Doomed To Be A King

Chapter 534: Madman in the tower

The genius remembers the address of this site for one second: (Vertex Chinese), the fastest update! No ads! The scene in this mysterious environment is always shocking, and the surrounding environment is second, the most noticeable is that it stands not far away A tall tower.

The tower is 18 floors high, the whole shape is an octagonal building, one layer is one layer, each layer is square, the whole body is black, it seems to give people a heavy feeling, the whole tower reveals a very strange atmosphere, At first glance, it gave Su Yu an extremely dangerous feeling.

"Crazy old man, don't let that thing run away!"

"Hahaha, I'm blessed again today. You don't have to struggle anymore, little lost lizard."

"Aooo—crazy old man, you can't do it, even a little lizard can't deal with it."

"You're so anxious, we are a little bit fun here, this little guy is finally here, of course, we must take advantage of it!"


Incomparably noisy sounds came from that tower, screams, screams, laughter, one after another, these sounds are unreasonably strange, like a ghost crying wolf, ordinary people listen to absolute inner hair.

Looking closely, I saw a huge palm sticking out of the tower near it.

This palm is like a rubber, it can be elongated and changed shape indefinitely. At this time, it has been stretched by dozens of feet, and the huge degree is extended to a hundred feet, like a huge canopy, covering the sky and the sun.


Under the palm, a monitor lizard was leaning forward, its dark black tail swaying from side to side, making defensive movements, looking up at the huge palm and roaring.

The squirrel lizard, a seven-level beast, has a huge body and is extremely aggressive. However, at this time it has become a joke.

Its limbs chopped the ground violently, and the tail of Barbara was straight, and then jumped out like a sword!

The power above this giant palm made it unable to resist at all, but just wanted to quickly leave the area covered by the giant palm.


Although the giant palm was huge and awkward, it was extremely fast, falling straight from the sky and hitting the ground with a huge roar, just in front of the ink tail lizard.


The mottled lizard's eyes flashed in a panic, his mouth wide open, and he quickly receded between his roars.


However, he hadn't stepped back two steps, and the giant palm fell behind it again, causing it to panic and growl again.

"Hahaha, fun! This little lizard is so timid, go on, go on..."

"Last one thousand years ago, a demon bull broke in before we were able to eat the meat. We almost forgot the taste of the meat..."

"First of all, I don't have to eat the meat of this lizard. I want blood."

"The internal organs belong to me..."

"Then I want its bones..."


The three of Su Yu did not act rashly, and still watched on the edge of the mist. In this tower, they did not know who they were, and regarded the seventh-level beast as food.

He pondered, and through the words of these people, he already had some understanding.

These people are definitely the strong people of the ancient times, and should be trapped in the tower by some unknown force, and can only rely on the occasional beasts to entertain.

The strong, although they don’t have to eat, eating when there is nothing to do is definitely the biggest enjoyment left.


Finally, after being teased by the giant palm for a long time, the animal nature of the squirrel lizard erupted directly, even overshadowing its inner fear, and opened his mouth madly towards the giant palm that landed!

"Hahaha, crazy old man, can you do it, even a little lizard dare to bite you!"

"The little lizard has bones, bite, bite hard! This old maniac is going to die!"

"What are you waiting for, kill it and eat meat!"


"You have a temper, and it will definitely taste better!"

With the sound of an old voice, the palm completely ignored the moth lizard's bite, let it bite, and the palm slowly shrank, holding the mottle lizard and so on.

The palm dragged the ink tail lizard slowly toward the giant tower, and the sound of swallowing saliva for a while continued, Su Yu could even hear the sound of the saliva falling to the ground.

"Hahaha, here comes the meat!"

"Quick, leave us a bit below, and let go of some blood!"

"What are you doing, let me roast it first, don't grab it!"


As soon as the squirrel lizard enters the tower, it utters endless painful wailing, and then there are countless chewing sounds, just three breaths, the wailing sound stops, and after ten breaths, the chewing and swallowing sound also stops. It is conceivable that a huge ink The tail lizard was eaten so much that there was no **** left!

Crazy, all of them are crazy!

"Brother Yu..." Shuanger couldn't help shrinking her head, holding Su Yu's arm tightly. After all, she was only 16 years old. Such a terrible scene would naturally be frightened.

Su Yu patted Shuang'er's hand and didn't move forward, but let the iron tower walk forward slowly, exploring the sound of wind.

"Huh?" As the tower slowly approached the tower, there was a burst of soft humming in the tower.

"Hahaha, humans? This meat is much tenderer!"

"There are people who can come here, weird, weird!"

"He actually has the breath of an ancient Is it somebody's incarnation?"


"Don't care, crazy old man, or you'll catch this human first and then talk." Someone said.

"Catch a fart! My current strength is limited, so I bully the bully guy." The voice of the mad old man came from the tower, but then said: "However, finally came a uncomfortable. , Just play with him."


The huge palm appeared again before, protruding from the tower and grabbing towards the tower!


The tower snorted coldly, the golden light in his hand, his wrist shook, and immediately a sharp golden light cut towards the giant palm!


The giant palm shook a few times and was directly struck by a distance, but there were no scars on it!

"Fun, come again!"

The mad old man's voice rang again, and after the giant palm stabilized, he grabbed the tower again.

This time, his speed is fast, and five huge fingers are like pillars of Optimus, hitting the tower!


The golden light of the tower was gleaming, and its body shape was constantly changing. It was waving the golden light frantically, stabting towards the huge palm.

Countless blasting sounds came from the giant palms, which looked like a firework, and it looked extraordinarily spectacular. Under this intensive attack, the giant palms were easily forced to retreat, and it was difficult to get close to the tower.

The defensive power of this giant palm is simply terrible. No matter how the tower attacks, it can't hurt anymore. It may be because of the limited power. Under the attack of the tower, it can only be withdrawn by the shock. For a time, no one can do anything. No one.

"Sorry, this guy is the demi-god's strength." The old man's voice sounded, and he was about to take back the giant palm.


At this moment, the dull voice came from the tower's mouth...

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