Doom Lord

Chapter 38 Drugs Are Different

Cheng Yang can still learn the refining formula of the small bottle of life potion, but now he has no more spiritual energy points, so he has to give up for the time being. The most important thing is that Cheng Yang's need for life medicine is not very big now, he just needs to keep a few bottles with him in case of emergencies.

Of course, to make alchemy, it is not enough to just learn the formula. You also need refining tools, such as a medicine stove, which is what you need to refine medicine. In the later stage of refining higher-level elixir, an alchemy furnace is needed.

Cheng Yang immediately bought a medicine stove and a medicine hoe in the store, and he had all the tools. It's just that the psionic value on his account has dropped by another two hundred points. These life items are really not ordinary expensive.

Cheng Yang looked at his remaining 400 psionic points, and couldn't help but smiled wryly. It seems that we have to continue to work in the first half of the night tonight.

Fortunately, this kind of consumption is not without benefits, at least it contributed more than 70 psionic energy points to the territory, and because he is the lord of Luofeng Village, three of the psionic energy points went into his personal account.

1,400 psionic energy points, after a circle, returned to myself three points, is this counted as sending beggars?

It was quite late when he came out of the alchemy room. Cheng Yang saw Liu Hao and others gathered in front of the carpentry room, he was shocked and didn't know what to do. He immediately understood the situation of these people. It is estimated that some people were kicked out by the boss after entering the carpentry room.

He knew that the bosses of these shops chased people away in an uncivilized way. They just waved their hands and swept them out of the house. Even though it has been a year since the last apocalypse, people still haven't figured out how strong the shopkeepers in these shops are. Zeng Jin also robbed shops, but in the end those who robbed were mercilessly killed.

"Yangzi, here... why is there someone here?" When Liu Hao saw Cheng Yang, it was as if he had caught a life-saving straw.

Cheng Yang said, "Why can't there be people here?"

"But..." Liu Hao wanted to say something more, but was interrupted by Cheng Yang.

Cheng Yang said: "Forget it, Haozi, I can't explain the things here. The only thing I can guess is that those people may not be from the earth. But they have wisdom and emotions, so we must treat them like Treat the rest of humanity the same. It will be good for you in the future."

"What's the benefit?" Liu Hao still didn't understand.

Cheng Yang said: "If one day you can't buy something in the store, you will know what good it is."

Liu Hao is not an idiot, so he naturally understands the meaning of Cheng Yang's words. If these guys are offended by their feelings, they will be directly deprived of the right to buy supplies. Is this a good thing?

Liu Hao smiled bitterly again: "But those people didn't offend him just now, why were they all kicked out? I didn't dare to go in afterwards."

Cheng Yang rolled his eyes at him, and said: "If you find a few people who have no spiritual power to go in, they will naturally be kicked out. These people are only interested in money. If you go in, they will treat you like a god." Treat you."

"Really?" Liu Hao still hesitated.

Cheng Yang said angrily, "You'll know if you try it?"

Liu Hao said: "Okay, I'll try it now." After finishing speaking, Liu Hao walked towards the carpentry workshop, and he was not kicked out for a long time after entering.

Cheng Yang immediately said: "Only the deputy who takes office can be a soldier.

So if you haven't changed your job, don't join in the fun. In addition, if you want to be a deputy, you must first complete a transaction with the shopkeeper, and the transaction amount cannot be less than 10 psionic points. So if you don't have 10 psionic points, you don't have to join in the fun. "

Then, Cheng Yang let everyone choose whether to work as a carpenter or a pharmacist. After all, this is related to personal hobbies and interests, and Cheng Yang does not intend to force it. In addition, Cheng Yang also directly explained the other types of deputies that can be employed, so as to prevent some people with other talents from taking the wrong deputies.

After the introduction, Cheng Yang put the medicine stove he bought just now in his room, and then walked out of the territory alone. His target this time was those large groups of monsters. After all, he already had ample mana potion now, so he didn't have to worry about his ability to continue fighting.

Of course, it would be even more perfect if we could find some herbs for refining magic potions tonight. However, he didn't have much hope for this matter. His vision was not good at night, and he could see larger monsters without any problems. However, it was really difficult to find the medicinal herbs growing in the grass.

It took Cheng Yang a few minutes to quickly rush out of the territory of Luofeng Village and into the wild where monsters were densely populated.

This place is already one kilometer away from the territory of Luofeng Village, and there is no team of fighters from Luofeng Village visiting during the day. Therefore, the degree of danger here is also very high. Not to mention small groups of dozens of demonized beasts, there are also quite a few large groups of four to five hundred monsters.

Originally, Cheng Yang didn't plan to move these small monster colonies, because it was just right for them to be left for his team to practice. But in order to avoid accidents, he still decided to kill these guys.

