"There is actually a level 5 crystal core. I was almost fooled by the two kings of Yang City."

Before the Flesh Portal.

Su Chen looked at the golden box presented by the strange evil ghost with a strange look on his face.

Talk about it.

He let the weird evil guard go over just to kill the two kings of Yang City.

did not expect.

King Dali was beaten to death by a group of people.

The Wind King actually went to get the level 5 crystal core.


Su Chen praised.


The hide was ripped off.

Opened the golden box.

In the box, what catches the eye is a golden crystal core that is constantly beating like a heart.

Even if the physical body dies and only the crystal core remains, there will still be a terrifying pressure.

The giant tiger guard was the first one who couldn't bear it anymore and subconsciously summoned the hammer of flesh and blood to resist.

Sa Sa Sa Sa.

Scattered sounds emerged from outside.

Su Chen knows.

This was the wave of level 5 crystal nuclei that emerged, and all the level 4 monsters in the old city became aware of it.

Level 5 crystal cores are an absolute tonic for monsters and zombies, allowing them to advance to level 5 life.

Close the golden box.

Su Chen rewrapped the animal skin, and the terrifying level 5 crystal core fluctuations disappeared.

Some level 4 monsters gathered near this weird campus.

According to common sense.

Su Chen will hunt and kill, and the energy sent to him will not be wasted. As long as he kills a few more, he will have an extra level 5 combat power next to him.


The world outside the old town.

The dark world representing purgatory emerged, and there was a sound of heavy footsteps.

Leading the way was the zombie king who had fled earlier, followed by a deformed zombie that was much shorter than him.

Level 5 zombies!


Quite a few.

The King of Zombies seemed to be able to smell Su Chen's breath and came straight to Su Chen.

The goal is extremely clear.

"One level 5 zombie king, wait, why are there so many level 5 deformed zombies?"


No hesitation.

Su Chen pulled the guard legion and rushed into the flesh and blood portal on the spot.

After all, he is the king of zombies.

Or the Baotian slave creature in purgatory.

He was actually able to attract so many level 5 monsters.

next time.

Come in next time.

Su Chen must have killed them all.

The world in the old city was turned upside down, and Su Chen walked away. The survivors in the old city were in trouble.


"Look for the door quickly!"

"Why did so many angry level 5 zombies break the rules and rush in?"

"If we don't find the door, we will all be doomed!"

A wailing sound.

All the level 4 supernatural beings present moved, rushed into every place, and quickly explored.

The Level 5 Zombie King, leading the reinforcements called, roared angrily. He looked at the door in the dark space of the warehouse and roared angrily.

It's too strong.

Can't get through at all.


It attacked other survivors, even monsters, to vent its hatred.

The old town was in complete chaos.

All this has nothing to do with Su Chen.

The familiar gloomy sky.

After stepping through the door.

Su Chen felt that the scene in front of him seemed familiar.

Broken cement bricks.

You can still vaguely see that this is the second floor of the cafeteria.

When the pig-headed monster finally severed its back and walked out of the door of flesh and blood, Su Chen took a look outside.

Only then did I realize that this was Alder High School.

"Alder High School, at that time, the pig-headed monster and the armored monster had a big fight here."

"Was the Gate of Corrosion so tall at that time?"

"The erosion of the portal will continue to grow?"

Su Chen's face darkened.

He had a terrible suspicion.

Does this mean that the real world is gradually merging with the world on the other side of the Corrosion Gate?

Su Chen felt a chill when he thought of those pairs of crimson and violent eyes in the darkness of the purgatory world.

Not to mention.

The zombie king, who looked like a bereaved dog, easily pulled out a group of level 5 zombies and rushed in.

At that time, it will definitely be a catastrophe.

Not to mention the British Association.

On this planet, it is possible for all human beings to perish.

Deng Deng stared!

A dull sound of footsteps came.

The deformed corpse king, who was like a little giant and stood shoulder to shoulder with the teaching building, caught Su Chen's eyes.

Previously, Su Chen was amazed at the powerful mutant aberration when he saw it. Now, he has officially become a Level 4 Aberrant Corpse King.


Su Chen no longer needed to marvel at its power.


In Su Chen's eyes now, level 4 beings are too weak.



"I didn't expect that you would dare to show up at Alder High School and in my territory."

"I wanted to get rid of you back then, but I didn't expect that after not seeing you for a few days, I am now a Level 4 Corpse King."

On the body of the Deformed Zombie King, a parasitic zombie that looked like an old man showed a ferocious smile.

behind him.

Full of human bones.

He used the brains and flesh and blood of the survivors to feed his zombie guards.

From every corner of Alder High School, ferocious zombie monsters came out.

All of them are level 3 monsters.

In Jiangcheng, there are two level 4 zombie monsters, plus these more than 20 level 3 zombie monsters, it is definitely a bully, and can walk sideways easily.

Even if there are two self-help associations, they are not willing to easily provoke this parasitic zombie from Chiyang High School.


It met Su Chen.


Su Chen was silent for a while.

In his eyes, the arrogant and weird zombies were as ridiculous as clowns.

I vaguely remember.

When he was in the steel factory.

He saw this weird parasitic zombie, but he was very afraid. It seems that this parasitic zombie did not live up to his fear.

Now, it is just a weak level 4 life.


"Are you scared?"

"Even if you beg for mercy, I will not let you go."

The parasitic zombie showed a hideous smile.


The scene was still silent.

Su Chen looked around, and now the weakest one around him was also level 4.


There is not even one level 4 lower-ranked one.

The weakest giant tiger guards are all level 4 middle-ranked, and can smash this terrifying monster of level 4 deformed corpse king in front of them.

"What rank do you think I will be now?"

Su Chen felt that it would be better to remind the parasitic zombies that they are too arrogant.


"You can only kill a level 3 little trash."

"Why are you trying to get close to me."

"It's too late to beg for mercy now."

The parasitic zombies spit at Su Chen and started to curse.

"Is it possible that I am already level 5."

"These chicken zombie legions you cultivated are useless even if they surround me."

Su Chen is very patient.

After all.

There are not many familiar old friends now, and if you kill one more, there will be one less.

What a pity.

This evolved zombie couldn't stand it and asked for death.

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