Doomed To Be A King

Chapter 1011: Kneel down and apologize!

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The ten monks looked at Feng Yue in horror and collapsed to the ground.

What a great seal!

All the people on the scene jumped violently, and the fear in their eyes was even worse. For a time, the atmosphere on the field became suppressed, and many people even became heavy breathing.

"Boy, even if you take out the leaves of the Taoist tree, this matter will not end here!" Feng Yue stared at Su Yu and said coldly.

During the speech, he had lifted his feet and walked towards Su Yu. During this time, the colorful colors around him became more and more intense, like the water flowing continuously.

"Su King." Gu Mengyun looked at Su Yu with anxiety in his eyes.

On Xu Cheng's face, a bloodthirsty smile began to appear. He looked at Su Yu with great pride, as if he had seen Su Yu fall to the ground.

The sealing ability is extremely special and almost unsolvable.

Even an opponent who is much stronger than his own strength, only to find the right time, can still seal the opponent, so this ability is very daunting.

He has already planned, once Su Yu is sealed, then he must take the opportunity to humiliate Su Yu.

Feng Yue slowly approached Su Yu, and along the way, many people couldn't help but make a way out, fearing to catch fire to the upper body.

"Boy, it’s no wonder that you can achieve such achievements at a young age. You will expand like this. I will seal your spiritual power for three years and reflect on what you have done!"

Feng Yue stood still in front of Su Yu, and he said that he was full of admonishment.

"So much nonsense."

A faint voice came from Su Yu's mouth, clearly resounding in everyone's ears, so that everyone's pupils could not help but widen and looked at him in surprise.

Just...I heard it wrong?

Feng Yue was also stunned for a moment, almost thinking that he had auditory hallucinations.

"Oh, now the young people are really too self-righteous, no wonder God Domain has become this look!" Feng Yue smiled angrily, "I take back what I just said, in this case, you should be sealed for ten years!"

As soon as the voice fell, he lifted his wrist and gripped his five fingers. The colorful streamers dazzled on it, almost dazzling the eyes of everyone. Everyone only felt that the colorful light swiped in the void and appeared in Su Yu. In front, grab him!

Seal him, seal him!

Xu Cheng's face grew red with excitement, and he looked at Su Yu with scorching eyes. His hands clenched his fists and could not help crying out loud.

Unexpectedly, there are such people who do not know the heights of the earth and the earth, they are simply dying for themselves!

Under everyone's attention, Su Yu finally raised his hand slowly.

It's just that he doesn't have much spiritual power in his hands. Compared with the colorful colors of the sealed moon, it looks mediocre, and the two are completely incomparable.


Along with a slight collision sound, Su Yu and Feng Yue's figures were still at the same time, and everyone couldn't help but hold their breath and watched the two of them.

bumped into!

The technique of sealing, once touched, is almost irreversible!

Many people began to mourn for Su Yu, but Xu Cheng couldn't help but laugh out loud and couldn't help himself.

However, Feng Yue's brows were slightly frowned. In his perception, his ability seemed to be imprisoned. This was like an extremely thick iron door in front of him, which could not be pushed anyway.

How could this be possible, how could this kid's spiritual power be so solid?

He thought in disbelief that the colorful streamer on his body was getting brighter and brighter, and even Su Yu was caught in the colorful light and could not see it.


Suddenly, a muffled noise came out, and everyone saw Feng Yue's figure flew back suddenly, his body traversed a rainbow arc in the air, and finally hit the wall of the hall heavily, the whole person's hair style They all became a bit chaotic and embarrassed.

The smile on Xu Cheng's face had not disappeared, and he stiffened directly on his face.

"There is so much nonsense." The faint words came out of Su Yu's mouth again, but this time it sounded like a thunder in the ears of everyone.

He lifted his legs and walked towards Xu Cheng step by step.

"You... you don't want to come." Xu Cheng's pupil shrunk sharply into a needle thread. It was hard to hide the panic in his heart, and he could not help but step back.

Xuan Meng slowly withdrew his gaze from Feng Yue's body. He looked at Su Yu dignifiedly, took a deep breath, and stepped forward slightly. His body also began to appear colorful.

"Master, save... save me." Xu Cheng shivered.

"Stand behind me." Xuan Meng said.

Xu Cheng's three men were immediately amnesty, they all stood back together.

"Boy, good means, I admit that I looked down on you, no wonder dare to be so rampant!" Feng Yue struggled to climb from the ground, glancing at Xuan Meng, the colorful light on the two people began to synchronize, faintly Resonating trends.

"Feng Tianyin!"

The two of them had a great tacit understanding. It was only at this moment that the figures were actually intertwined, and the two colorful colors were connected to form a long colorful rainbow. Under this rainbow, the time and space around them seemed to be fixed. A colorful space was formed, covering Su Yu in it.

Immediately after, UU reads, both of them are vacant at the same time, and their hands are printed on Su Yu's shoulder.


Su Yu's eyes were drooping, unaffected by the colorful Changhong, his hands were raised, his fists were raised, and he went to Xuan Meng and Feng Yue.


The two roars at the same time reminded me that the colorful Changhong burst into disintegration, and Feng Yue and Xuan Meng's bodies also flew back quickly. Full of unbelievable look.


At this moment, all the people in the whole hall also recovered one after another, and then there was a whimper after another.

Needless to say, the seal technique is extremely powerful, no matter who encounters it, it will be quite tricky, but, Su Yu... stronger, very strong!

For a time, countless eyes gathered on Su Yu. His strength seemed to be much stronger. It really looked like a bottomless hole. It always shocked people.

Su Yu's face remained the same, his eyes slightly raised, and his eyes fell on Xu Cheng.

At this moment, Xu Cheng's body was obviously trembling, and the triumphant expression on his face was completely replaced by terror, his eyes dodged, and he did not dare to look at Su Yu.

"Apology." Su Yu said calmly.

"I'm sorry..." Xu Cheng's forehead began to show fine beads of sweat.

"Kneel and apologize!"


Su Yu's figure flashed, and the whole person had already appeared in front of Xu Cheng.

Xu Cheng only felt that his breathing was stagnant, and he hadn't had time to retreat. A sudden pain in his abdomen made him cramp and he could not help bending over to cover his abdomen.

At this time, Su Yu's hand was pressed on his shoulder, and he pushed down suddenly!


The huge force made Xu Cheng knelt down on the ground, and along his knees, the floor cracked...

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