this giant zombie king is obviously much stronger than the Red Flame and White Bone King.

When the pig-headed monster was about to grab the zombie king's head and dig out the crystal core, this huge zombie king instantly turned into black gas and dissipated.

In the distance.

In the commercial district.

A wandering giant zombie instantly absorbed all the black gas and underwent an amazing deformation.

His body quickly became even bigger, and a deformed tumor like a crown instantly grew on his head.

The originally dead level 5 zombie king was alive again. It was obviously intelligent and looked in the direction of the pig-headed monster in horror.

Then, without any hesitation, he turned and ran, leading his giant guards towards the darkness outside the old city.

It escaped back to the world of purgatory!

"Is this a level 5 creature?"

"It can be resurrected and is so difficult to kill? Looking at the posture, a giant zombie is its life."

The level 4 extraordinary people were talking about it.

Being able to witness the confrontation between level 5 monsters, even if they die now, they can die with peace of mind.

Forget it.

It's better not to die.

"No wonder he was so angry when the three giant zombies died, and he chased them out personally."

"So I just killed three of his lives at once!"

Su Chen narrowed his eyes.

The profession of the pig-headed monster is a meat tank monster. There is no doubt that speed is a shortcoming.

Just now, the zombie king was killed instantly with one knife, mainly because he was caught off guard, and the zombie king hit him head-on.

Now the zombie king has fled to the darkness representing the purgatory world, and he dare not chase him.

No matter how precious the level 5 crystal core is, you have to be alive to enjoy it.

In the dark world represented by purgatory, even if there are level 6 lives and level 7 monsters, Su Chen doesn't feel strange.

"Not bad."

"Counting me equipped with the Fire Skull, I now have three level 5 combat forces in my hands."

"Even if I do nothing, I can kill through the entire map of two districts and three counties."

"After we get out, the first step is to kill all the zombie monsters in Jiangcheng, even though they are mosquito legs with 1 energy and 5 energy."

"But no matter how small they are, they are still meat."

Su Chen was about to leave.

But with a quick glance, he actually saw a familiar face among the level 4 superhumans watching the excitement in the distance.

The King of Power, and the King of Wind!

At this moment.

These two kings of Yang City have no trace of the high spirits when they came in, and they are miserable and embarrassed to the extreme.

Looking at Su Chen, who was high spirits and turned the world upside down in this dangerous old city, he rubbed his eyes in disbelief.

"Level 5 human, it's him."

"That's wrong."

"When did he become a level 5 human? When I first came in, I saw him being played around by five level 4 upper weirdos and monsters."

"Even if he's stronger than me, he's not much stronger. How come he's become a level 5 human in the blink of an eye?"

The powerful king and the wind king were shocked and dumbfounded, and they couldn't even close their mouths.

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