Doomsday All-Powerful Upgrade

Chapter 242 Found a lot of ammunition (ask for the bookshelf!)

"You 20 people are responsible for patrolling around. If you find anything, come back and report immediately. The rest of you, clear the road to facilitate the truck to move forward. Be sure to pay attention to safety when working." Brother Ding saw that the zombies had been dealt with, and he stood on the truck and gave instructions to everyone.

"Okay." Everyone said in unison.

These people were originally from the Black Wind Base. Although Brother Ding had never bullied them, they belonged to different camps when they were at the Black Wind Base. It was impossible to say that they had no opinions about Brother Ding.

However, Brother Ding was in command just now and remained calm in the face of danger. The arrangement of the entire personnel was very appropriate. Moreover, when facing the level 2 zombie, he took the initiative to push the others aside and faced the level 2 zombie himself. Therefore, after the battle just now, these people were more convinced of Brother Ding's command.

After everyone agreed, they started to work according to Brother Ding's arrangement. Among them, 20 people were scattered around the periphery, holding machine guns, patrolling to see if there were any zombies running over. The rest of the people jumped off the truck and walked to the side of the corpses, clearing all the corpses to the side to make way for the truck.

"Xiao Qiang got off the car and ran away. I don't know where he ran to." Brother Ding walked to Lin Bingyan and Huang Mao and said.

"I guess he went to fight the zombies by himself. Don't worry, he's fine. Let's follow his instructions and continue to move forward." Lin Bingyan had gone out with Xiao Qiang many times, so she naturally knew Xiao Qiang's habits and spoke with confidence.

"Yeah, Xiao Qiang does have the ability to travel freely among the zombies." Huang Mao, who had seen Xiao Qiang deal with Lu Bai, also echoed.

At this moment, Xiao Qiang started from the main entrance of the factory area and continued to run around the factory area, attracting the zombies scattered around. Behind Xiao Qiang, there were at least more than 200 zombies, including some level 3 zombies. Xiao Qiang ran through the zombies, and while running, he turned back to kill zombies from time to time, not wanting the zombies to lose their target.

"Ding, kill an ordinary level 1 zombie, experience value +2, exchange point +2"

"Ding, kill an ordinary level 1 zombie, experience value +2, exchange point +2."

"Ding, kill an ordinary level 2 zombie, experience value +2, exchange point +2."


. . . . . . .

Xiao Qiang ran and fought at the same time, and the system sounded the prompt sound of killing zombies from time to time, and Xiao Qiang's experience value was also steadily increasing.

Moreover, looking at Xiao Qiang's relaxed look, he didn't use his full strength at all. There were many level 2 zombies in the zombie group chasing behind him, but it was difficult for Brother Ding and his team to deal with them. Xiao Qiang was indeed killed while running and taking out the Thousand Machine Umbrella. After all, according to the experience given by the system, level 2 zombies are the same as level 1 zombies. Of course, there were some level 3 zombies in the zombie group. Xiao Qiang couldn't kill them with one blow, so he let them chase him.

Soon, after Xiao Qiang went around the factory for about a circle, he finally saw the warehouse he was looking for from a distance. At this time, there were nearly 3,000 zombies chasing behind Xiao Qiang.

That warehouse was the reason why Xiao Qiang let so many zombies chase him. When Xiao Qiang was at the Black Wind Base, he remembered that this warehouse was the warehouse where the Black Wind Base stored guns and ammunition. After the riot that night, because the warehouse where guns and ammunition were stored was far away from the explosion, it was not affected. Xiao Qiang guessed that there should be a lot of weapons and ammunition in this warehouse.

After seeing the warehouse, Xiao Qiang sped up and left the zombie group behind him far behind. When he ran to the main entrance of the warehouse, Xiao Qiang saw that the door of the warehouse was open and there were a lot of guns scattered on the ground. It seems that after the riot that night, someone at the Black Wind Base hurriedly took out guns from the warehouse.

Walking into the warehouse, Xiao Qiang saw that the warehouse was not very big. There were two iron racks neatly arranged inside. One of the iron racks was empty, and the other iron rack had more than ten short boxes on it.

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