Doomsday All-Powerful Upgrade

Chapter 247 Two Level 3 (Ask for the bookshelf!)

As he spoke, Xiao Qiang touched the button on the Thousand Chance Umbrella, and the Thousand Chance Umbrella changed. The spearhead at the tip of the umbrella was directly retracted and put into the Thousand Chance Umbrella's gun barrel. At the same time, the side of the Thousand Chance Umbrella slowly deformed and became the shape of a broadsword. Except for the handle in his hand, the rest of the part was composed of the blade of the advanced accessory of the Thousand Chance Umbrella as the main component. On the smooth blade, the original appearance of black gold, without any decoration, still did not hinder the power of the Thousand Chance Umbrella.

The blade of the broadsword looked extremely sharp and reflected a long ray of light.

Xiao Qiang waved it twice and tried the following feel. He felt that this system fusion item was good, very handy, and could be used with force.

After running two steps, Xiao Qiang ran towards the two zombies. The two zombies also howled and attacked Xiao Qiang. Among them, the tall zombie rushed over directly.

The long-tailed zombie swung its tail directly and attacked Xiao Qiang's head from a distance.

The crowd behind saw Xiao Qiang rushing forward to meet the zombie, and the tail was about to hit Xiao Qiang, but Xiao Qiang seemed not to notice it. There was a burst of exclamations in the crowd, and they were worried for Xiao Qiang.

However, it was obvious that this worry was completely unnecessary. Seeing that the tail was about to hit Xiao Qiang's head, Xiao Qiang slightly exerted force on his legs and jumped up. At the same time, the Thousand Machine Umbrella Sword in his hand was swung upward vigorously.

The two crossed, and Xiao Qiang jumped into the air, landed steadily, and continued to attack the tall zombie. Behind Xiao Qiang, half of the zombie's tail fell, and blood instantly spurted out of the zombie's tail.

After reaching the zombie, Xiao Qiang jumped up again and slashed at the zombie's body from top to bottom. The zombie raised his hands to resist, but the thick and hard arm was directly cut off by Xiao Qiang, and most of the body was cut off. The body of the zombie was also directly carried to the back and fell backwards, and a large pool of blood flowed from the wound.

This is the power of the 8th level of the strong, and this is the Thousand Machine Umbrella Sword made by Wu Jin. Moreover, Xiao Qiang also has a move of the Crazy Dragon Sword Technique, but he did not use it. He only used the basic sword technique. If it is matched with the Crazy Dragon Sword Technique, the power will be even greater.

"Beautiful, this fight is so handsome."

"Brother Qiang is so powerful, beating this zombie is like cutting melons and vegetables."

"Awesome, awesome, our base will definitely be safer with such a powerful person leading it."

. . . . . .

Xiao Qiang naturally heard the exclamations from the crowd behind him. He just wanted to show his strong strength in front of everyone in the base. Only in this way will the people in the base trust themselves more and stay in the base more steadily. At the same time, after showing strength, the base will be easier to manage.

After chopping down the tall zombie, Xiao Qiang rushed to the front of the long-tailed zombie.

The long-tailed zombie has retracted the half of its injured tail, just like another zombie of the same type dealt with Lin Fei. It wrapped its body with its tail, revealing hard and sharp flesh thorns outside. However, because half of the tail was cut off by Xiao Qiang, the zombie's tail could not completely wrap the zombie's body, leaving two legs exposed outside.

Seeing this, Xiao Qiang couldn't help but want to laugh. The zombie's legs were slightly bent, trying to make the whole body into a ball. Xiao Qiang stood there, watching the zombie roll towards him quickly.

However, Xiao Qiang still stood there without dodging. He held the Thousand Machine Umbrella (in the form of a knife) with both hands, and his legs were slightly bent, one in front of the other. Facing the zombies rushing over, Xiao Qiang raised the Thousand Machine Umbrella (in the form of a knife) above his head and chopped at the zombies.

With a "bang", the people behind him only felt a burst of blood mist spurting out, and then a large pool of blood flowed out. Xiao Qiang pointed the knife downward, and blood dripped from the knife. The whole person stood up straight, holding the Thousand Machine Umbrella, standing in place.

Everyone in the back could see clearly that such a large zombie with such a hard shell rushed towards Xiao Qiang at high speed, and the whole body was directly chopped in half by Xiao Qiang, who was standing in place. For a moment, the dirty black blood and various body tissues of the zombies were scattered all over the ground.

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