Doomsday All-Powerful Upgrade

Chapter 179 Killing Lu Bai (Ask for bookshelf!)

Xiao Qiang ignored Lu Bai's pleas for mercy and continued to speak to Lu Bai: "This claw is for Bai Chuan who was deceived by you.

As he spoke, Xiao Qiang pulled out the claws in Lu Bai's body. Lu Bai had no resistance at this moment. His body was shaking like a chaff, and his eyes were full of begging. He was held by Xiao Qiang's neck with his other hand. He was no longer the majestic leader of the Black Wind Base when Xiao Qiang first met him that day.

"This claw is for Sister Bai Lu to take revenge." Xiao Qiang approached Lu Bai, looked at Lu Bai and said, while two lines of tears unconsciously flowed from his eyes.

After speaking, Xiao Qiang directly extended a claw and reached into Lu Bai's heart. The powerful force made Lu Bai have no chance to groan. Xiao Qiang loosened his left hand, and Lu Bai flew backwards. He lay on the ground and twitched for a while before he stopped moving.

"Ding, kill ability... . . . . . . "

"Ding, the third stage of the mission is completed. . . . . . "

At this moment, the rain gradually stopped, and finally turned into sporadic drizzles, constantly dripping on the faces of several people, and even the sky began to clear up.

After Xiao Qiang killed Lu Bai, he did not intend to stop there. In a rage, Xiao Qiang decided to kill Li Feng and his men as well. However, looking at the square, there was no trace of Li Feng and his men.

"Where are Li Feng and his men?" Xiao Qiang couldn't find Li Feng, so he asked Huang Mao.

Huang Mao was also frightened by Xiao Qiang's momentum just now. Seeing Xiao Qiang asking him, he quickly pointed to the direction of the community exit and replied: "They ran away, ran towards the community exit. ”

It turned out that Li Feng had just seen that Xiao Qiang had gone crazy because of Bai Lu’s death, and he had used such a powerful martial art as the Thunder Claw. Lu Bai could not resist Xiao Qiang at all. Therefore, he quickly waved to Zhang Jun, and fled outside with his little brothers.

Hearing Huang Mao’s words, Xiao Qiang did not answer, and chased towards the exit with the Wolf Fang Step. In fact, Xiao Qiang’s body had already reached its limit. He had suffered so many injuries, and he had used the Broken Palm and Thunder Claw in succession, and his body was already exhausted. However, due to Bai Lu’s death, Xiao Qiang was trying hard to avenge Bai Lu, so the speed of pursuit was also very fast.

Soon, Xiao Qiang saw Li Feng, who was surrounded by a group of people and hurriedly fled outside.

"Li Feng, you stop right there, I must kill you. "Xiao Qiang's voice was like thunder, and he shouted loudly in the direction of Li Feng.

I don't know if it was because of fear or because the road was slippery due to the rain, but Li Feng, who was surrounded by a group of people, fell down directly after hearing Xiao Qiang's shout. Seeing this, the younger brothers beside him hurriedly stopped and stretched out their hands to help Li Feng up. It seemed that Li Feng was also frightened by Xiao Qiang's madness just now.

Zhang Jun couldn't help sighing in his heart when he saw this, and couldn't help shaking his head.

"My young master is really too bad. He was frightened by someone's roar and fell to the ground directly. Look at Xiao Qiang of the same age. However, this Xiao Qiang is too powerful. He was so seriously injured, but he was not only fine, but he was able to chase here. "

After Xiao Qiang roared, he did not stop and rushed directly towards Li Feng and his group. After using the wolf tooth step, his speed was several times faster than the people in front.

Zhang Jun saw it and stopped and turned around. Among them, only Zhang Jun could delay Xiao Qiang.

"Take the young master away quickly, I will stop them." As he said this, Zhang Jun held his short fork in his hand and made a posture ready for battle.

"Okay, then you be careful, we will leave first." Li Feng heard Zhang Jun's words, but he did not even stop. To be precise, he did not even look at Zhang Jun, and he trembled and spoke, and left with his men.

Seeing this, Zhang Jun also shook his head helplessly, but who made Li Feng a member of M company, even if it was just a small branch. However, his own cultivation was improved with the help of Li Feng's father's company.

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