Doomsday All-Powerful Upgrade

Chapter 115: Invisibility Talisman, the Otaku's Dream (Ask for the bookshelf!)

Xiao Qiang held a plastic fork in one hand, sitting in front of a wooden table with paint peeling off in this small room of more than 10 square meters, with beads of sweat dripping down his head, staring at the instant noodle bucket in front of him in amazement.

"This, this is the feast you told me about. It's this instant noodles, with a ham sausage." Xiao Qiang said helplessly.

"That's right, you don't know how long I haven't eaten this instant noodles. I'm so greedy when I smell it. You know, these two buckets of instant noodles, but I spent a box of cigarettes to buy them." As he spoke, Huang Mao tore open a ham sausage with excitement and soaked it in the noodles.

1 bucket of instant noodles made Huang Mao so greedy. If he knew that he could easily exchange hot pot, skewers and the like from the system, he would jump for joy.

Xiao Qiang really wanted to treat Huang Mao to a good meal, but he had no choice but to reveal his strength now.

Huangmao couldn't wait to open the lid of the instant noodle bucket, smelled the smell with an intoxicated look, picked up the fork and swallowed it into his stomach, and wiped the grease on his face while eating.

Xiao Qiang curled his lips, looked at the weather outside the window, and asked: "Don't you have electricity here? It's too hot."

"Electricity, how dare we dream, it's good to have a candle at night." Huangmao drank the last mouthful of noodle soup and said.

It seems that Huangmao has never eaten instant noodles before. He wolfed down the instant noodles and finished the bucket of instant noodles. He didn't even let go of the noodle soup.

"Come on, Brother Yuan. I'll give you this noodle too. I'm not too hungry." Seeing this, Xiao Qiang pushed his portion of noodles in front of Huangmao.

"Really? You don't even eat instant noodles. It seems that you were scared this morning. But it's okay. Don't be afraid. Brother Liu is here to protect you." As he spoke, Huang Mao was not polite. He opened the instant noodles and started eating again.

"Brother Yuan, has our base never looked for motors or anything like that? We have so much coal stored here. Wouldn't it be a waste if we don't generate electricity?" Xiao Qiang asked.

"Let me tell you, there is indeed a small motor device in our factory, but the electricity generated by manpower alone is not enough for the entire base. So, old Lu Bai took it for himself, and the electricity generated was only used for their office building." Huang Mao replied.

Xiao Qiang nodded, and his heart was already full of disgust for this Lu Bai whom he had never met.

"Brother Yuan, I'll go back first. I want to take a nap in the afternoon." Xiao Qiang got up and said to Huang Mao.

"Yeah, then you go back and have a good rest. I won't bother you today. Remember to go to the main gate for duty tomorrow morning." Huang Mao said.

Xiao Qiang nodded and walked out of the three-story building. What Xiao Qiang wanted was that Huang Mao would not look for him, so that he could have time to explore the entire base.

On the way, Xiao Qiang saw people from his residence from time to time, stacking some fuel and wood together without leaving any traces according to the plan.

Finding a place where no one was, Xiao Qiang looked around and saw no one, so he took out the invisibility talisman and used it directly.

It turned out that Xiao Qiang had already observed the situation of the agency building. The guards were strict, and it was basically impossible for people who were not familiar with him to enter. Xiao Qiang had to use the invisibility talisman without exposing his strength.

This invisibility talisman has a 1-hour invisibility time, and even strong people below awakening level 5 cannot find it.

After using the invisibility talisman, Xiao Qiang saw that his body had disappeared, and he could only see the grass behind him. He raised his hand and shook it, but he could not see anything.

Xiao Qiang exclaimed that it was magical and walked away with satisfaction. This invisibility ability is a dream ability of many otakus in his previous life, and Xiao Qiang is no exception. But now is the end of the world, and Xiao Qiang has more important things to do with this invisibility ability.

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