Doomed To Be A King

Chapter 985: Blood borrowing

The genius remembers the address of this site for one second: (Vertex Chinese), the fastest update! No ads! Those chains flickered towards the black iron sword, layer after layer, Su Yu frowned slightly, only felt The epee in his hand is getting heavier and heavier.

The speed of these chains is extremely fast. It looks like a long-hungry python. They wrap up their prey and eat wildly. The shape of the entire Epee is no longer visible. It is completely a chain of chains.

Not only that, these iron chains are still expanding rapidly, and have reached the hilt of the sword, attacking towards Su Yu's wrist!

Su Yu's brow furrowed and his wrist shook, using the word-shaking tactics in Xuan Tie's swordsmanship, an invisible ripple suddenly spread out from Su Yu's wrist, and the entire sword body shook violently. Get up and make a soft sound.


At a certain moment, it seemed to have reached a peculiar resonance. The epee suddenly made a roar, and endless spiritual power erupted from it, the spiritual power escaped, and those iron chains were blown slightly loose.

Su Yu shook his arm and threw the iron chain directly above the epee, but his face was very ugly.

It is difficult to break this formation!

Fortunately, this is the case when everyone joins together. If only one of him or ten people in the formation are present, then the only thing he can do is call out Guan Er to help.

"Oh, Linglong, save me..."

Gu Qinghong's cry for help has become a beautiful landscape in the battlefield, almost becoming a pattern, and it will sound every once in a while.

It might be that the mobsters were annoying, and an iron chain sprang out violently, directly encircling his mouth, so that he could not scream.

This time, before Yu Linglong was rescued, Su Yu strode violently and had appeared beside Gu Qinghong. The epee flicked violently, directly throwing off the iron chain on Gu Qinghong's body, holding it in one hand Gu Qinghong flew past.

Behind him, countless chains are like spirit snakes, chasing away, twisting his body fast.

With Lingbo's micro-stepping operation, Su Yu's figure became erratic, and even the iron rope rushing from all around could hardly capture his figure.

"Da Su, I didn't expect that you would come to rescue me and be moved." Gu Qinghong looked at Su Yu with deep affection.

"This method can't be broken by ordinary means, you need to borrow your blood." Su Yu tasted the sweetness of Gu Qinghong's blood and opened the door.

"What?!" Gu Qinghong's face changed, looking at Su Yu with a watchful face, decisively said: "Don't borrow!"

Where is this to save him, this is to release his blood!

With a bitter expression on his face, he looked sad and angry, "Sovereign King Su, I have bleed enough blood recently, it is really gone..."

Su Yu mentioned Gu Qinghong, and his figure was raised to the extreme, avoiding the iron chains coming from all directions. For a time, the battlefield became a little chaotic. Xu Cheng and others scolded.

The original high-hat man lost Su Yu's containment and immediately became destructive, causing the pressure on others to increase suddenly.

Huang Fulang's face was gloomy, and his thunder and lightning came from the sky, claiming to be able to break all the evil in the world, but he could not help these iron chains.

The Buddha is so powerful, he has the patience to cultivate the Buddha, the whole body is full of light, the clothes are fluttering, and the iron chain is also good at defensive, both are waiting for the opportunity, just confronting each other, only a few moves in a long time, really Daddy.

"Do you really not borrow?" Su Yu ran and looked at him.

"No loan!"

"Look over there." Su Yu pointed to Yu Linglong.

At this time, Yu Linglong faced a magician alone, the pressure increased sharply, almost all of them were iron chains, let her avoid unavoidable, she would be caught by the iron chain if she was careless, but fortunately she was a nightmare It can be transformed between the real and the false, but it can only barely protect itself.

Gu Qinghong was silent.

"The Mo Kou are all desperate. The Jade Girl is so beautiful. If she is caught by the Mo Kou, you can imagine the end, it will definitely be a woman's nightmare." Su Yu's words made Gu Qinghong's face sink, and he was shaken. .

"Look over there." Su Yu pointed to Xu Cheng and the others.

"They are also descendants of the princes, but they sneered at you. Now that they are obviously not good, don't you want to show up in front of them?

I have to say that Su Yu still knows Gu Qinghong very well, and he directly grasped his pain points from two aspects, making his face shake more intensely.

It was at this time that Xu Cheng shouted loudly: "Sovereign King Su, are you just as good as this? You will only run away when you are in danger. There is also a waste towing oil bottle around you. Your reputation is worse than rumors. !"

He had to be sad because Su Yu was largely turning around them, which also led to the chains that chased Su Yu from time to time to shoot them, keeping them busy in the corner.

In the Locked Array, one less person or one more person can be described as the difference between clouds and mud. Xu Cheng’s increased pressure here is much greater than others.

Su Yu is obviously pitting him!

This waste made Gu Qinghong's face sink, a flash of struggle struck.

At this Su Yu licked another fire, swearing whisperedly: "You can rest assured, I also have an elixir here called Buxue Oral Liquid, which not only tastes good, but also the most The key is to be able to replenish the blood and make sure you get it back."

"Buxue Oral Liquid?" Gu Qinghong was slightly stunned and looked suspiciously at Su Yu, "Is there such a medicine?"

"Look at my sincere face? This is the signboard!" Su Yu assured.

Gu Qinghong gritted his teeth, stretched out his wrist, and with a trace of determination, "Okay, then you come!"

Su Yu was not indifferent, put away the black iron sword, the gentleman sword appeared again in his hand, the long sword whispered, the cold light flashed, and crossed away against Gu Qinghong's wrist.

"Xu Cheng, you three can't even break this formation, it's a waste! Eyes wide open to see how I broke!" he shouted loudly, the sound resounded through the audience, making all Ruo Slightly stunned.

As soon as the words fell, his body shuddered and hummed, revealing an extremely painful look, and his face was pale and scary.

Looking at him, Su Yu couldn't bear it, took a deep breath, and took a long sword. The overflowing golden blood had been wiped on the blade, and the entire sword became dazzling and dazzling.


The chains around them had been staring at him for a long time. At this time, they saw Su Yu stopping and rupturing towards Su Yu!

Su Yu's face was quiet, his wrist shook slightly, and the golden sword light pierced the void, leaving a golden trace along the way, as if a meteor had pierced the sky, and would not disperse for a long time.

Dang Dang Dang!

With the sound of collision, those iron chains are no exception, all are broken in response!

That's right, the original chain was extremely hard, so the helpless iron chain was cut off with a light sword!

Su Yu shook his figure, stepped out, and did not stop at all, jumped up, and rushed towards the unbelievable high-hat man...

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