Doomsday All-Powerful Upgrade

Chapter 18 Thousand Chance Umbrella

Late at night, in the villa of Longshan Park, the mountain wind whistled outside the door, and from time to time, some zombies roared and even some explosions were heard.

The entire Longshan Park was shrouded in darkness, and only a candlelight was lit in the villa, bringing some warmth to the entire park.

Under the candlelight, Xiao Qiang held the Thousand Machine Umbrella in his hand, but his eyes were staring at the room where Yang Xue entered, and his heart was full of questions at this moment?

"Who is Yang Xue? How could she know Wu Jin? She seems to be familiar with the Thousand Machine Umbrella..."

A gust of cold wind blew into the house, blowing out the candle, and the house suddenly fell into darkness. Xiao Qiang shuddered, and a layer of goose bumps unconsciously appeared on his arms.

Xiao Qiang came to his senses, got up and closed the door of the villa, took out a lighter, and re-lit the candle. The light in the house was on again. It must be said that light can indeed bring people a sense of security.

"Why think so much? Yang Xue has secrets, and so do I. Who knows, I might be a monster in the eyes of others." Xiao Qiang shook his head, jumped out of his thoughts, and began to study the Thousand Chance Umbrella in his hand again.

Yang Xue and Xiao Cong both said that the Thousand Chance Umbrella was made of black gold, which Xiao Qiang had never heard of before.

"If it is as Xiao Cong and Yang Xue said, this black gold is the rarest in the end of the world, harder than any other metal. If this is true, then you will know after trying it." Xiao Qiang held the Thousand Chance Umbrella and thought to himself.

Xiao Qiang took out the bone spur dagger from his waist, the dagger in his left hand and the umbrella in his right hand. Xiao Qiang prevented the collision of metals from waking others, held the dagger against the Thousand Chance Umbrella, and then handed the whole dagger out and gently crossed the Thousand Chance Umbrella.

You should know that this bone spur dagger is made of top-grade fine steel, and it is the first intermediate weapon Xiao Qiang got. Since Xiao Qiang got it, he has been impressed by its sharpness. It is true that it can cut iron like mud.

But at this moment, Xiao Qiang carefully looked at the dagger in his hand, and there was a row of small cracks. Looking at the Thousand Chance Umbrella again, even though Xiao Qiang carefully looked back and forth three times, he still did not find any damage to the Thousand Chance Umbrella. The entire Thousand Chance Umbrella was intact, and the umbrella handle was as smooth as new. Under the reflection of the candlelight, the entire Thousand Chance Umbrella was as black as ink. Compared with the two, the bone spur dagger seemed much inferior.

Fortunately, there was no strong force to test the collision, otherwise the bone spur dagger would have to break, and Xiao Qiang would have lost more than he gained. Although this bone spur dagger is not as good as the Thousand Chance Umbrella, it is still much better than ordinary weapons.

However, after this encounter, Xiao Qiang is even more confident in the Thousand Chance Umbrella and Black Gold, and is looking forward to upgrading the Thousand Chance Umbrella to the special grade in the future. Although Xiao Qiang is still at a loss as to how to upgrade the Thousand Chance Umbrella, he believes that there is always a way as long as the system is there.

After testing the Thousand Chance Umbrella, Xiao Qiang was satisfied and summoned Xiao Cong and asked, "Xiao Cong, help me check my current attributes."

"Okay, I'll help the host check it now.

Host: Xiao Qiang Strength: 121 (50 for an ordinary adult) Speed: 110 (50 for an ordinary adult) Vision: 90

Skills: Wolf Tooth Stick Method, Dragon Body Method (Entry Level: Proficiency 4/100), Hundred Eight Thunders (Entry Level: Proficiency 3/100) Raid (Entry Level: Proficiency 0/100)

Number of draws: 2 primary draws, 1 intermediate draw Redemption points: 872 points Mall authority: Level 1 (can only buy some low-level weapons, medicines, food, etc.) Open lottery authority level 1 Comprehensive evaluation: Strong level 4. Strength value 10/300 Experience value: 140/2500. Possess a bone spur dagger, a bottle of body quenching potion, and a thousand-machine umbrella. "

Xiao Cong displayed Xiao Qiang's attribute panel in Xiao Qiang's mind, and even the newly obtained body quenching potion and the thousand-machine umbrella were calculated.

Xiao Qiang looked at his exhausted energy value and fell into deep thought. Ever since he encountered a powerful zombie on the road and used up all his energy value, he has not been able to use these intermediate skills.

Without these intermediate skills, Xiao Qiang is always unsure. Although he now has the thousand-machine umbrella, he has no kung fu foundation, and he always feels inferior to a set of wolf tooth stick techniques.

