Doomed To Be A King

Chapter 542: World Destroyer

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Looking at the black shadow in front of him, Su Yu's heart rose with a trace of fear, thinking all over his mind, and there was no slight impression.

The dark figure looked at Su Yu for a moment, then kept saying nothing, and continued to rush towards Su Yu.


The tower was swaying, the golden light flashed all over, and after raising a punch, he was fighting with the shadow.

At this time, Shuang'er's situation was very bad. Su Yu didn't dare to delay and went away with her on her back. However, just ten feet away, his face sank, and he quickly stepped back a few steps.


In front of him, the dirt turned over, and there was actually a big pit, and at the center of the pit, the same black shadow was staring at Su Yu.

"Shuang'er, hold me tight!" Su Yu said with a deep breath, and then his eyes suddenly became sharp, his wrist shook, and the gentleman's sword immediately appeared in his hand. The whole person was like a sharp arrow, facing the black The shadow went straight!

He didn't know what happened to Shuanger, so he had to make a quick decision!

In the face of this sword, the black shadow does not need to flash, just punch it!


The tremendous power made the gentleman's sword become twisted, as if it would break at any time. At the same time, Su Yu's left hand stretched out, and his index finger snapped a little bit against the dark shadow.

Magic finger!


This finger point directly on the shadow, and directly sent it to Zhen Fei.

However, Su Yu's brows were deeply frowned. The finger just seemed to point on a sponge, and his spiritual power and the power of faith were like a pot of water. Use a pot of water to attack the sponge. Although the sponge can be knocked back, it will have no effect and will even be absorbed by the sponge.

Su Yu's eyes narrowed, but he saw that at the position he had just pointed, a trace of golden light continued to spread on the black shadow, and disappeared after only a moment, as if absorbed.

"Who are you?" Su Yu asked, staring at the shadow.

However, this black figure didn't answer, just crooked his neck, his eyes actually showed an aftertaste, then his body flashed and rushed again!

In its hands, a black sword was condensed slowly. Except that the sword was black, it was exactly the same as Su Yu's gentleman's sword, and even the action with the sword was the same as Su Yu!

This feeling is extremely strange, so Su Yu chilled.


Su Yu snorted and raised his long sword to welcome him!


Along with the collision sound, the black shadow's left hand slammed a little toward Su Yu, and it was the magic finger that Su Yu had just used!

Su Yu's heart sank sharply, and he pointed it out without thinking!


The two separated at a touch, each stepping back several steps, at the same time, Su Yu's power was once again absorbed by the shadow!

So weird!

Su Yu was a little chilly and looked at the shadow with dignity. This guy could actually absorb his energy and even learn his own moves in an instant. It was impossible to fight at all, he must lose!

You know, the demon finger is obtained by the system lottery, this shadow will never be before!

Judging from the feedback from the iron tower, Su Yu's heart is sinking again. This black shadow's initial attack method is extremely single, and it is full of flaws, but with the fight, it can instantly learn every time the opponent's shot , The attack is getting more and more perfect.

Spiritual power and the power of faith will be absorbed, and the moves will be instantly learned, which is simply unsolvable!

"Brother Yu, use Soul Flame, don't use moves!" At this moment, Frost, who was lying on her back, said weakly.


Su Yu did not doubt that he was there, the blue flame broke out, wrapped around the whole body, and then went straight to the black shadow!


The cyan flame touched the black shadow, immediately like a tarsus maggot, directly contaminated on its fist!


The burning sound kept coming, and no matter how the black shadow flicked, he couldn't get rid of it, and couldn't absorb it even more.

"Shuanger, it's really useful!" Su Yu said with a happy expression on her face, at this time he didn't realize why Singer knew how to restrain the shadow.


Suddenly, Su Yu's figure was like blue lightning, and he shot straight at the black shadow!

At this time, he gave up all the moves, completely arrogant against the shadow.


There are more and more soul flames on the black shadow. This flame seems to be burning with the black shadow itself, burning forever.

"Come on, don't force me to burn you to fly!" Su Yu said to the black shadow, it is impossible to burn the black shadow in a short time, and it is really strange here, especially in the case of Frost Poor, can't stay long.

"Brother Yu..."

At this moment, Shuanger whispered, with a deep worry in his voice.

Looking up, Su Yu couldn't help but took a breath of breath. In the distance, several black shadows appeared, and he was rushing towards here quickly.

Turning around, Su Yu's heart is even more mentioning. On the square that was originally full of bones, one after another black shadows began to They actually drilled out of those bones, just like before Very general in it!

Faced with so many shadows, Su Yu couldn't help but took two steps back and his scalp numb.

The iron tower also began to retreat to Su Yu's side, carefully watching the shadows around.

Swish swish!

The movements of the Shadow Acts were almost the same. With his legs bent, he bounced to Su Yu's side, his eyes glowing red and continually glancing up and down Su Yu.


Looking at the vast shadows, Su Yu couldn't help but swallow. At this time, the gods list in his body seemed to be silent. No matter how he called, there was no slight response.

"They are world destroyers." At this moment, Shuanger answered the doubts in Su Yu's heart. Her voice was ethereal, and there were subtle changes, but Su Yu had no time to pay attention, "You can also call them heaven destroying." The messenger of the world can devour everything of the martial arts, and even eats flesh and blood.

In other words, the flesh and blood of the bones here are all swallowed by these shadows...

Su Yu felt a cold in his heart. These annihilators not only devoured the blood of those gods, but also lived among the skeletons of the gods. It was terrifying. Along the way, I saw at least hundreds of bones. This area is so vast. There are definitely bones in other places, so the number of shadows is absolutely terrifying.

I am afraid this time...

Su Yu felt bitter in his heart, but a flash of perseverance flashed in his eyes. He glanced at the black shadow in front of him, but took out a red-red elixir and handed it to the iron tower. Then he took it without hesitation. Pieces.

Kuangli Dan: All attributes are increased by 100%, and the psychic rage is increased by 100%. The duration is one hour. After one day of coma, the all attributes are reduced by 80% for three days.

Since there is no retreat, then... fight!

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