Doomsday All-Powerful Upgrade

Chapter 181 Return to Longshan Base (ask for bookshelf!)

When Xiao Qiang heard Li Feng's words, he was already stunned on the spot. He could no longer exert any strength. The pain and fatigue all over his body suddenly invaded him. Xiao Qiang could no longer hold on and fell to the ground. , his eyelids gradually couldn't hold up anymore, Xiao Qiang forced himself to cheer up, endured his sleepy eyes, raised his eyelids, and looked in the direction of Li Feng.

Zhang Jun behind him also relaxed a little at this moment. He covered his wounds, bent his waist, and walked towards Li Feng. The two of them supported him and ran outside.

While walking, Li Feng suddenly turned around, showed an ugly smile, and shouted to Xiao Qiang: "In a week, you will come to Lujiang base by yourself. Maybe I will let your parents go if I am in a good mood." horse."

Xiao Qiang heard what Li Feng said and remembered the news that he was going to Lujiang Base in a week to save his parents. The whole person could no longer hold on, and lay on the ground in a deep coma.

In the coma, Xiao Qiang raised his eyelids slightly and seemed to see Wang Liang, Wang Peng, and Lin Bingyan holding him and anxiously examining his wounds. Xiao Qiang endured a slight drowsiness and raised his head to see everyone at Longshan Base.

"It's nice to see you." Xiao Qiang said a word, smiled, and fell into a coma again.

Xiao Qiang woke up again, opened his eyes, and saw the ceiling of a house. Xiao Qiang recognized that this was his room in Longshan Base.

Feeling a little uncomfortable in the lying position, Xiao Qiang turned over slightly and felt a little sore all over his body. Looking down, he saw that his upper body was tightly wrapped in bandages.

Feeling that the room was a little dark, Xiao Qiang slowly raised his hand and opened the curtains in front of the bed. A ray of sunlight shone into the room. Xiao Qiang was a little uncomfortable and blocked it with his hand. It took a while for his eyes to adapt.

There was a person lying next to Xiao Qiang's bed. He felt the light in the room and moved, rubbing his eyes to wake up. The person's long hair shawl looked a little messy, and her face was full of sleepiness, but it still couldn't block her youthful and beautiful face.

Lying beside Xiao Qiang's bed was Lin Bingyan, wearing a loose sportswear. Xiao Qiang saw Lin Bingyan's haggard face and couldn't help but touch her head lovingly with his hand. When Lin Bingyan saw Xiao Qiang wake up and turn around, she threw herself directly on Xiao Qiang's body.

The crying Lihua said to Xiao Qiang with rain: "You have finally woken up. You were so seriously injured. I thought you wouldn't wake up. You must never take risks alone in the future."

While crying and talking to Xiao Qiang, he also slapped Xiao Qiang and complained that he was so seriously injured. Xiao Qiang was touched by Lin Bingyan's wound and grimaced in pain. He had to quickly help Lin Bingyan up gently and said to Lin Bingyan in a relaxed tone: "If you hammer down like this, the bandage on my body will be broken." But it’s time to wrap it up again.”

Seeing that Lin Bingyan no longer beat herself when she heard what she said, she still cried non-stop. She knew that Lin Bingyan was too worried about herself. Xiao Qiang stretched out his hand and gently touched his head back and forth:

"It's okay, it's okay. It's my fault for making you worry. Bingyan, am I okay? Stop crying. If you cry anymore, your face will look like a little cat."

As he spoke, Xiao Qiang reached out his hand and gently wiped away the tears on Lin Bingyan's face.

Lin Bingyan laughed out loud, looked at Xiao Qiang and said, "I'm going to get you a glass of water, and I'm going to tell everyone that everyone is worried about you."

Xiao Qiang nodded, looking at Lin Bingyan's back as she walked out, he couldn't help but sigh in his heart, it was more comfortable inside the base.

At the same time, the whole person quickly entered the system and summoned Xiao Cong. Without systematic medicine, it would take at least a month or two for my injury to heal.

"Xiao Cong, help me redeem a potion that can heal my injury. If it can be done quickly, I have something to do."

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