Doomsday All-Powerful Upgrade

Chapter 113 Crazy Lottery (ask for bookshelf!)

According to Xiao Cong, the permissions of the mall can be opened as the level increases. Now it is only level 1. Most of the things you buy are ordinary things, which is not of much help in this battle. .

However, the lottery authority can be upgraded by drawing 500 times, but it has only been drawn 20 times now.

"Xiao Cong, can I buy the entry-level lottery tickets?" Xiao Qiang asked.

"Host, you can use redemption points in the primary lottery. It costs 200 redemption points at a time." Xiao Cong replied.

"200 exchange points! That means killing 100 low-level zombies!" Xiao Qiang couldn't help but exclaimed when he heard the exchange points to be spent.

If you get a piece of bread, that means killing 100 zombies in exchange for a piece of bread.

But there is nothing I can do, thinking about the items in the intermediate lottery, and there is also a 5% probability of getting intermediate items in the primary lottery.

Xiao Qiang gritted his teeth and said to Xiao Cong: "Exchange 200 lottery draws for me."

"Okay, Master Host, 200 primary draws cost a total of 40,000 redemption points." While Xiao Cong spoke, Xiao Qiang saw that the number of draws in the attribute panel had changed to 200.

"Will there be a lottery?"

"Let's draw a lottery and use all these 200 primary draws."

A gray six-square grid appeared, with 6 items displayed on it: gold medicine, 10 pounds of cabbage seeds, elementary knife skills, gauze, iron wrist guards, and nothing. The pointer rotated and finally stopped on the gauze.

"Now moving on to the junior draw."

Six-square grid conversion, the above items are updated to scalpels, flashlights, candles, empties, crazy dragon sword skills (intermediate), and helmets. The pointer rotated and finally pointed at the flashlight.

Originally, Xiao Qiang was a little happy when he saw that the intermediate skill appeared in the second draw, but he didn't get it.

With a slight glance from the corner of his mouth, he opened his mouth and said dissatisfiedly to Xiao Cong: "If you draw like this, you won't be able to finish it until dark. You can just list the elementary items you drew. Of course, if you draw the intermediate items, here are I give it a "ding".

Xiao Cong raised his small fist and replied threateningly: "Okay, this system is very humane. Also, remind the host not to laugh at the broadcast method of this system, otherwise it will make you look good."

Xiao Qiang quickly shut his mouth, nodded obediently and said, "Okay, let's get started."

Next, Xiao Qiang only saw a variety of items being added to his inventory.

Obtained: 1 machete, a bottle of Coke, elementary barbecue, 10 bullets, and 1 lighter. . . .

"Ding, congratulations to the host for getting double experience cards (intermediate level)."

After spending nearly 20 draws, I finally heard the "ding" sound.

"The double experience card is not bad. It can level up a little faster. Go ahead, Xiao Cong."

Obtained: 1 pound of vegetable seeds, 1 baseball bat, TV set. . . .

"Ding, congratulations to the host for getting 3 times the violent pill (intermediate level)."

This time it was a little faster. After 5 times, Xiao Qiang got a 3x violent pill.

In this way, it took nearly half an hour to finally spend all 200 draws.

Xiao Qiang obtained a lot of food, equipment, and some basic skills. Xiao Qiang learned all these skills. His brain worked rapidly for a while, and he had a lot of technical knowledge in his mind.

These basic skills include not only fighting skills such as basic swordsmanship and swordsmanship, but also some life skills, such as basic barbecue and basic piano. It seems that the system is preparing to follow the decathlon standards. Cultivate Xiao Qiang.

In addition to the number of draws increased to 220, the most important gain is that he obtained 7 intermediate items, namely: double experience card (intermediate level), triple redemption point card (intermediate level), 3 times violent pill (intermediate level) ), golden-backed machete (intermediate level), two sword style (intermediate level), strength increased by 20 points (intermediate level), speed increased by 20 points (intermediate level). "

Xiao Qiang has already used the first three and is relatively familiar with them, so he learned about the next three items in the system.

Gold-back machete (intermediate): 1 meter long, weighing 73 kilograms, exquisitely crafted, with a wide but sharp blade, suitable for people with strong strength.

This machete is very good, but since I already have the Thousand Chance Umbrella, this machete can be used by a powerful person like Li Chong. As Xiao Qiang watched, he began to figure out the distribution of these items to ensure that they were put to their best use. This was also Xiao Qiang's habit.

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