Doomsday All-Powerful Upgrade

Chapter 121 Lu Bai kills people (ask for bookshelf!)

The boy who was seen stood up from behind Brother Le with his head lowered, and walked to the man with the sharp mouth and monkey cheeks, completely daring not to pay attention to the surprised and somewhat angry looks of Brother Le and others.

He took out two axes with some blood stains on them from behind and placed them on the floor in front of Lu Bai. It was the two axes that Xiao Qiang placed in Brother Le's house. They were deliberately stained with blood by someone with a heart, and dried and fixed on the axe.

"This is the ax found near Brother Le's apartment. It is the weapon that Brother Qi usually uses. It was just found. It is still stained with blood." The boy said.

The boy had his hair slicked back, oily hair and powdered face, but he was energetic. Unexpectedly, he was the undercover agent placed next to Brother Le.

It turned out that the boy found two steel axes in Brother Le's apartment, and learned that Brother Qi had just died tragically, so he hurriedly reported the sharp-mouthed man with monkey cheeks. This man with a sharp mouth and monkey cheeks is none other than the leader of Group 1 who has never been seen, named Brother Peng, who belongs to the same camp as the second leader of Brother Qi.

Under his instruction, some blood stains were specially stained, which led to the confrontation scene in Lu Bai's room.

Lu Bai was wearing loose pajamas and a pair of slippers on his feet. It was not too hot in this cool conference room. He stood up with interest, stretched out his thumb and index finger, held an ax in front of him, looked at it, then curled his lips, threw the ax down, and looked at the betrayal in front of him with a joking look on his face. Little brother.

"You fucking dare to betray me, I'm so stupid. I'm so kind to you on weekdays, but you dare to frame me." Le Ge was already furious, his eyes were red, and he was about to rush up and beat the little brother with his one arm waving.

Brother Liu had a gloomy face and grabbed Brother Le, but said nothing.

"Brother Peng is really good at it. I didn't expect that he would put a younger brother beside us." The leader of the second group, despite his chubby appearance, was calm at the moment and said with a smile without leaving any trace.

"What did Brother Ding say? Aren't we all from the boss and our Heifeng base, so how can we interfere." Brother Peng squinted, but he was very shrewd and took what Brother Ding said. Blocked back.

"Stop arguing, why are you arguing? This is a conference room, a high-end place, let's see what you are arguing about." Lu Bai finally spoke up, tilted his head and looked at a few people, and shouted.

"Xiao Peng, is the new guy suspicious? Is he an ordinary person or something?" Lu Bai spoke again, asking about Xiao Qiang's situation.

"Brother Qi tried to test the newcomer before, but he really didn't have much strength. It was impossible to kill Brother Qi and those brothers. Moreover, nothing serious happened between the newcomer and Brother Xue at first. conflict."

The team leader named Brother Peng may have wanted Lu Bai's attention to be focused on Brother Ding, or maybe he really felt that Xiao Qiang was just an insignificant person. By chance, I said a few nice words for Xiao Qiang.

"Oh, that's it." As he spoke, Lu Bai turned his back and stared out the window.

The rest of the people in the room didn't understand what Lu Bai meant, and they didn't dare to speak while standing behind him.

Lu Bai's face was also gloomy and uncertain. Suddenly, his right hand slowly contracted and squeezed, and the squeezed part became much wider, like a spiral.

He twisted around and threw out his right hand. It flew towards Brother Le's body and penetrated through the heart. The torn blood and minced meat fell to the floor and sprayed towards a younger brother behind Brother Le.

The little brother, with blood splattered all over his face, was so frightened that he sat paralyzed on the ground and did not dare to speak.

Everyone was also startled by this sudden change, and they all looked at Lu Bai in disbelief. Only the man with the sharp mouth and monkey cheeks had a proud look on his face and touched his chin, a feeling he had long been accustomed to.

Brother Le was so shocked by being penetrated that he didn't even have a chance to react and block. He stared at Lu Bai with his eyes wide open, and opened his mouth wide to say something, but no words came out, only blood sprayed out from his mouth. The remaining arm spread its five fingers, raised it unwillingly, and grabbed it in the direction of Lu Bai, but the distance was too far, so after two twists and turns, it fell to the floor.

Lu Bai took out his hand, and there was still blood on his arm.

"Trash, trash. I asked you to catch someone, but they didn't catch him. He even lost his arm. He couldn't even catch his own little brother. What do I want from you?

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