After successfully destroying two small groups of monsters with a size of fifty demonic beasts, Cheng Yang finally discovered a large group of monsters with a size of more than three hundred.

During the daytime today, Cheng Yang also eliminated such a group of monsters, but at that time the method was dragging. After killing for a while, then running a certain distance to recover the mana value, and then coming to kill again, this kind of efficiency is undoubtedly very low.

The situation is different now, with enough magic potions in hand, Cheng Yang feels extremely at ease in his heart. After seeing this group of demonized beasts made up of green monkeys, they rushed up directly, and then a magic missile was shot out, and the leisurely green monkey lost it immediately before it could figure out what was going on. life.

Cheng Yang showed no mercy, while continuing to sway his attacks, he retreated slowly according to a certain rhythm.

As Cheng Yang's attack unfolded, the group of green-skinned monkeys also understood that they had been attacked, and bursts of baby-like cries erupted in the forest. Then I saw those green monkeys swarming towards Cheng Yang.

Cheng Yang sped up his backing speed a little bit. In fact, this slight sped up was for Cheng Yang himself. His speed was no slower than that of the green-skinned monkey.

After more than 30 attacks, the green-skinned monkey lost one-tenth of its staff, but Cheng Yang's spiritual energy was also exhausted. Cheng Yang immediately took out a bottle of magic potion from the bag in his arms, opened it and downed it in one gulp.

A refreshing coolness permeated Cheng Yang's body, and the slight fatigue at night disappeared. And his depleted psionic energy immediately began to skyrocket.

Cheng Yang didn't stop at all, and the magic missiles continued to shoot out. After the tenth magic missile was fired, his psionic energy was full instantly. You must know that Cheng Yang has a natural medicine body, and any potion or elixir can exert double effects. That is to say, the mana value of the middle bottle of magic potion that Cheng Yang is currently taking has actually recovered 220 points of mana, but now Cheng Yang's mana value is only a little over 160. The more you use the magic missiles, the more mana points will be wasted in the end.

The attack continued, and Cheng Yang's two magic missiles took out a green-skinned monkey in the middle of the first level that rushed out, and then massacred the remaining green-skinned monkeys.

At this time, the green-skinned monkeys were also anxious. They didn't know whether the current situation could kill Cheng Yang, the enemy, and they only knew that they would swarm up. As a result, more green-skinned monkeys turned into Cheng Yang's psionic energy.

After the battle, Cheng Yang took stock of the harvest. A total of 314 psionic energy points were obtained in this battle, and a total of seven bottles of magic energy potions were consumed, which was equivalent to 56 psionic energy points consumed. It seems that there is still a loss in this way, but if time is also included in the calculation, the gap can be very large.

In the past, it took Cheng Yang about an hour to deal with a group of demonized beasts of this size, and he had to be careful. But now with the magic potion, it only takes seven or eight minutes to solve the battle. In the rest of the time, it is entirely possible to find two groups of demonized beasts of this size to kill again.

If it wasn't because Cheng Yang didn't have a space ring and didn't have enough space to accommodate more magic potions, he would definitely spend all his psionic energy points to buy magic potions, and then go headlong into the jungle to go crazy massacre.

This is Cheng Yang's special benefit now, who let him have the territory from the beginning? This advantage made him fearless even in the face of a large group of demonized beasts.

Of course, Cheng Yang is not arrogant enough to think that he has reached the point where he is invincible. In the last life, many masters who thought they were invincible died in the end, because this is the end, and in the end, no one knows where a powerful and suffocating monster will jump out from somewhere one day.

According to the experience summed up in the previous life, all field stations are basically close to the city, and the farther away from the field station, the more powerful monsters are likely to appear.

In the early days of the doomsday, it was not these demonized beasts that were truly powerful, but alienated beasts. Demonic beasts are common species in the transformed world, and their strength follows certain rules, which are formulated by the gods. But alienated beasts are different. Alienated beasts are formed when the monsters that originally existed in this world mutated when the gods transformed the world.

Just because the alienated beasts are formed by mutation, their strength has great uncertainty. Some are weaker than the first-order early stage demonized beasts, while the strong ones are very against the sky. The most powerful alienated beast that people have seen in the last life has the strength of the middle stage of the third order. How powerful is the third-order middle stage? Take the leader of the demonized beast group that destroyed a human resident back then, and it was only the existence of the second-order peak. That alienated beast in the middle stage of the third level is fully capable of completely torturing this group of demonized beasts with a number of more than one million.

The power of the alienated beasts scares humans, but fortunately there are not many alienated beasts, otherwise human beings will never recover.

PS: Please recommend, collect...

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