Asked Xiao Cong: "Xiao Cong, how do I get this strength? It's a one-time thing. It's gone after use."

"Host, your level is too low, too low, too low. You don't have the right to know many things about the system. But I'll make an exception and tell you that with your current level, you will get full strength after upgrading." Xiao Cong said with a slightly contemptuous tone.

Xiao Qiang curled his lips in dissatisfaction and said helplessly: "I also know that upgrading can make the strength full, then tell me the effect and use of this body quenching potion."

"Okay, host, the body quenching potion - improves physical strength and can double the physical strength. With the host's previous physical fitness, it should be able to withstand the full force of a level 2 non-strength zombie. The method of use is simple. When bathing, add a whole bottle of potion and soak the whole person in it for ten minutes. However, a warm reminder that the soaking process will be very painful, and there will be muscle tearing pain." Xiao Cong said to Xiao Qiang without getting tired of it.

After listening to Xiao Cong's words, Xiao Qiang took out the body-hardening potion from the system. It was amazing that the system in Xiao Qiang's body had its own space. As long as it was something issued by the system, Xiao Qiang could take it out and put it back freely. However, when Xiao Qiang tried to put other objects back into the system, he failed. It seemed that this system also had recognition ability.

Just look at this body quenching potion placed in a small glass bottle. Xiao Qiang pulled out the cork and found that the liquid inside was colorless and odorless.

Xiao Qiang took advantage of the fact that the others were asleep and walked to the bathroom with a candle. It must be said that this rich man really knows how to enjoy himself.

Not to mention that each bedroom upstairs has its own bathroom, the bathroom on the first floor alone occupies nearly 30 square meters, with a bathtub, dressing table and other furniture.

Xiao Qiang filled the bathtub with water, took off his clothes, and took a towel by the way.

The villa has been out of power, so the water naturally cannot be heated. In this season, it is still very cold to take a cold bath. Xiao Qiang's body is submerged in the water. The cold water touches Xiao Qiang's skin, and Xiao Qiang is so cold that he grimaces.

Then, he bit the towel in his mouth again. Xiao Cong said that there would be a pain like muscle tearing. In order not to scream and disturb everyone, Xiao Qiang could only bite the towel.

Torment, pain, muscle tearing, reorganization, tearing again, and reorganization. Xiao Qiang was sweating from the pain, and he didn't know how long it had been. He just felt that these ten minutes were particularly long.

After going through rounds of pain, he finally stopped feeling the burning sensation in his body. Xiao Qiang knew that he had finally made it through these ten minutes. There is always a price to pay for becoming stronger. Looking at his strong muscles after tempering his body, Xiao Qiang took a cold shower.

After putting on his clothes, Xiao Qiang took the candle and returned to the sofa. Wang Liang still had some time to take over, so Xiao Qiang decided to use his lottery draws.

"Xiao Cong, I want to draw a lottery. Let's use the two primary draws first." Xiao Qiang wiped his hair and summoned Xiao Cong.

"Okay, now I will provide two primary draws for the host." Xiao Cong rubbed his sleepy eyes and displayed the lottery panel.

Then, six squares appeared, primary shooting, machete, primary knife, gauze, air, and gloves. The pointer turned and finally pointed to primary shooting.

Not bad, Xiao Qiang has discovered that this primary skill cannot be upgraded, but will only convey some action essentials, techniques, etc. to the host.

After the draw, the six-square grid was cleared, and items appeared again, namely bullets, daggers, motorcycle helmets, empty, antipyretics, 10 kilograms of wheat seeds. This time, the pointer finally turned to 10 kilograms of wheat seeds.

Alas, Xiao Qiang couldn't help sighing. Now that he was in the countryside, how could he lack some seeds, but fortunately he didn't draw empty.

"Host, the two primary draws have been completed. Do you want to draw the intermediate draw now?" Xiao Cong asked.

"Go ahead."

This time, the six-square grid appeared again, but this time, the border changed from gray to yellow.

Rifle AK47 (intermediate), Qili Dan (intermediate), Shattering Palm (intermediate), Small Generator (intermediate), Empty, Heart Guard (intermediate)

Looking at the dazzling 6 grids, Xiao Qiang was overjoyed. This intermediate draw is much better than the primary draw. As long as you don't draw empty, any one will do.

The yellow pointer turned and finally pointed to the Strength Pill (intermediate pill - for strong people below level 7, it can instantly restore full strength)

This intermediate item is good, and it also comes with instructions. With the Strength Pill, you can use your trump card again.

Xiao Qiang exited the system with satisfaction and stretched his body. Wang Liang came to take over the shift. The two of them took over and went back to their room to sleep.

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